Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 201


Chapter 200 The Book of Terrifying Diarrhea (Subscribe)


Everywhere The shadow rolled over Han Yueshan's body like an iron curtain.

Han Yueshan suddenly felt that his body was extremely heavy, like a terrifying mountain on his back, gasping for breath and tingling all over his body.

He furiously shouted, waved the Moon Wheel, and swept again.


The shadows around him were shattered by him.

He staggered and continued to flee.

"Stop them, hurry up, stop them for me!"

Han Yueshan shouted.

The four Hall Masters around them hurriedly turned their heads and blasted one after another killing technique, rushing towards Qi Yun and the others behind them.

"All die for me!"

Pan Tian shouted loudly, clapped his hands, and the endless poison mist surged forward.

The four Hall Master complexion changed and hurriedly turned around and fled.

But it was still slow, two people let out a mournful scream, they were overtaken by poison mist, their bodies chi chi and turned into two blood mists.

The remaining two looked terrified and continued to chase Han Yueshan.

That's it!

Qi Yun threw the double-edged giant sword in his hand directly.


The sound is roaring, space distortion.

The terrifying double-edged giant sword was filled with energy and blood energy, and it was terrifying and unpredictable, like a black lightning, rushing through in an instant.



The heavy double-edged giant sword pierced through the body of a Hall Master, took his body forward several dozen meters away, and nailed it to the ground fiercely.

The other Hall Master, who was neither male nor female, screamed in horror, her face paled, and followed Han Yueshan to escape.

Behind him, Zhao Biao, Pan Tian, and Mu Elder Lu were chasing them frantically.

Qi Yun rushed past and pulled out his double-edged giant sword.

The Hall Master under the sword, his body was almost split alive, his internal organs flew everywhere, and the dead couldn't die any longer.

He held up his double-edged giant sword and continued to chase and kill the past.


Wooden Elder Lu continued with countless vines, encircling Han Yueshan and the man who was neither male nor female.

In order to be able to complete the mission, even if he suffered horrific injuries before, he couldn't care less at this moment, leaving Han Yueshan at all costs.

This is especially true for Zhao Biao and Pan Tian around him.

They all grit their teeth, hold on to their injuries, and chase forward.

At this time, the comparison is consumption.

Whoever can't stand it first will die!


Qi Yun threw the double-edged giant sword in his hand again, which was covered with energy and astral qi, like a terrifying meteor, with an unimaginable aura , fiercely runs through.

The non-male and non-female person in front heard the movement and looked back in horror.

Almost as soon as he turned around, terrifying's double-edged giant sword slammed into his body fiercely.



He let out a shrill scream, his delicate body was carried by the double-edged giant sword, and flew out on the spot, smashing towards the distance fiercely.


The ground shakes.

His end was the same as the previous Hall Master. He was carried by the giant sword and flew dozens of meters away. His body was almost split open, his internal organs flowed all over the place, and his death was terrible.

The copper mirror, who had been caught in his hand, screamed in horror, and hurriedly jumped out of his hand, trying to escape from here.

But Qi Yun's burly body rushed out instantly.


He pulled out his giant sword, his eyes were surprised, and he looked at the copper mirror that jumped out of his hand.

A human face appeared on the mirror, hurriedly looked at Qi Yun, and cried out: "Sir, please forgive me, I don't know anything, I have never done evil!"



The earth trembled and rocks splashed.

Qi Yun slammed it down with a sword, and the copper mirror that was hit by the violent force screamed and exploded on the spot.

A drop of green blood splashed out from it and was grabbed by him.

Points value+80

He turned to look at Han Yueshan who was fleeing, moved in his heart and took out the [Book of Diarrhea], his eyes flashed and he cut his fingers, Han Yueshan's name was quickly written on it.

Just in time to try the formidable power of this book of diarrhea!

Is it really that exaggerated!


After writing the name, a hazy halo flashed across the book, swallowing the three words Han Yueshan automatically.

Qi Yun took the book of diarrhea again, picked up the double-edged giant sword, and continued to chase after it.

Han Yueshan, who was escaping at a high speed in front of him, was shocked and horrified. Thinking of the heavy experience tonight, he was about to go berserk!

Is this a group of who?

Despicable, shameless, insidious, vicious, he swore that when he refined the curse in his body, he must kill all these people.

The rumbling sound in front of him sounded, and countless vines appeared again, entwining towards his body.

Han Yueshan furiously shouted, waved the Moon Wheel, and fiercely swept past again.


The vines exploded again, and he cut a bloody path.

But just when he was just smashing these vines, suddenly there was a rustling sound in his abdomen, and there was a colicky pain.

Then behind the buttocks, a cloudy yellow thing started to erupt.

While escaping and spraying, the scene is spectacular and the stench is sky-high.

apart from this , as well as before.

A piece of turbid current could not help rushing out.


Han Yueshan shouted again, her eyes were round, and her tears were about to burst out.

What happened to him?

He pulled?

He couldn't control his bowel movements.

This is a curse!

Another curse!

"ao ao ao ow..."

Han Yueshan screamed and ran away.

The more you run away, the harder it sprays.

An even more terrifying scene appeared. With the constant diarrhea and spurting behind him, his physical strength was rapidly weakening, and his limbs began to soften.

Zhao Biao, Pan Tian, Mu Elder Lu and the others who were chasing them all widened their eyes and watched the scene in disbelief.

What happened to Han Yueshan?

Is he crazy?

This is also spectacular.

A patch of cloudy yellow stuff sprayed Heaven and Earth all over, and the stench rushed into the sky.

Several people held their breath, avoided from one side, and continued to chase and kill Han Yueshan.

"Han Yueshan, you killed the old man!"

Pan Tian grinned and got up. He was sprayed with a lot of dirty yellow stuff, but he couldn't care less. Too many, shoot with both hands, black poison qi corrupts everything.

Although Han Yueshan couldn't control his bowel movements, he still grasped the crisis. Tears surged and his face was filled with resentment. He turned the Moon Wheel, turned around, and swept towards Pan Tian's body fiercely.

Pan Tian's face was horrified, didn't expect Han Yueshan to still have fighting power, so he couldn't dodge in time, so he could only bite the bullet and kill.


With a loud bang, Pan Tian screamed and was knocked upside down again, landing in the distance, spurting blood.

At the same time, Han Yueshan sprayed more on the back of her butt. Pieces of yellow stuff piled up on the ground, and the stench was so high that it was disgusting.

Although he swept away Pan Tian with one blow, Pan Tian's poison entered his body again.

At this moment, he no longer had the strength of the Peak moment. In the face of the poison, he suddenly let out a mournful scream, and his body began to melt rapidly.

"ao ao ao ow..."

The voice is miserable, I don't know what it is calling.

Melting and pulling, the scene is bizarre.

Four chapters to go.

(end of this chapter)

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