Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 554


Chapter 545 White Eyes (Subscribe)

Within the great hall.

Sandalwood burning.

It's squiggly.

The great characters of eleven forces are sitting here, the atmosphere is dignified, and the browsers are tightly knit.

Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mujiang has told everyone about his experience during this period.

They thought it was just an evil incident at the foot of the mountain, but they didn't expect the powerful Corpse Refining Sect to avoid it. Many people died, and they still don't know what caused it.

Especially those Disciples that fried their own flesh and blood, still smiling at the corners of their mouths to death?

This is so heartbreaking.

A little bit of remorse appeared in their hearts.

If I had known this, I would not have come to the mountain.

Although it is dangerous at the foot of the mountain, at least they will know what attacked them?

And now, according to Fan Mu, in addition to these abnormally dead Disciples, Zongnei will occasionally have weird laughter and a strong sense of being watched...

This It's even weirder.

"It's basically like this, everyone, why don't you think that the subordinates don't want to lead you up? It's really not safe within the sect."

Fan Mu sighed and said: "All said Tell me your opinion, what kind of weirdness is this? I have never seen such a powerful weirdness for so many years!"

Everyone looked ugly.

Not only Fan Mu has not seen it, they have not seen it either.

This time the entire Northwest was covered by this huge spooky event.

In particular, Zangshi Mountain is still in the northwest.

This makes everyone feel the atmosphere of conspiracy more and more.

"Brother Fan, forget me to speak bluntly, there are very few strange things that can pose a threat to the Heaven Grade powerhouse, at least the old man has never encountered it!"

An old man Shake his head lightly.

"Yes, we have never met before!"

"Has Brother Fan also received the news about the Zangshishan incident?"

"How much does Brother Fan know about Zangshi Mountain?"

Everyone asked.

Fan Mu shook the head and said, "I did receive a secret letter about Zangshi Mountain, but I don't know much about them. Everyone, let's talk about my Corpse Refining Sect first. If anyone can solve the matter of my Corpse Refining Sect, I will be very grateful!"

He suddenly looked at Qi Yun, opened the mouth and said: "Sect Lord, I don't know what you have. Good opinion?"

"I haven't found anything yet, and I need to stay for two days to find out."

Qi Yun opened the mouth and said; "Brother Fan, these days you Is the communication ancient jade really not used by others?"

Fan Mu's face became solemn, and said: "Absolutely not, Sect Lord rest assured as soon as possible, the communication ancient jade is always on me!"


Qi Yun brows frowned.

That's a hell of a lot.

Fan Mu is an expert in the late Heaven Grade, who can use his communication ancient jade without being discovered.

Is it true or false that the voice inside said before?

“Did your sect’s Old Ancestor not appear during this time?”

Qi Yun asked.

"Old Ancestor has been in retreat half a month ago. During the retreat, no one can be contacted!"

Fan Mu shook his head and said.

Qi Yun thought to himself.

According to the voice of ancient jade, Corpse Refining Sect Old Ancestor has been eaten...

I don't know if this one is true or false.

Next, they continued to talk here for a while.

Seeing that the sky was going to get dark, Fan Mu made them take them down to rest.

"Everyone, when it gets dark, there will be more bizarre things in the sect. Be sure not to go out at night!"

Fan Mu solemnly warned.

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fan Mu didn't say this and said it, and when he said this, everyone became confused.

They regretted following up even more.

Everyone walked out one after another, led by several Disciples, to the residence arranged by the Corpse Refining Sect.

"What a rich Yin Qi...Sect Lord, this Corpse Refining Sect has been refining corpses all year round and dealing with corpses. It is not surprising that their sects can be strangely targeted!"

Three Missing daoist whispers.

Throughout the Corpse Refining Sect mountain range, Yin Qi is soaring, without sunlight all the year round, even in normal times, it seems ghostly, even more how at this critical moment.

The leaders of all influence are deeply convinced.

Soon they were each led to their respective residences.

It’s getting dark.

Dark cloud cover.

The entire Corpse Refining Sect is shrouded in darkness.

In order to prevent accidents at night, Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness is always covered and shrouded in the entire Corpse Refining Sect.

In the night, the Corpse Refining Sect was foggy, Yin Qi was swirling around, and there was an extremely strange power.

He could only see part of the buildings, and most of the other buildings were shrouded in some weird Yin Qi.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, continuing to detect the movement of the Corpse Refining Sect, when his soul consciousness spreads faster, suddenly a strong sense of being watched comes from the window.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, and his eyes swept away.

A pair of white eyes stared at him quietly outside the dark window.

His eyes were huge, like iron balls, as if the corners of his eyes were split open by a person.

