Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 515


Chapter 507 A person in the imperial city? (Please subscribe)

"In the imperial city, there are successive murders, and some people are performing the technique of living sacrifice... This is also one of the methods of the Ghost King. Brother, you Heavenly Ghost Gate also received the imperial edict, right?"

said the red robe man.

Black robed man's heart pounded, and he reacted in an instant, saying: "You mean that after Ghost King escaped, he entered the imperial city and took refuge in the Imperial Family?"

" Yes, this time the ancient dynasty's imperial decree spread all over the world, just want to choose the Five Elements fate and yin and yang fate for their sacrifices, but this is also a perfect time to test the ancient dynasty. It will lead to mutiny, when various powerhouses will take action, the ancient dynasty will inevitably all split up and in pieces, and no one will be able to suppress our five hidden world sectors!"

The red robe man said.

During this period of time, the five hidden world sectors just dispatched Vice Sect Masters to travel the world and inquire about news.

But this time, the blood spirit of their Blood Sea Sect took shape, and the Heavenly Ghost of Tianmengyu took shape, which made the two Sect Masters unable to hold back and born in person.

didn't expect As soon as they came out, they heard about the imperial decree of the ancient dynasty, and even received this imperial decree in person.

With Blood Sea Sect Sect Master's wily old fox, I understood the internal affairs of the imperial city almost instantly, so I invited Heavenly Ghost Gate Sect Master to talk about it here.

Heavenly Ghost Gate sect master brows frowned, opened the mouth and said: "Ghost King actually took refuge in the Imperial Family, with him, even if we used to be of no use, unless our [Heavenly Ghost] Please come with [Blood Spirit], but in this case, it will inevitably lead to the suppression of the dynasty, and it will be detrimental to us if it is exposed too early!"

The red robe man indifferently said: "That's why I invited Daoist brother. Here, as long as the two sects of you and I join forces, we will not be afraid of anyone in the future, what does Dao Sect think?"

Heavenly Ghost Gate smiled and said, "Do you really think so?"

Heavenly Ghost Gate smiled. p>


The red robe man looked at him calmly.

The two made eye contact.

Long, laughing.

A deep area.

The environment is dark and unfathomable.

Like a Cave Mansion.

The silhouette flashes inside the Cave Mansion.

A group of dark shadows gather here.

A mysterious person was sitting on the middle seat, his eyes flashing, and he repeatedly looked at a black iron token in his hand.

The front of the token is engraved with [Celestial Court], and the reverse is engraved with [Devil].

apart from this , below [Destroyer Demon], there is also a line of small characters, the size of mosquitoes, crowded together, telling the usage of the token.

This token has been in his possession for three days, and he has carefully observed it for three days. He originally wanted to copy it, but he found that within this token, there is a mysterious power is neither Yin force nor Power of God, it is strange and unpredictable, it seems that it does not belong to this world at all.

"Destroy the Demon, Punish the Demon..."

The mysterious person's eyes flashed and he whispered, "I'll see if you can kill Crown Prince...within the imperial city, The luck is strong, and all kinds of curses are difficult to invade. If the Crown Prince can be destroyed, this seat will be completely convinced of you..."

He flicked his fingers, and the skin opened, and a ray of blood penetrated into it.


The token suddenly emitted faint rays of light, a mysterious wave that was not recognized by them, and instantly poured into the void, disappeared.

The mysterious person shadow and a group of dark shadows in the hall all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this demon-killing order activated like this?

A person beside him whispered: "Celestial Court Execution Order, 10 Days to slay the Caracal, within 10 days, can you really kill the Crown Prince?"

A group of people thought surging, feeling unlikely.

The shadow of the mysterious person is also squinting, deeply terrifying.

"Send order, let our people stop activities in the near future, so as not to be caught out and ruin the major event!"

He opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, Mr. Xiang."

The person beside him said.


The mysterious person's eyes froze.

That person's complexion changed, hurriedly changed his words: "Yes, sect master!"


mysterious person flicks to shoot with the finger, black light Flying out, he pierced the man's skull in an instant, violent death, his tone was cold, and said: "Remember your identities, you are all death row prisoners, this is dying, this seat rescues you, from now on, you must Forget everything, including the identity of this seat, in your mind, only the sect master, nothing else, understand?"

A group of people were sweating and nodding.

The City of Black Blood.

Qi Yun let out a long sigh of relief and walked out of the Holy Land space. Divine Consciousness spread, covering a radius of hundreds of miles again, and soon brows frowned.

Yin Qi has stepped up again?

This is only a day or so, and Yin Qi, which has just dissipated, has a stronger trend.

It seems that before I leave, I have to absorb it again.

It's best to keep the Howling Celestial Dog, Centipede, and Bone Troll here.

He walked out of the room and said, "Blood Robe, how are you preparing?"

"Young Master, everything is ready and ready to go!"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor, Shiyao Star Monarch, and the Four Demons of the Divine Domain all came out with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, since that's the case, don't waste time, let's go now!"

Qi Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, Young Master!"

A group of demons said with a smile.

As soon as they walked out of the mansion, Qi Yun suddenly stepped one stopped and felt a sense.


The ever faint fluctuations of Divine Consciousness penetrated nothingness and entered his mind.

Someone urged the Demon Execution Order?

He was exposed astonished.

It's still killing the Crown Prince!

Qi Yun's heart surged.

