Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 531


Chapter 522 The Immortal Seven (please subscribe)

Outside the imperial city.

Dense mountain forest, grandiose, as far as the eye can see.

The whole rolling hills are like a coiled dragon, gathering the world's luck, elegant and graceful, the mountains are empty, and in the mountain range, a broad Tianhe, grandiose, gallops here.

Azure Dragon Spit Pattern!

The entire huge imperial city stands at the place where Dragon Vein is located.

At this moment.

The Palace Lord of the Palace of Destruction was dressed in a black robe, his face was indifferent, and he stood with his hands behind his back.

A total of seven Ancient Ones of the Destruction Palace appeared behind him.

Immortal Seven!

The existence of name shakes the whole world 1,500 years ago, each of which is deep and unmeasurable, and the distance from the Demi-God Realm world it's a difference of only one level window paper, once stabbed Broken is the Demi-God of not just in name only, but also in reality.

In addition to the seven immortals, there are more than a dozen Heaven Grade experts from the Palace of Destruction.

The lineup is huge!

"It's completely messed up, when are we going to start?"

An Ancient One from the Seven Undying Old Ones, with dark eyes, stared in the direction of the imperial city, and whispered: "This Celestial Court What's the origin? How dare you make trouble in the imperial city? It's unbelievable!"

"Yes, I was waiting to be able to move unhindered in the whole world, I've never heard of this force, is it true? An ancient force suddenly swindling a corpse? Someone with such audacity is definitely not an emerging force!" Another Ancient One said solemnly.

They have been sitting in the gates all year round, comprehend and comprehend the mysteries, and have ignored the world for many years. If the Palace Lord of Destruction Palace had not personally invited them this time, they would definitely not leave the gates.

But this time I called them out, and the information was too terrifying.

Someone is going to assassinate the Crown Prince!

Let them use the opportunity to cause chaos!

This is who can have such a big tone?

They all immediately thought the Palace Lord of the Palace of Destruction was deceived.

But tonight's one after another insider news kept coming, plus the roar in the imperial city, made them realize that something really happened in the imperial city.

As the most powerful terrorist organization in the world, their Destruction Palace naturally has countless eyeliners within the imperial city.

Many of the Imperial Court officers belong to them.

Even some princes conspired with them.

So they know all the changes in the imperial city.


Suddenly, a communication ancient jade on the Palace Lord of the Palace of Destruction glowed again, he immediately put it to his ear, listened, his eyes flashed a moment later, and he whispered: "Seven Martial Uncles, the Celestial Court has started, and we will enter the city immediately!"

"Okay, let's go!"

The seven immortals drank lowly.


A group of people, who are connected vertically and fast, disappeared here.

The token to enter the city, they have already secretly done it through other channels, and even if they enter the city, they will not be suppressed by the Great Fortune Array.

As for the information on the Palace Lord's side, it was naturally from Qi Yun.

As a greedy wolf Star Monarch, he contacted the Palace of Destruction and asked them to send someone to help. Naturally, the Palace of Destruction would not refuse this kind of news involving turmoil and destruction.

Besides, in order to get closer to Celestial Court, the Destruction Palace would like to do this.

whiz whiz whiz.

A group of silhouettes flashed by and quickly entered the city.

Dreadgate HQ.

The secluded great hall, with green candles burning.

The Great Elder walked back and forth with a solemn expression. There was news coming from outside and gathered in his hands. They were always paying attention to matters in the imperial city.

Since the Celestial Court made a request to assassinate the Crown Prince, their attention to the imperial city can be said to have reached an almost crazy level.

All dark lines and vision are activated.

I finally captured the mutation of the imperial city tonight.

"The Celestial Court is dispatched, destroying the Imperial Palace formation, and releasing two Immemorial Ferocious Beasts, Great Elder, shall we take the opportunity to dispatch?"

One An Elder came quickly from outside, his eyes changed.

"Destroyed the Imperial Palace?"

The Great Elder looked surprised.

"Yes, now in the entire imperial city, only the Great Fortune Array is left. Previously, the Imperial Family tried to seal the heroes in the East Cloud Academy, but the Great Array of the East Cloud Academy was quickly destroyed. Ruined, now the entire imperial city is in chaos, countless demons are raging, Princes and princes from all sides have their own thoughts, and they are plotting against each other, and even many Imperial Court officials have contacted some Power of Darkness!"

The Elder opened the mouth and said.

"Celestial Court is really going to do it? Are they going to kill the Crown Prince tonight?"

The Great Elder's heart rolled quickly, suddenly breathed deeply, and made a decisive decision, said solemnly: "Please bring out the two corpses of Yin and Yang!"

"The two corpses of Yin and Yang?"

The Elder startled.

"Yes, as long as Crown Prince dies, the world will be in chaos, and our Fear Gate can be born just and honorable. In this chaotic moment, how can we be without our Fear Gate?"

Great Elder opened the mouth and said.

The Elder understood immediately, nodded grinning.

"Yes, Great Elder!"

He quickly backed out.

Inside the imperial city, there is a roaring sound.

After the large formation of the East Cloud Academy was destroyed, the group of heroes rushed out, and in the wild laughter, they immediately rushed towards the Imperial Palace.

There are naturally a lot of 25 boys among these people, but at this moment, these 25 boys don't dare to stay alone, they all want to see what happened at the Imperial Palace.

