Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 533


Chapter 524 Yin and Yang Two Corpses (Subscribe)


The bodies of the three elders of the bamboo forest were blocked in an instant, and a group of people intercepted them, fighting in the night sky, and all kinds of rays of light burst out continuously.

After the three elders of the bamboo forest were stopped, five more people followed, clenching their teeth, rushing out quickly, and swept towards the sky.

"Hahaha, the Five Monsters of Mobei are here, Celestial Court expert, I'll come and learn!"

The strange black light emanated directly from their bodies, whining, like It was five terrifying black lightnings, attacking straight into the sky.

Five silhouettes, all of which are late Heaven Grade.

The strength is unimaginable.

"The five monsters in Mobei, Hugh is crazy, old man is here to ask for advice!"

The old man of Azure Dragon screamed, rushed out, and rushed towards the five people in an instant.

At the same time, Ming Zu, Ye Xuntian, Venerable and the others all flashed out in an instant.


The roar of terrifying broke out instantly, and layers of powerful waves swept across the fields.

A dozen silhouettes collided violently in midair.

High above the sky, the full moon hangs high.

The huge purple light tripod is slowly rotating.

The mysterious person below is still sitting cross-legged, hazy and motionless.

The Crown Prince's eyes grew darker.

Faced with this deep and unmeasurable opponent, he is impossible to test himself.

This purple cauldron, nearly 100 meters in size, mighty and unfathomable, he had no doubt that once he flew out, he would immediately be hit by this giant cauldron's unparalleled blow.

His eyes were cold, and he continued to signal to the people around him to step forward to test.

The Ancient Ones and ministers of the Imperial Palace all gritted their teeth and rushed out one after another.

At such a critical moment, they naturally know that Crown Prince must not be allowed to do it himself, otherwise, if something goes wrong, they will all die.

Seeing that some people rushed out one after another, the devils who escaped from the East Cloud Academy also shouted loudly, rushed out one after another, and intercepted those people.

In this way, more and more powerhouses are being sold.

The Imperial Palace, which had been quiet before, suddenly became chaotic again.

Amid the roars of heroes from all sides, a war broke out with the Imperial Family again.


The scene was instantly hot, crazier and terrifying than before.

When they made their move before, there were still many people who were afraid of Crown Prince and Imperial Family, and had a wait-and-see attitude, but now these people no longer wait and see, and immediately joined the battle.

With Celestial Court experts backing them up anyway, they don't have to be afraid of anything.


At this moment, in mid-air, the old Court Eunuch in the realm of the gods showed great divine might, screaming in the sky, transforming into two huge thunder and lightning palms, turning the Howling Celestial Dog and the bones together. The body of the troll was all grabbed and turned in midair, the breath whistled, and the thunder roared wildly, terrifying and unpredictable.

He screamed and screamed like crazy, and the bodies of Howling Celestial Dog and Bone Troll were spun by him quickly, and the two ominous beasts were like windmills at this moment.


After spinning dozens of times, he directly threw the bodies of the two ominous beasts far away.

This old Court Eunuch had terrifying eyes, fluttering white hair, and after throwing out two ominous beasts, he immediately screamed, rose into the sky, and continued to pounce towards Qi Yun who was high in the sky.

"Celestial Court expert, let us see your true strength!"

His voice was sharp, the strength of the Demi-God Realm world burst out, speed to the pinnacle , just like a white light, coming straight.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness has been paying attention to the movement below. He had been relaxed when he saw everyone taking action for him, but then he saw that the old Court Eunuch actually got rid of the Howling Celestial Dog and turned to him. Come straight.

Qi Yun cursed inwardly.

This is going to happen, and the image of expert he has worked so hard to create will probably collapse in an instant.

He stared at the panel in front of him and saw that the panel still didn't move at all. He couldn't help but feel even more in his heart. Just as he was about to hide in the Holy Land space, suddenly, two gusts came from both sides of his body. Extraordinarily terrifying atmosphere.


The cold air is rolling, the fire is flashing, heaven shaking, earth shattering.

Two completely different breaths rushed towards the old Court Eunuch from the left and right sides of his body. One was icy and cold, and the other was scorching hot.

As soon as it rushed, a thrilling Death Aura swept across the sky.

In an instant, everyone below started up, stopped the fight, and looked up.

“Corpse Qi!”

“Corpse Qi!”


The two completely different corpses collided with the old Court Eunuch, collided with the old Court Eunuch, and a terrifying energy wave suddenly swept out of the whole sky.

The old Court Eunuch's body was knocked down from the sky on the spot, smashed to the ground, making a loud explosion sound, one cold one warm aftermath of two forces came from his body, towards the The ground poured in, causing the entire ground to be in turmoil, and the buildings in all directions were blown apart by the aftermath of these two terrifying forces, flying randomly in the air.

