Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 563


Chapter 554 How to leave? (Please subscribe)

Yin Long looked terrified and had no idea what was going on. He was yelled at by Yin Wutian and hurriedly rushed to the distance.

And their patriarch cursed too?

How is this possible?

The patriarch of their lunar treasure, is the expert of the Demi-God Realm, who can curse him?

Yin Long's face turned pale, overflowing heaven stormy seas kept rolling in his heart, he hurried to the other elders, and wanted to report to the six elders first.

But when he ran to the Elder's residence, he was horrified to find that the Elders had all become like patriarch.

The body slumped in the drifting rain and thunder and lightning, turning into a lump of unrecognizable fat, and the stench was soaring, as if it had become a feces-making machine.

They roared mournfully as they spewed turbid yellow things.

Yin Long looked terrified and hurriedly rushed towards the Supreme Elder's retreat.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? How could this be..."

He rushed all the way to a magnificent black great hall in horror, and exclaimed in horror: "Supreme Elder , something happened, something happened to patriarch and the six elders, come out and take a look!"


A majestic and terrifying aura surged out from the great hall, majestic and vast, like a terrifying and unpredictable bottomless vortex, which instantly enveloped Yin Long inside.

"What's the panic?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Yin Long's face was horrified and he hurriedly said: "For some reason, patriarch and the six elders are all cursed, and the group of a frog in well that we called...they...they want to leave. Go, want to rebel, Supreme Elder, come out and take a look."

bang! The silhouette appeared outside the great hall, like sleeping in a coffin for countless years, one after another, the smell of corruption spread from them...

The faces of the three were extremely withered, like Like withered bark, there were even faint white corpse hairs growing on it, as if these three were not humans, but corpses.

After appearing, their bodies were hazy, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in an instant.

Yin Long looked shocked and hurriedly followed.

Wandering in rain and thunder.

The three Supreme Elders appeared here in an instant, their breath was cold and secluded, and all the heavy rain could not approach their bodies, and the moment they approached, they dissipated automatically.

Meanwhile, on the soles of their feet, the rain was rapidly freezing.

Soon, within ten miles, it turned into a spooky terrifying area of ice.

In front of them, a huge lump of fat was struggling with difficulty, constantly spewing out foul-smelling turbid yellow things, and these stinking turbid yellow things even had scarlet bloodshots...

The scene is spectacular and extremely disgusting.

"Supreme Elder, save me, save me!"

Yin Wutian's voice came out of this huge fat body with difficulty, and it seemed extremely painful.

The faces of the three Supreme Elders were gloomy and terrifying, and a strange black mist continuously emanated from them.

Suddenly, one of them grabbed with a big hand and grabbed the big fat meat, and the Power of God immediately rushed towards Yin Wutian's body.


The rolling Power of God erupted, continuously, causing this huge piece of fat to be constantly twisted and deformed, but it was useless at all, the fat was still in The turbid and yellow things were sprayed everywhere, like a small waterfall, and the stench was soaring to the sky. The Supreme Elder was sprayed all over his body, making the Supreme Elder's complexion gloomy in an instant.

He endured the stench and injected Power of God for a small one hour, the fat still remained unchanged, and he was thrown on the ground again, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Who did it?"

His tone was gloomy.

Yin Long said with a bitter face, "I don't know either, when I came over, patriarch and the six elders became like this. By the way, that group of a frog in well should know the inside story. , Supreme Elder, hurry up and stop them, the group of a frog in well wants to leave, once they leave, the mountain of corpses will not be able to open!"

The faces of the three Supreme Elders suddenly became darker. cold.

"I'll intercept them, you will bring patriarch and others to the distant ancestors, the ancestors will have a way!"

One of the Supreme Elders said coldly.


His body flashed, disappeared in an instant.

The other two Supreme Elders immediately grabbed the fat on the ground and started roaring towards the retreat of their distant ancestors.

Far away.

The crowd was panicking, and there was an uproar.

Among them, the elders in Divine Court even carried Ye Xuntian's huge body, ignoring the stench on his body, and ran out quickly.

Just as everyone was about to go down the mountain, suddenly in front of them, the gloomy wind whistled, and a rotten terrifying breath hit the sky and covering the earth.

Then a silhouette wearing an ancient robe, with an extremely thin face, like dry bark, appeared in front of them, with white corpse hairs all over his body, as if he had just come out of a tomb. Climb out like, hideously terrifying.

The complexion changed and suddenly stopped.

"Everyone, please go back now, what happened, and tell the old man in detail."

The Supreme Elder's voice was dry and hoarse, like two pieces of iron touching each other. together.

"You are being targeted by the Celestial Court's people on the mountain of corpses, and if you stay, it will be the dead end!"

"Yes, you don't want us to accompany you to die with you. I'm not afraid of you!"

"Do you know the Celestial Court force? You have been secluded for thousands of years and have long been out of the well. Now the brilliance of the Celestial Court outside is shining on Heaven and Earth, and no force can compete with them. Fight!"

"Do you know how the ancient dynasty's fortune formation was destroyed? We were all there the night the ancient dynasty collapsed. The people of Celestial Court personally destroyed the most sublimated eight The king was also killed in one move, you ask yourself how does it compare to the Eight Kings? Can you stop Celestial Court? You are just a frog in well!"