After all, it must have caused such a terrifying major event.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor, Shiyao Star Monarch, and Meteorite Divine Domain all laughed wildly, mixed in the crowd, and rushed forward with frantic rhythm.

As they rushed, they set fires along the way, destroying buildings one after another, and the Insect Devil and the curse were one after another, one by one, rushing through, with black smoke and demonic energy billowing.

Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu was excited, followed the blood-robed Old Ancestor and the others, and was brought alive into the ditch by the blood-robed Old Ancestor group of people, grinning again and again, and rushing to kill on the street .

People are in a frenzy, and it is easiest to follow suit. At this moment, a group of demons all rushed outside the Imperial Palace, watching the fire spread, two giant beasts crossed, a group of demons roared, and all rushed. past.

"Everyone, let's kill together!"

"The imperial city formation has been destroyed, let's kill together!"

Old Ancestor and the others With a roar, he rushed in first.

The Ten Yao Star Monarchs were all excited and their eyes were red.

They wanted to enter this Imperial Capital for a long time and have a look, and now they finally got their wish.


The sound roared, and a group of demons shattered the Imperial Palace gate and killed them in an instant.

Inside the Imperial Palace, a group of Ancient Ones and Imperial Guards all turned their heads in shock.


"Dongyunyuan, how did you escape from Dongyunyuan?"

"Hurry up and stop them!"


A group of Ancient Ones and princes and ministers shouted loudly.

"die for me!"

The savage laughter sounded, and the ancestor of the Underworld came up with a trick of the Profound Abyss, shooting a layer of terrifying Power of Ice, surging towards the The group of Ancient Ones rolled away.

The other demons also burst into laughter and rushed forward.


The tragic war broke out in an instant.

Thirty Six Great Sects, twenty-four Aristocratic Family, as well as Ancient Ones and Old Devils all rushed to the Imperial Palace and began to rampage, madly shot, and slaughtered.

Some demons rushed towards the treasure house immediately, laughing again and again, killing a group of Imperial Guards blocking the way.

The various powerhouses entering the imperial city this time, none of them are weak, basically all have the strength of the Heaven Grade. Their Heaven Grade is not comparable to the Heaven Grade in the imperial city.

These people are all out of the real life and death, no matter the combat experience or the level of Power of God, they are far surpasses the imagination.

puff puff puff!

The Imperial Guard kept dying, blood spattered, and stumps were flying around.

apart from this, and buildings were shaken open one after another, in the rumbling sound, all split up and in pieces.

The imperial city is full of treasures, some ordinary buildings were shaken open, and a large amount of rare materials flew out, which were madly scrambled by everyone.


The Crown Prince's body roared from a distance in an instant, his eyes were cold, his sleeves swept away, and a majestic force swept out in an instant, and A group of Heaven Grade powerhouses that rushed over instantly shattered and exploded.

His face was hazy, covered by white fog, and he couldn't see the expression on his face at all, but the breath on his body was extremely cold, extremely terrifying, his body was like Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, flickering one after another, every time Appearing in one place, a Heaven Grade powerhouse was slapped to death by his palm, and his body exploded.

After killing dozens of powerhouses one after another, a terrifying aura suddenly came from behind, and seven terrifying silhouettes roared, slamming their palms together and strikes towards Crown Prince's body.

Crown Prince's eyes froze, he turned his head in an instant, and hit him with a palm.


The sound was dull, and an extremely terrifying roar erupted. In an instant, a terrifying giant wave was set off, and the silhouettes in all directions were shaken and flew out.

The seven terrifying silhouettes, without exception, were instantly knocked upside down, spurting blood.

The Crown Prince's eyes were cold.

"The Seven Immortals? Are you? More than a thousand years ago, I said, don't let me see you again, and now you dare to appear. In this case, this palace will send you on the road completely, Let's see if you are really immortal?"


His body flashed past, speed to the pinnacle, like teleportation, with a majestic breath, whizzing away towards the seven silhouettes.

The seven silhouette complexion changed, hurriedly stood up, quickly formed the seal, performed a Supreme secret technique, quickly increased the combat power, and then the bodies of the seven people quickly merged.

In a blink of an eye, the seven turned into one.

He has a burly body, more than five meters tall, with long scarlet hair and muscular muscles, ferocious-looking and terrifying.

With a flash of his body, he charged towards the Crown Prince again.

"Fusion? Fusion is useless, die for me!"

The Crown Prince rushed over in an instant, and slammed into this terrifying silhouette with another palm. .


Heaven and Earth shook, and a layer of terrifying fluctuations instantly swept out.

The body of the seven undead monsters was shaken and flew out again, spurting blood and smashing towards one side fiercely. He was surprised, got up, and fled into the distance.

"Damn it, where are the Celestial Court people? Aren't they going to assassinate the Crown Prince? Why haven't they shown up yet?"

The undead seven roared.

Crown Prince's eyes were cold, and after bumping into them, his body was unscathed, his body was hazy, and he chased after him.

The other direction.

The Prime Minister Xiao Yutian grabbed a chaotic party, slapped him to death, and shattered his body.

His eyes were deep and swept away.

"Didn't come? Was it just a false shot this time?"

His heart sank quickly, "Damn, what Celestial Court, and merely this, I thought you could do anything Do it, even the Crown Prince can't be killed, yet dare to call himself Celestial Court?"


He smashed another Old Devil in the late Heaven Grade, and his face was gloomy.

There is one more chapter~~We will meet~~

(End of this chapter)

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