Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 547


Chapter 538 The Weird Bronze Gate (Subscribe)

A strange black gas emerged from the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, Twisted and twisted, it quickly converged into the body of the Ghost King.

He was recuperating in the Ring of Ten Thousand Demons. The bull's head that was smashed to pieces by heavenly thunder has been reorganized again, and it seems that his breath has recovered a lot.

He is a strange body. As long as the body is not completely destroyed, even if all three heads are cut off, it can grow again.

even more how The unique space inside the Ten Thousand Demon Ring also nourishes the ghost.

So he actually got a big benefit.

"My lord, there are only five known evil spirits in ancient times, they are Heavenly Ghost, Xie Sha, Blood Spirit, Mo Tu, and I. Other strangeness cannot be called evil spirits, Heavenly Ghost is always in the Heavenly Ghost Gate, the evil spirits were destroyed in the early years, the blood spirit is located in the Blood Sea Sect, the demon is located in the Tu Spirit Sect, and I am here, so there is definitely no ancient evil spirit in the northwest!"

said the Ghost King.


Qi Yun's eyes flashed and Ghost King's words repeated in his heart.

Heavenly Ghost, Xie Sha, Blood Spirit, Demon Slaughter, Ghost King.

What a domineering name!

As I get stronger, this world becomes more and more mysterious.

"If it wasn't an ancient evil spirit, it would be weird."

He brows frowned.

The northwest area is actually the location of the Godslayer headquarters,

And the Godslayer headquarters was collapsed?

How is this possible?

Isn't their five kings not enough to see?

Did they have no other cards besides the dead Old Ancestor?

Qi Yun felt that she had to find someone to inquire about the specific situation in the northwest.

"Northwest...Where is Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu, but unfortunately I didn't leave his contact information."

Thinking of this, Qi Yun received Ghost King, Divine Consciousness sound transmission, let the blood-robed Old Ancestor come over.

“Young Master.”

The blood-robed Old Ancestor salutes.

"Blood Robe, Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu's contact information, have you left?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Go back to Young Master, stay!"

Blood Robe Old Ancestor nods and said.

When Qi Yun caused the Heavenly Tribulation in mid-air, a group of them and Fan Mu escaped together. Halfway through, the blood-robed Old Ancestor kept an eye on him and asked for Fan Mu's contact information.

"Okay, give me your communication ancient jade!"

Qi Yun said.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor immediately took out the communication ancient jade.

Qi Yun took it in his hand, dripped a drop of blood into it, Divine Consciousness sound transmission, and immediately contacted Fan Mu.

chi chi!

The gloss on ancient jade flickered, and several messages spread out instantly.

Soon, a message came from ancient jade, panicking and panting, as if something incredible had happened.

"Save me, Heavenspan Cult Lord, come and save me, someone... someone is watching me... come and help me..."

Qi Yun's face turned startled, and he immediately asked why .

But soon, there was a panicked scream from the communication ancient jade.

"Who, who, come out, come out, ah..."

The screams sounded.

Then, there was a muffled sound, and the chi chi of the communication ancient jade was harsh.

It seems that ancient jade's communication on Fan Mu's side has exploded.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor looked suspicious, looked at the communication ancient jade, and then looked at Qi Yun.

"Young Master, this is..."

Qi Yun's eyes became solemn.

What happened to Fan Mu?

Corpse Refining Sect is Number One Great Sect in the Northwest, which has been operating for hundreds of years and has many Heaven Grade powerhouses. Are they not enough?

The weirdness there is a bit terrifying.

"Contact the Yeyou Palace and inquire about the situation of the Northwest and the God-destroyer!"

Qi Yun said solemnly, and returned the ancient jade to the blood-robed Old Ancestor.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Old Ancestor opened the mouth and said.

Quickly backed out.

Qi Yun thought deeply.

It now appears that the situation in the Northwest far surpasses the imagination.

He took a deep breath, turned around and entered the Holy Land space again, and was about to enter the crystal tower to have a look. Suddenly, he stepped one stopped and noticed a huge bronze door not far away.

Qi Yun moved towards the bronze door.

To be so valued by the Imperial Family, this bronze door is not a simple thing.


Soon, the bronze door in front of him was pushed open by him, and a cold and dark aura spread out, whining, as if it was a bottomless and deep vent.

He tentatively swept Divine Consciousness into it.

Several pieces of darkness and gloom came into his eyes, and it seemed that he could never see the end. In an instant, his Divine Consciousness spread to no serious li.

