Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 556


Chapter 547 The Book of the Seven Days of Death, showing power (please subscribe)

Cold wind whistling under the night, in Corpse Refining Sect's gate blew through.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness covered, once again hindered by invisible forces.

Under the cover of his Divine Consciousness, all around the yard was dead silent and empty. The previous Corpse Refining Sect Disciple and Elder were all gone.

He touched a piece of communication ancient jade in his hand, his eyes were cold, and he said: "Everyone, you stay here and wait, no one should walk around, I will go in and see the reality of this Corpse Refining Sect! "

"Young Master, let's go with you!"

Blood Hands Butcher said.

"Yes, we would like to go together!"

Wu Yi, Yin Wu Xie and the others stepped forward.

"Sect Lord, it's a matter of great importance, we'd better go together. This Corpse Refining Sect is obviously wrong. Be careful!"

Sanque daoist said.

Qi Yun raised his hand to stop them, opened the mouth and said: "You wait for me in the yard first, if I don't come back for a long time, you will wait until the daytime before leaving here!"

He doesn't want to expose the Ghost King easily, and there are various other secrets that cannot be known by the public.

Especially the fact that he wants to conquer the demon of fear is a secret!

So these people are better off staying.

Blood Hands Butcher , Tianshangshi Wuyi and the others changed their faces, and immediately nodded and said: "Yes, Young Master!"

Sanque daoist and the others looked at each other , and had to stay.

Qi Yun's body instantly left the yard and roared towards the depths of the Corpse Refining Sect.

As soon as he swept out of this place, there was a strong sense of peeping from his left side.

He turned around suddenly.

I saw a dark shadow flashing past, and a hey laughter came out.

“courting death!”

He looked cold.


Qi Yun ignored it and continued to swept forward.

Tall buildings, cold and dead corridors, and rows of extinguished lanterns.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness was swept out, greatly affected, and his body swept across, passing several places one after another, without seeing a silhouette.

It seemed that all the people who had been swept by the gloomy wind had also disappeared.

And that strong feeling of being watched is always there!

It seems that the one who peeped at him is still looking at him sarcastically!


Qi Yun's body appeared in front of a great hall, his eyes were cold, Divine Consciousness firmly covered a ten-mile area, the Ten Thousand Demon Ring in his hand flickered, and the Ghost King inside was already In the great hall ready to go, a faint blood-reeking qi suddenly came.

Crack, chuckle...

It's like chewing something.

Qi Yun Divine Consciousness penetrated instantly.

black great hall, eerie terrifying, like a bottomless black hole.

A black silhouette turned his back to him, as if he was eating continuously, with the sound of chewing coming from his mouth.

In front of him, there was a huge table, an Elder from the Qianmu Sect, with a look of horror, lying there quietly, unable to move, as if his body was imprisoned...

Drenched with blood on his body, his arms, thighs, and abdomen have been separated by sharp blades, and the fresh flesh has been caught alive...

This black silhouette is now The Elder who ate Chikizun alive!

Unfortunately, the Elder of Qianmuzong could only watch all this in horror, unable to move his entire body.

Qi Yun's eyes were cold, and his body appeared silently behind the shadow.

The body of about 2.4 meters, like a black Iron Pagoda, the big fan-like hand grabbed the shadow's forehead.

The shadow suddenly stiffened.

He turned back with difficulty and looked at Qi Yun's face.

Qi Yun's pale-gold pupils also flashed majestic terrifying rays of light, and looked at the shadow.

I saw the face of the shadow, which was an Elder of the Corpse Refining Sect.

He has seen this Elder before!

I have been to imperial city with Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu!


Qi Yun's eyes instantly shot two invisible lights, Power of Divine Sense instantly pierced into the Elder's mind, ready to search his memory, but the result was directly Seeing countless chaotic pictures, all kinds of pictures are mottled and scattered, all of them are bloody scenes, some people eat people, some stew soup, and some people kill people...

He was condensed, and in an instant Received Divine Consciousness.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards Qi Yun's back.

