Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 538


Chapter 529 The Return of the Eight Kings (please subscribe)

The imperial city is in ruins.

The entire Imperial Palace was completely destroyed.

Innumerable buildings collapsed.

The destructive breath is between Heaven and Earth grandiose.

Under the ruins of the terrifying, I don't know how many corpses are buried, and the broken bones of black can be seen everywhere, exuding a burning smell...

The whole imperial city was almost destroyed by the First World War. power was completely destroyed.

The descendants of the eight alien kings, the descendants of the ancient emperors, countless Imperial Guards, princes and ministers, Imperial Family Ancient One, all died, except for a few who survived serious injuries, others were transformed under Thunder Tribulation For robbery.

It's the strength of oneself that changed Heaven and Earth!

After tonight, Heaven and Earth will be completely transformed.

The Great Luck Array is destroyed, and the Dragons will appear.

A troubled world that can only be found in ten thousand years will soon come.

Outside the Imperial Palace, the survivors were all upset and horrified, and countless thoughts appeared in their minds.

When the Great Luck Array is destroyed, those ancient forces are estimated to be born now.

Four Ancient Gods, Five Sect of Hidden World, Nine Celestial Grotto, Eight Treasures...

And the resurrected Spiritual God, the remnants of the underworld, the fear gate, The Palace of Destruction...

It is destined to be a dance of demons!

"Seven stars turn, Heaven and Earth are chaotic, all demons come out, the gods cry... The 'stars' of these seven stars may refer to the Star Monarch of Celestial Court, which means that there are seven Star Monarchs in total. Do you mean?"

The Azure Dragon muttered in an old-fashioned tone.

This is the earliest prophecy of the dead forest undead.

At that time, countless powerhouses were pondering hard and couldn't figure it out. They couldn't figure out what [Seven Stars] and [Wan Mo] meant, but so many major events happened one after another, and the Celestial Court powerhouse had frequent activities. The powerhouses all call themselves a so-and-so Star Monarch, and their names all have the word [star], which makes people think of this sentence again.

The [star] that the seven stars turn may really be the Star Monarch!

This refers to the Celestial Court's seven Star Monarchs, which will be in trouble?

For a time, these survivors looked at each other in blank dismay, showing shock.

Black Sky Venerable whispered: "Seven Star Monarchs? Are there really so many? How many are known now... Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, Breaking Army Star Monarch, Giant Gate Star Monarch, Wu Qu Star Monarch, Wen Qu Star Monarch, Lianzhen Star Monarch...hiss!"

He suddenly sucked in a cold breath, his face horrified, and said: "It's already six, it doesn't really mean that They? Isn't there a terrifying Star Monarch yet?"

The others were surprised.

The seven Star Monarchs are just their guesses, and there is no evidence to prove it.

But now counting the past experts of Celestial Court, there are six Star Monarchs, how similar is this to the prophecy?

As long as there is another Star Monarch, this prophecy will be fulfilled.

Qixingzhuan means that the seven Star Monarchs rotate Heaven and Earth …

Everyone is deeply shocked when you look at me and I look at you.

Especially Ye Xuntian, he was full of energy, and his back was sweating.

He suddenly felt scared.

In the beginning, the Divine Court acted recklessly and wanted to assemble a group of heroes to deal with the Celestial Court together. Now, how can they be the slightest opponent?

Judging from the scene in Celestial Court tonight, they are enough to destroy the world!

To deal with Divine Court, just one finger, their entire Divine Court will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Even the Great Fortune Array was destroyed by Celestial Court, what else could they do?

The resurrection of Spiritual God can't stop them!

This is a force that is extremely mysterious and terrifying to the extreme...

Soulless Venerable's face changed, and suddenly there was a deep regret in his heart.

Knowing that Celestial Court is so terrifying, he should not use that [Devil Execution Order], he should leave the [Devil Execution Order] in the Underworld as a treasure in the palace, and he will encounter incredible things in the future. When there is a big enemy, please use the [Devil Execution Order], and it will definitely destroy all enemies in one fell swoop...

"Devil Execution Order, Demon Execution Order, Demon Execution Order..."

None Soul Venerable complex whispers.

The people around him can hear it clearly and instantly understand what Venerable is thinking.

There are a total of three demon-killing orders.

Soulless Venerable used one side and has two sides left.

Where did those two sides go?

They swear in their hearts that even if the entire world is turned over after tonight, they must find the remaining two Demon Execution Orders.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Demon Execution Order is enough to destroy the world!

This is not as simple as killing a Crown Prince, but destroying the entire Imperial Palace, Imperial Family Minister, Imperial Guard, Ancient One, Prince, Prince, Crown Prince almost all died...

Even the Dragon Vein, which was formed by the condensed will of the dynasty, was only destroyed by only a few percent of its previous size, and the dynasty was completely over.

This is the [Destruction Order], and can no longer be called the [Devil Execution Order].

Not far away, Prime Minister Xiao Yutian also heard Venerable's words, his mind was turbulent, and he murmured, "It's worth the money, it's worth the money..."

He suddenly breathed deeply, and the depths of his eyes became deep and secluded.

There are still two sides of the [Destroying Demon Order] left behind.

He had to get it.

Even if the whole world is an enemy, he will kill anyone who dares to stop him.


In the sky, a huge purple light tripod hangs high, and the dive light illuminates the entire night sky, like a huge purple bright moon, swallowing the remaining luck.