After realizing that Qi Yun saw it, those white eyes hurriedly shrank back and fled outside.


Qi Yun shouted, his body was wrapped in energy, and he rushed over in an instant.


The door burst and it was pitch black outside.

His Divine Consciousness glanced, and suddenly found that in the yard in the distance, one silhouette was rapidly moving away.

Qi Yun's face was gloomy, and he roared away in an instant.

At this time, Wuyi, Yin Wuxie, Blood Hands Butcher, Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend, and Demon Laughing Heavenly King in other rooms were all disturbed and rushed out.

"Young Master, what's wrong?"

"Sect Lord, what happened?"

Sanque daoist, Mr. Gu, and Zhao Xiankai also rushed over come out.

After seeing Qi Yun's body rushing forward, they started and hurriedly followed.

Qi Yun was extremely fast, passing by in a flash, like Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, approaching the fleeing silhouette in front of him, raising a golden sword, falling from the sky, and slashing.


The golden light was dazzling, illuminating the night, fiercely inserted into the man's body, and hit the man on the spot. After he fell, his head was immediately separated from his neck, and gu lu lu rolled over again, His eyes were round, his body was covered in blood, and he couldn't die any longer.

Qi Yun complexion changed.

This person died before?

Didn't he kill him with his big sword?

The head and neck were obviously cut by sharp blades!

His big sword can never achieve such an effect!

whiz whiz whiz!

At this time, silhouettes whistled in all directions.

Wuyi, Yin Wuxie, Blood Hands Butcher, Sanque daoist, Mr. Gu, Zhao Xiankai and the others all rushed over.

At the same time, the powerhouses of other forces were also alarmed and rushed out of the room.

Corpse Refining Sect Some Elders and Hall Masters in the Corpse Refining Sect are also complexion changed, and they are very swept out.

"What happened?"

Soon, all powerhouses are here.

Qi Yun's face became gloomy and terrifying.

What was it that just peeked out of his window?

His Divine Consciousness has been covered, but he found nothing, those white eyes can hide from his Divine Consciousness?

"It was him, Sect Master Chiki Sect, he...he died?"

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, killed Sect Master Chiki Sect? It's too cruel!"

The crowd around, suddenly someone's voice was horrified, and they recognized the head on the ground.

This is one of the 1st Rate Influences that came with them!

During the day they held a great hall to discuss matters, but at night, they were hacked to death by Heavenspan Cult Lord!

"Sect Master!"

The other three Elders of Qianmuzong all looked sad and shouted down.

The Elder, headed by a hostile expression, looked at Qi Yun, gritted his teeth and said, "Heavenspan Cult Lord, what kind of grievance does our Qianmu Sect have with you? Why are you so cruel?"

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, you are too bully intolerably!"

Both of them humiliated.

Qi Yun shook his head lightly and said, "I didn't kill him. My blow was strong, but I couldn't kill him with one move. When I caught up, he died!"

"I died when I caught up?"

"How could this happen?"

All influence people were surprised.

At this time, Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu had been reported, and finally rushed over, surprised: "Sect Lord, what's going on, what happened?"

"I also felt the feeling of being peeped in the room. I saw a pair of white eyes flashing outside the window. After I chased them out, I saw a silhouette, and then I saw the head of Sect Master Chiakizong suddenly rolling. Fall!"

Qi Yun said solemnly.


The expressions of the people present changed.

Heavenspan Church Sect Lord also got that peeping feeling?

And white eyes?

"Sect Lord, do you mean that the Sect Master of Chiki Sect is watching you out of the window?"

A Great Influence Lord asked.

"I'm not sure, I don't really see the true face of white eyes!"

Qi Yun shook his head.

Everyone's hearts were turned upside down, and they felt the weirdness of Corpse Refining Sect more and more.

Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu became even more uneasy, and immediately ordered to carry the body of Qianmu Sect Sect Master down, then opened the mouth and said: "Everyone, please don't panic, let's Calm down, think about countermeasures, we have so many powerhouses, why should we be afraid of a strange one? Please don't make public what happened tonight, tomorrow morning, let's renegotiate!" One after another, one after another nodded.

Soon, two Disciples from Corpse Refining Sect came over and carried the body of Sect Master Qianmuzong down.

Everyone went back.

Qi Yun Divine Consciousness sound transmission to Wuyi and the others, telling them to be careful.

As soon as he returned to the house, his fingers lightly stroked the Ten Thousand Demon Ring and whispered, "Ghost King..."

chi chi chi...

A cloud of black mist emerged from the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, the temperature in the room plummeted, gloomy and cold, and quickly formed a dark red and strange skeleton.

(End of this chapter)

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