But Qi Yun turned back like lightning with eyes on his back and swept across with a slap.


The bloodfiend tower appeared in the palm of the hand, collided with the dark shadow fiercely, and roared.

The shadow was blown upside down on the spot.

He let out a scream, and hurriedly wanted to turn around and run away, but the bloodfiend tower slammed down with a terrifying red light, and with a thud, the black shadow was completely pressed down.

With a thud, the square outside shook, and the azure slate all split up and in pieces.

The dark shadow was directly absorbed by the power of the bloodfiend tower, and then the bloodfiend tower flew back quickly, turned into a red light, and submerged into Qi Yun's palm again.

Qi Yun's eyes were cold and Divine Consciousness swept out of the courtyard.

The outside of the hospital was calm again.

He stared at the Corpse Refining Sect Elder in his hand, the other palm squeezed the opponent's neck and began to turn.

Boom boom boom!

The crisp skeleton sound came out, like twisting a scarecrow, as easy as blowing off dust, twisting its entire neck alive.


Blood gushing.

The Corpse Refining Sect Elder was completely motionless with a few quick twitches.

Qi Yun threw the opponent's body on the ground like garbage, and looked indifferently at the Elder Qianmuzong lying on the table.

The Elder Qianmuzong was covered in blood, and the smell was pungent and horrific. A pair of vision looked at Qi Yun in horror, wriggling his lips with difficulty, wanting to ask for help.

But Qi Yun glanced at him, then turned and left, as if he didn't see it.

The Elder Qianmuzong's lips wriggled and continued to cry out for help...

Outside, the gloomy wind whistled.

The strong sense of being watched is constant.

Under the night wind, it was accompanied by the mocking voice of one after another.

There seems to be a pair of vision that never left Qi Yun from beginning to end.

Qi Yun walks away from here and continues to search the Corpse Refining Sect.

During this period, Ghost King also secretly searched for traces of the curse in a unique way.

But like Qi Yun, it can only sense the other party's breath, but cannot detect the other party's existence.

The other party seems to be playing hide-and-seek with him. If someone doesn't know it, just seeing this look is enough to see a nervous breakdown.

Qi Yun's body suddenly stopped in the center of a courtyard.

The feeling of being watched behind him became stronger again.

It seems that the other party has appeared behind him, his eyes are almost substantive.

But his Divine Consciousness covered it, but it was still empty and nothing.

"Do you like hide-and-seek so much? Curses become demons...I wonder if your curse can stop mine..."

Qi Yun said to himself.

He was too lazy to find each other, maybe there is an easier and more direct way.

The rays of light flashed in his hand, and a book of the Seven Days of Tragic Death appeared in his palm.

The corner of his mouth drew a strange arc, cut his fingers, and wrote lightly on it.

The devil of fear!

The devil of cruelty!

Death Demon!

The three names are written one after another...

Although in his guess, the one who appeared here may be the Demon of Fear, but for insurance, he still put these three The names are all written down.

Not only did I write it, I wrote each name three times...

Qi Yun's eyes flickered, and after writing, Divine Consciousness let go again, watching all around.


The weird sneering sound continued to sound all around, accompanied by a strong sense of being watched, which made people panic.



A sound like a gas leak sounded in the dark night, with a thick stench.

Then came a strange low voice and quickly walked away.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, Divine Consciousness swept away, and found a slight fluctuation in the space, as if a mysterious power quickly and quickly disappeared.

He chased after him instantly.

Along the way, the sound of puff puff puff kept coming, and the stench filled the air.

Then, there was a strange sound of thumping, as if something had fallen.

Then there was a thunderous sound in the midair, a crack crack sounded, four or five lightning bolts hit the nothingness on one side, and a strange scream sounded again inside, as if something was rushing to escape.

Escaped all the way, thunder and lightning cracked, chasing after him and killing him.

At the same time, there are still some torrential rains drifting...

And then, the stench is stronger...

The third chapter is late~~Sorry , please recommend~~Big guys~

(end of this chapter)

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