Qi Yun sat cross-legged, the wounds in his body recovered quickly, one after another unprecedented power grew out of his body leisurely, grandiose.

It was almost the same as what he had thought before. After crossing the Thunder Tribulation, the benefits he got were unimaginable. The remaining Qi, Dragon Qi, and essence in the imperial city rushed into his body crazily. his consumption and loss.

He felt that the Primordial Infant was growing rapidly. From the size of one inch at the beginning, it had grown to two inches. The whole body was bright purple, filled with rich Purple Qi, so noble that words cannot explain.

Don't underestimate this extra inch, the Yuanying Great Perfection is only three inches in size.

His current two inches is at least equivalent to the late Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

In the imperial city Transcending Tribulation, let him directly connect to the 3rd-layer small realm.

At this moment.

One after another Dragon Qi and Qi Yun rushed in all directions in the night sky, which alarmed countless powerhouses.

I don't know how many people came out to watch Celestial Phenomenon at night, noticed the great change of Celestial Phenomenon, and showed great horror.


A mysterious valley shrouded in mist all the year round, the buildings are continuous, ancient and deep, I don't know how many years they have survived.

On the huge star-gazing platform, an old man with gray hair (mao die) with cloudy eyes, looked up at the starry sky, and saw one after another golden Dragon Qi rushing away from a distance, spreading out in all directions, Light up the night sky.

I saw the stars dimmed again, and many stars suddenly disappeared...

The old man's body suddenly appeared shocked as if was struck by lightning.

"Qi Luck... the imperial city's Qi Luck formation has dissipated, and chaos is coming!"

The old man said in a trembling voice.

A middle-aged man complexion changed behind him and said, "It may be certain!"

"There will be no falsehood, it is true, it is true, the imperial city array was destroyed. People are destroyed, what happened?"

The old man was shocked.


A vast mountain, shrouded in mist, isolated from the outside world.

Among the mountains, a strange villa, cold and terrifying, looks like an ancient ghost house.

The backyard of the house.

On a huge star-gazing platform, there is also a hunched silhouette looking up at Celestial Phenomenon.

He sucked in a cold breath, incredible.

"Qi the reverse flow of luck, the ancient dynasty's feng shui was broken..."

A group of powerhouses behind him, breathed deeply, narrowed their eyes.

"When the feng shui formation breaks, the curse that has suppressed us for many years will also be lifted, and we can be born..."

A middle-aged man whispered.

In the villa, the wind whistled and the black mist billowed.


A mysterious Formation.

The buildings are magnificent, grandiose, ancient and majestic, and have existed for many years, like a secret Supreme Divine Palace.

On the old star-gazing platform, a middle-aged man stands with a majestic face and hands behind his back.

The night wind blows, and the clothes are hunting.

"As soon as the ancient dynasty collapsed, the world's fortunes went against the flow, and the time for our birth is coming..."

The middle-aged man's voice was majestic.

The eyes of countless powerhouses behind him are glowing, with deep terrifying radians on their faces.

At the same time, some mysterious Celestial Grotto and ancient treasures shook and rumbled on this night, and a strong will surged from it, sweeping towards the sky.

However, after these wills wandered around for a while, they were quickly withdrawn again.


A huge crack in the underworld, black mist billows, and a majestic will emanates from it, Death Aura is mighty, and low words come, "The ancient dynasty's luck collapsed, the Heaven and Earth catastrophe began, The end and the beginning of everything will eventually collide again, whether it is survival or death, whether it is Sovereign or sinking, this life, no one can stop me..."

The voice roared, shaking for a long time in the dark night.

The other small and medium-sized forces also noticed the ground shaking tonight, and the sky seemed to have a dragon roar, but they couldn't imagine what happened anyway!

Only after tonight, when the news comes out, will they really know.

In the face of the general trend of the world, these small and medium-sized forces are just small fish, destined to be crushed and swallowed by the Great Influence.

outside the imperial city.

The mountains are endless.

A deep green light path spreads from a distance, and there is the sound of gu lu lu wheels turning, and an ancient bronze war chariot is slowly approaching.

Finally, the two bronze war chariots completely drove out of the dark road.


Dragon Qi scattered high in the sky, the luck rushed to all directions, and the thunder rumbled and reverberated.

The carriage husband's complexion changed, and he suddenly raised his head, revealing an incredible color.

"This is..."

He turned pale and his body shook.

"Something really happened, the Great Fortune Array was destroyed!"

A low voice came from the carriage, terrifying, and then began to cough violently, saying: "Yin Slave, go to the imperial city!"

"Yes, master!"

Other Ancient Ones who followed behind were all shocked and incredible.

They looked at each other.

Is it true that Sea of Bitterness crosses Fiend's point?

Crown Prince dead?

"Master, your injury has not recovered, if you encounter a thief?"

The carriage husband said worriedly.

"The Great Destiny Array was destroyed, and my injuries couldn't hold back. Within a month, I would definitely die, but before I die, I have to see who has such a great generosity to destroy it. Good luck, even if he is a god, I will tear him to pieces again, so that he will never be resurrected!" A dull voice came from within the carriage.

At this moment, the Eight Kings seemed to see through it completely, and even his voice was cold and flat, no longer filled with murderous intentions.

Chapter 3 to~~

(End of this chapter)

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