Some Imperial Guards, various heroes, and Ancient Ones who are close to each other have all complexion changed and retreated quickly.

The Crown Prince's eyes froze, and he looked into the air for a moment.

Others also showed shock after stabilizing their bodies.

I saw two more terrifying silhouettes in the sky again, one was burning with fire, surrounded by thick Corpse Qi, heaven shaking, earth shattering, extremely terrifying.

The other was full of cold air, white and terrifying, the opposite of the person next to him, also full of Corpse Qi.

"Yin and Yang two corpses!"

The Imperial Teacher pupil suddenly shrinks, said inconceivably.

The powers below are all startled.

"What? Yin-Yang Two Corpse?"

"Is it the Yin-Yang Two Corpse of the Fear Gate? How is this possible?"

Countless years ago, the Fear Gate was in chaos The earth was summoned by the Imperial Family, and they joined forces to destroy it. The entire headquarters of the Gate of Fear was shoveled to the ground, and countless experts in the gate were all wiped out in that battle, not even the ancient corpse with them. They were all killed.

How come the yin and yang corpses still appear now?

"There are legends that in the first battle, the Fearmen escaped many remnants, and the most terrifying corpse of Yin and Yang disappeared. Now it seems that it is true!"

"How did the two corpses of Yin and Yang appear? Is the Fear Gate coming back?"

"The two corpses are helping the Celestial Court? Is the Celestial Court related to the Fear Gate? Is the Fear Gate a facelift?"


"How is this possible? How could the Celestial Court of deep and unmeasurable have something to do with the fear gate?"

Many people exclaimed in surprise.

The appearance of the yin and yang corpses exceeded everyone's expectations and greatly stimulated the nerves of many people.

After all, this was the first and most famous dark force in the past, chasing the earth and causing countless forces to attack it. They should have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke long ago.

But now not only does it appear, but it also seems to be associated with the Celestial Court?

This is unacceptable to many people.

In their hearts, Celestial Court is aloof and remote, omnipotent mysterious force, how could they be related to the fear gate? This is absolutely impossible to accept.

One Yin One Yang Two ancient corpse appeared, and they joined forces to shake the old Demi-God Court Eunuch back, full of breath, floating in the air, Corpse Qi sweeping, heaven shaking, earth shattering.

Qi Yun was also shocked.

A yin and yang corpse?

Is this the power of the fear gate?

His Divine Consciousness was swept out, and soon he found a few vague silhouettes in the imperial city, standing still in the distance, watching all this.

The headed person is dressed in a gray robe, wearing a mask, and leaning on a black scepter in his hand. His strength is deep and unmeasurable, and there is a strange black aura around his neck.

"It really is the door of fear!"

Qi Yun said to himself.

Although he had never seen the person in the lead, the other person behind him had seen it himself.

Fear Gate Second Elder Liu Feng!

He's here too!

To make this Second Elder Liu Feng willingly stand behind, this gray robe mask person is either the Great Elder, the sect master, or the Supreme Elder!

The Fear Gate also seems to want to take a trip to the water of this imperial city!

Qi Yun's head suddenly froze.

There are so many powerhouses here, all for the reputation of Celestial Court, thinking that Celestial Court can definitely kill Crown Prince, so they all show up and cause trouble here.

However, only Qi Yun knows the real situation now.

This damn Golden Core Great Perfection never breaks through.

The body seems to have turned into a bottomless pit, no matter how much luck, Dragon Qi, and essence qi inhaled, there is no effect, and the panel in front of me does not mean any change.

If things go wrong tonight, Celestial Court's reputation is bound to fall here.

If Crown Prince takes a risk on him, then he will definitely hide in the Holy Land space...

By then, the heroes who are trapped by him will probably be finished, even the fear gate. And the Palace of Destruction is not good either.

Qi Yun continued to absorb Qi Luck and Dragon Qi violently...

With these two corpses of Yin and Yang, I should be able to buy myself some more time.

Maybe next moment, you will break through!


Dragon Qi, luck, and essence continue to gather in the sky, and continue to wrap around the huge purple cauldron. The rays of light are splendid and unfathomable, just like the ancient cauldron, coercing the world. .

“jié jié jié …”

Suddenly, the Infernal corpse below let out a burst of harsh and sinister laughter, and the boundless Corpse Qi swept behind him, terrifying terrifyingly, with A strong smell of corrosion...

"I heard that the Celestial Court is here to kill demons, and the yin and yang two corpses are here to help!"

His voice was hoarse, like a night owl, spreading throughout the night.

The heroes below and the Imperial Family all looked surprised.

Are they here to help Celestial Court?

Soon, the crowd reacted.

This fear gate must be trying to use the Celestial Court to slay demons and announce to the world that they have not disappeared and want to be reborn.