When it poured into the deepest part, it seemed that there was a strange suction inside, actively pulling his Divine Consciousness into it.

Qi Yun's face was startled, and he hurriedly controlled Divine Consciousness and quickly retracted it.

But there was also a Divine Consciousness that was forcibly torn off and quickly disappeared at the end of this darkness, as if it was swallowed by something.

Amidst the blur, a terrifying face suddenly appeared in his mind, blood from the seven orifices, terrifying terrifying, and extremely resentful. At first glance, it seemed to contain a terrifying resentment, rushing. His brain stabbed suddenly.

Qi Yun groaned, backed up quickly, all Divine Consciousness finally recovered.

He shook his head vigorously.

There was a humming sound in my mind, heavy and uncomfortable, as if I had been immersed in diving, and I couldn't recover for a long time.

He looked horrified and unbelievable.

What is that?

An extremely distorted face!

It seems that he suffered great torture when he died!

The grievances still linger!

What kind of weird thing is inside this bronze door?

"Ghost King!"

Qi Yun's tone was low, and he called out Ghost King's body again.

A piece of black mist emerged, twisted and turned into the appearance of Ghost King. After appearing, he also looked at this strange bronze door with a look of surprise.

"What a weird smell!"

"What is this place?"

Qi Yun asked.

Ghost King was surprised and said, "I don't know, I've never seen this thing!"

"You haven't seen it?"

Qi Yun Eyes narrowed.

Ghost King is one of the five ancient evil spirits. He has lived for countless years, and even he has never seen this thing.

“Go in and have a look!”

Qi Yun said solemnly.


Ghost King showed panic and said: "My lord, my strength has not really recovered, if I encounter some crisis, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to serve the lord. ."

The aura inside was extremely gloomy and cold, which made him feel a deep sense of unease.

You must know that he has always been regardless of the law and of natural morality, even in the face of the gods, he has no such feeling, but this moment exists.

Think with your toes and you'll see that this is by no means a good place.

Qi Yun brows frowned.

Suddenly turned over the palm, took out the ten evil pictures, and black energy poured out, and soon Howling Celestial Dog's black body was released.

"Howling, there is a grudge that you like inside this bronze door, how about you go in and take a look?"

Qi Yun smiled.


Howling Celestial Dog's eyes flashed, he sniffed lightly, and instantly smelled a strong resentment, but apart from this, there seemed to be more An unusual breath.

Is that... a crisis?

It looked suspiciously at Qi Yun and said, "My lord, don't you want to experiment with me?"

"How come? You are my dog. , how could I experiment with you?"

Qi Yun smiled.

Howling Celestial Dog was deeply suspicious, but he still burrowed into the bronze door and said, "If I don't come out after a cup of tea, remember to summon me!"


“Don’t worry!”

Qi Yun smiled.

The Howling Celestial Dog burrowed in and quickly disappeared along the dark passage.

Ghost King's eyes looked deep inside.

"This stupid dog has a terrifying aura...Isn't this Immemorial Ferocious Beast? But if the stupid dog dares to go in, it must be dead end."

Ghost King secretly said.

He and Qi Yun waited outside quietly.

During this period, Qi Yun didn't dare to use Divine Consciousness to spy on it. The backlash just caused has left him with a kind of terrifying soul, just like watching a slideshow in his previous life. .

The key is that this grimace also has a Spirit Attack.

How can this be sustained?

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Qi Yun felt that a cup of tea was almost done, so he called out.

Empty, very quiet, no response.

Ghost King secretly said: "It's over, this stupid dog is really over."

Qi Yun immediately activated the ten evil figures, and started summon Howling Celestial Dog, one after another true essence poured in The Ten Ferocious Figure, the ten evil figure suddenly sent out a strange suction, countless runes flickered, forming a small vortex.

wu wu wu …

The wind whistled inside the bronze door.

Soon a voice of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves rang out from inside, startling Ghost King.

“áo hǒu …”

Like a bald-tailed dog with its tail caught in the door, how miserable it is to bark.

A gust of wind whistled, and a black light plunged into the map of the ten evil men in an instant.

Qi Yun looked at it for a moment.

I saw Howling Celestial Dog still tucked his tail after returning to the ten evil pictures, contorts one's face in agony, screamed, and his black hair stood on end, as if he was driven by a wolf.

“wang wang wang~ …áo hǒu …”

Sorry for the late arrival~~ mainly to organize the plot~~

(end of this chapter)

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