The crowd shouted fiercely.

"Celestial Court...It turned out to be the Great Fortune Array they destroyed..."

The Supreme Elder's voice was hoarse, his eyes became terrifying, "Even the Eight Kings were killed. , My Taiyin Treasure Land is indeed not as good as the Eight Kings. If he can kill the Eight Kings, he can also break into the Taiyin Treasure Land... However, we need to investigate this matter carefully. After we find out, we will let you go. Our Spiritual The ancient ancestor of God will personally give you an explanation, you all please go back now!"

"You want us to go back and die?"

"You are too domineering!"

The crowd was shouted.


One after another withered and corrupt terrifying aura surged out of the Supreme Elder in an instant, rolling towards the crowd, all of them complexion changed, uncontrolled, backwards.

"Everyone, please go back, don't force the old man!"

The Supreme Elder's tone was hoarse.


The crowd was surprised and angry.

But in front of the Supreme Elder's breath, they really have no chance of winning.

This old fart may have reached the Demi-God Peak, and one foot has entered the Spiritual God realm.

The treasure land of Taiyin is truly terrifying and unpredictable.

Demi-God Level experts are endless.

They all hate it.

"It's a pity that the second Demon Execution Order has not been found, otherwise your whole family in Taiyin Treasure will die!"

Azure Dragon secretly said in one's heart.

The faces of everyone were gloomy, and under the persecution of the Supreme Elder, they could only turn around and return.

One of the Elders of Divine Court said gloomily: "This senior, my Deputy Court Master of Divine Court is also cursed. I hope you can resolve it for our Deputy Court Master."

"Go back first, the old man will take care of it tomorrow morning!"

The Supreme Elder said hoarsely.


Divine Court Elder complexion slightly changed, hearing the perfunctory meaning from the other party's mouth again, she was angry, gnashing teeth, said with a smile: "Okay, I hope you will not break your promises in the treasure land of Taiyin, senior, Junior have a word for you, thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, and now the world is no longer the world you understand!"

"Old man knows, Go back!"

The Supreme Elder's eyes were cold.

Several Divine Court Elders turned back with angry expressions on their faces.

Watching the group leave, the Supreme Elder of the Taiyin Treasure Land narrowed his eyes, and the cold light kept flashing.

“Celestial Court…really so terrifying…”


His body turned into a ball of Yin Qi and disappeared again.

West courtyard.

After the heroes returned, they were very angry.

After the super 1st Rate Influence such as Divine Court, Hades, Palace of Destruction, Blood Sea Sect, Heavenly Ghost Gate came back, Immediately took out the communication ancient jade and contacted its own sect.

A super 1st Rate Influence like them has existed for tens of thousands of years and has a strong Sect background, so it is not necessarily true that they are afraid of the Taiyin Treasure Land, especially Blood Sea Sect and Heavenly Ghost Gate, which belong to one of the five hidden Sects. One, not to mention whether the Spiritual God is sleeping, the blood spirits and Heavenly Ghosts in their door are terrifying and unpredictable.

This time I came here, one is to break the curse, and the other is to explore the bottom of Zangshi Mountain by the way.

But didn't expect Zangshishan did this to them!

Not only arrogant, but also put their lives at risk.

They were full of grievances at the moment, and immediately reported to Sect.

Qi Yun watched everything from start to finish, and moved his mind again. If there was a demon slaying order in his hand at this time, it would definitely make Celestial Court greatly gather people's hearts.

But thinking about the terrifying of Taiyin Treasure, he still hesitated.

This time without Thunder Tribulation.

Once you can't pretend, you may suffer from it.

So do you want to take out the Demon Execution Order?

He only has one super trump card now, which is the [Yin-Yang Energy Bottle Experience Card]. Does he really want to fly high into the sky and aim the bottle at the ground?

Qi Yun looked up at the sky again.

In this way, it is possible that these people around him will also be included...

"Everyone, the more we are united at this time, I suspect Taiyin. The treasure land is harboring malicious intentions at all, when you report the sect, you must be consistent!"

Xiao Yutian said shouted.


The others responded.

Fan Mu walked around Qi Yun with a livid face, and said, "Sect Lord, there may be an accident this time, the grandsons of Taiyin Baodi will definitely not let us go easily, I doubt that tomorrow There is also a conspiracy to open the Zangshi Mountain. According to the information I inquired, there are countless dangers in the Zangshi Mountain. These grandchildren want to use us as an experiment, right?"

"Take us as an experiment? Damn, they can't be so mad?"

"I think it's possible!"

"Not good, everyone, the dark road is closed, we can't get out of the dark Road away!"


Everyone was surprised again.

The Yin Road is also sealed?

Taiyin Treasure Land really wanted to trap everyone here.

Qi Yun's eyes were lightly withdrawn from the sky. He had expected the dark road to be blocked. He looked at Fan Mu at this moment and calmly said: "Brother Fan, Are you afraid?"

"Afraid, of course I am afraid! Sect Lord, do you have a way to escape?"

Fan Mu asked anxiously.

Qi Yun indifferently said: "There is always a way!"

Other people looked at Qi Yun with surprise.

“Heavenspan Cult Lord, do you have a solution?”

“Sect Lord, may you please clarify, what solution?”

(End of this chapter)

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