At this time, they suddenly came to help, just saying that they also want to make friends with Celestial Court!

The heroes thought of the key, and soon laughed again.

"After tonight, this Imperial Family will be completely over, unless your ancient emperor can come back!"

"This is having only oneself to blame, you will deceive me. , as blood food, Celestial Court killing Crown Prince today should be a tit for tat!"

"Yes, the Imperial Family has enjoyed tens of thousands of years of luck and luck, and it's time to end!"

Someone shouted loudly, and the voices echoed from left to right.

They didn't dare to show their faces. They were worried that the Imperial Family would have a backer. If they could block the Celestial Court expert and clear it up in the future, then they would all die.


All Princes and princes were tumbling in their hearts, and their faces became extremely gloomy.

"Yin and Yang two corpses... How can they have the qualifications to enter the imperial city? Any foreign forces who enter the imperial city will be suppressed by the Great Fortune Array, unless they have the official seal of the dynasty or the wast token for entering the city. Where did you get the official seal and wast token? There are undercover agents in the Imperial Family, and someone is fornicating with the fear gate!”

First Prince glanced coldly at the many ministers, Ancient One, and even a few others around him. Prince and the prince are also under his suspicion.

Crown Prince's eyes gradually became sharper, the white mist on his face became more hazy, unfathomable, and the breath on his body surface was slowly exuding, like a long-suppressed volcano that was about to erupt.

First Prince didn't say it, he could think of it.

The two corpses of yin and yang dare to enter the imperial city just and honorable, which means that someone must have secretly made official seals and wast tokens for them.

Those who can have this kind of power are either their own brothers, or the Imperial Teacher, the Prime Minister, and a few top officials...

The Crown Prince's eyes are terrifying, Passed one by one on the people around you.

The expressions of those princes and Prince changed, and their hearts froze.

"His Highness the Crown Prince, the situation is complicated now, it is advisable to find a way as soon as possible to eradicate the two corpses of Yin and Yang, or deal with the Celestial Court, since the Celestial Court dares to appear, it will most likely have powerful means. Defend!"

The four Princes said in a low voice.

"Yes, His Highness the Crown Prince, please think of a way as soon as possible!"

The other princes and Prince said one after another.

Crown Prince's eyes are cold, his clothes are sly, ice-cold saying: "Even if the Yin and Yang two corpses are strong and join hands, they will not be Demi-God. Even if they appear, they will not be able to turn the sky. Tonight , Anyone who dares to disturb the Imperial Palace will not be able to escape, they will all have to die, the opportunity has already been given to this palace, and now no one cherishes it, so this palace will not continue to say more, Eunuch Cao, win the yin and yang Two corpses!"

The old Court Eunuch had cold eyes and said nothing before rising into the sky again and slaughtering the Yin and Yang two corpses.

The two corpses of Yin and Yang sneered, wrapped in endless Corpse Qi and whistled towards the old Court Eunuch.


The thunder and lightning whistled in the sky, and the rays of light were bright, reflecting the whole sky.

The strength of Thunder in the old Court Eunuch's body is unpredictable and powerful. It was supposed to be the nemesis of all kinds of evil spirits and strangeness, but the two corpses of Yin and Yang are different from ordinary ones. One of them is a very Yin Body. , one is the body of Extreme Yang, and it is not afraid of lightning at all.

even more how old Court Eunuch has long lost his manhood and lack of masculinity, and his strength of Thunder has been affected as a result, and his strength of Thunder is much less masculine and vast than ordinary Thunder.

Lei, originally something between Heaven and Earth Supreme Yang and Hardness, if used by an iron-blooded man, it will definitely exert endless formidable power, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, but the old Court Eunuch entered in his early years. Gong, giving up the man's body, has long lost the slightest yang energy.

"jié jié jié ... Cao Tianzheng, if you didn't enter the palace back then, we would still be afraid of your strength of Thunder, but you waved from the palace for the woman you love. Thunder is already like yours, vagueness, jié jié jié can't take us down!"

The corpse of Yang giggled one after another, his voice was harsh, and Corpse Qi was constantly surging with flames all over his body, blasting towards the old Court Eunuch.

When the group of heroes below heard this kind of secret, their hearts were awe-inspiring, and their backs were cold.

This old Court Eunuch turned out to be a ruthless too!

From the palace for the sake of a woman?

The heroes in the room asked themselves that no one could do this.

Anyone who can do this is absolutely ruthless!

In the distance, Goddess heard this, his beautiful eyes flashed, and he looked at Ye Ling next to him with a weak expression, "Ye Ling, don't you like me? Did you hear? Why? Others can do it, but you can't do it..."

Ye Ling's face flushed immediately, his eyes were full of grief and anger, gnashing teeth.

He was insane.

This Goddess has to force him?

(End of this chapter)

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