This Crown Prince really isn't that worthy, except that the Fear Gate asked Celestial Court to kill him, and now there is another mysterious force?

It's hard to do now. Judging from the information from the Fourth Prince before, this Crown Prince has a lot of luck and is surrounded by experts as clouds. If he wants to kill him, it is destined to be as difficult as heavenly ascension.

Having known this, he shouldn't have left the Demon Execution Order in the first place.

Now it's time to lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot.

This is also his latest inflated performance.

“Let’s go!”

Qi Yun said solemnly.

A group of people quickly left Black Blood City.

After one hour, Qi Yun had appeared in a jungle outside the city of black blood, Qi Yun urged the ten evil pictures, and left the multi-mujin centipede here.

This golden centipede has eyes all over its body and is tens of meters long. It is not just in name only, but also in reality's Great Desolate relic. It can not only absorb Spiritual God's grievances, but also absorb The poisonous miasma here.

Leaving it here is equivalent to leaving a purification machine in the Divine Domain, no matter how much Spiritual God's grievance rushes out, it can be absorbed by it.

The huge Tianhe, magnificent and beautiful, surrounds the capital, and is called the lifeblood of the capital of heaven.

The river is wide and undulating, with boats coming and going on it, densely packed, thousands of sails racing, a lively scene.

A huge building ship.

The screaming and killing sounded, blood splattered, and corpses continued to explode, which was extremely tragic.

The building ship was also swaying, all split up and in pieces.

Before an Earth Grade powerhouse died, he roared and threw an iron box in his hand directly into the far river, shouted: "Even if you throw it away, you won't get it!"



The shrill screams sounded, and a flame of lance poured into his body, making his body sizzle, turning into pieces of fly ash.


The shout fell, and silhouettes rushed out one after another, dashing towards the direction the iron box flew.

In the heart of the river, a huge building ship is approaching.

The sails stand in great numbers and ride on the wind with a strong and majestic atmosphere.

On the deck, stands a group of silhouettes of baleful aura surrounded by tables, looking very terrifying from a distance.

At this moment, the iron box came flying.

One of the old men, who was wearing blood blisters and blinded, suddenly felt a sense of induction.

"Give that thing to us!"

"This friend, that's our thing, please give it back to us!"

Chase A group of silhouettes came, opening shouted.

"Your stuff?"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor let out hehe laughter, watched it repeatedly, and said, "Write your name? What's your name? How am I? Don't you see the name on it?"

The four demons behind him, Star Monarch and Divine Domain, all sneered, flew over and landed all around, each baleful aura soaring, harboring malicious intentions .

"Hehe, your stuff? It's really interesting, I said this whole river is ours, now you cross the river, pay the money!"

Demon Monarch White Bone strangely said with a smile.


This group of silhouettes were surprised and angry.

The leader is a Heaven Grade expert, wearing a red robe, holding a flame lance, with a gloomy face, and said: "Who are you, do you know who we are?"

Blood robe Old Ancestor smiled and said nothing.

The Insect Devil on the side said with a malicious smile: "Whoever you are, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

"Impudent, we are in the imperial city, Follow the First Prince, that thing is what the First Prince wants, you dare to be the enemy of the First Prince?"

The red robe silhouette Mori Han shouted.

"People from the imperial city?"

Blood-haired Demon Lord said with a malicious smile: "It's a coincidence, I'm all from the imperial city, what do you care about First? Prince?"

The group of demons around them laughed strangely.

“courting death!”

The red-robed silhouette shouted angrily and waved her hand: “Get it for me!”


The people behind them rushed over in an instant.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor hehe smiled strangely, and rushed over in an instant to meet the red-robed silhouette.

Inside the building.

Qi Yun, who has been secluded cultivation, can't help shaking his head slightly, disturbed by the scene outside.

It's not clear what it means for a scholar to meet a soldier. That's it.

This group of people in the imperial city think they are aloof and remote and have a distinguished status, but they have encountered the blood-robed Old Ancestor and the Shiyao Star Monarch, who are regardless of the law and of natural morality. Doomed to be shriveled.

His Divine Consciousness glanced outside.

I saw the roars sounded one after another, and people kept vomiting blood and screaming. The group of people in the imperial city seemed to be not weak in the cultivation base, but when they really competed, the battle was almost one-sided.

A group of people were beaten one after another and exploded, violent death, like a blood cow who had no fighting power but didn't know how to play, and soon suffered a fiasco.

Even the red-robed silhouette headed by the blood-robed Old Ancestor was pressed and beaten, vomited blood one after another, and stepped back.

"Damn, let's wait and see, withdraw!"

The red robe silhouette was shocked.

"Want to go?"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor sneered, raised his hand, and a blood-colored light wheel appeared, slashed suddenly, and flew over in an instant.


The space is chaotic, and the splendid breath whistled past, like a flash of lightning.

The red robe silhouette was shocked and turned around to resist.


There was a roar, pitiful yell reaching the Heaven, a large blood mist splashed out, an arm and a thigh fell from the air, and smashed into the river.

"The First Prince will not let you go!"

A shrill scream was issued, and the rest of the body fled in a panic and disappeared into the distance.


The blood-robed Old Ancestor looked wanton, said with a malicious smile: "Run? No one can save you!"

Two bursts, seven thousand words, and one chapter to come~~ Come and recommend tickets, everyone~~

(this chapter end)

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