Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 186


Chapter 185 Knocking on the door late at night

peng peng peng!

In the dark of night, the sound of knocking sounded.

The two Taoist priests before them looked at each other with a condensed expression.


Little Daoist Priest was a little uneasy.

“Go and see the door.”

middle aged daoist said solemnly.

“I don’t dare, how about going together?”

Little Daoist Priest hesitated.

<> middle aged daoistp nominated and walked out with Little Daoist Priest.

Outside the yard, Bai He was also holding a long sword and walked out of the room. After seeing Bao Shuzi, he forced a smile and walked towards the gate.

Little Daoist Priest pushed the bolt of the top door open, and the old door slid open.

Three silhouettes appeared in front of them, all dressed up as men from all corners of the world.

Especially the one in the middle, unusually burly, about two meters and one in one, with two thick pipa hooks in his hands, looking terrible to see, timid.

The two people beside him were also extremely tall, about 1.8 meters tall, with striking eyes and steel knives.

Little Daoist Priest's face was startled, shocked by the breath of Qi Yun and the three of them, secretly surprised.

It is really rare to see such a burly person in the secular world.

Is this a general Martial Artist?

"How many, are you here to stay overnight?"

Bao Shuzi asked suspiciously.

Qi Yun looked at them, nodded and said: "Yes, it looks like you are too."

Bao Shuzi nodded, sighed: "Several, there are some in this village. Dangerous, if you want to live, you might as well walk 30 more miles, and in front of you is Hong Tian City, where you can live comfortably."

"Dangerous? I don't know what danger it is?"

Qi Yun asked knowingly.


Huo Shuzi sighed, shook his head, and didn't say much.

Besides Baihe smiled, suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Qi Yun's wrist, said with a smile: "What's the danger, Old Daoist Priest is nonsense, he said the same thing when he saw me just now, this Come in quickly, brother."

Bao Shuzi looked at Bai He and Qi Yun again, hesitating to say anything.

The three of Qi Yun stepped into the courtyard and walked towards the front.

Little Daoist Priest timidly looked at Baihe and whispered: "Master, what should I do?"

Hua Shuzi's face changed, opened the mouth and said: "Put the door in. Come on, don't let anyone else in."

Little Daoist Priest hurriedly nodded, closed the door, and closed the door with a bar again.

Hua Shuzi strode towards Qi Yun and they chased after them.

The complexion slightly changed when Baihe in front of him was about to say something, Yu Guang looked behind him, said with a smile: "This brother, who is going down the wind and the sword of Baihe, I don't know what the brother is called?"


"Step into the clouds."

Qi Yun said.

"It turned out to be brother, please, brother, there are just a few vacant rooms here, just need to clean it up."

Bai He led Qi Yun all the way to He was led away and brought to a secluded yard.

The face of Bao Shuzi behind him became more and more ugly, and he followed closely behind him.

I followed him all the way to the courtyard, looked at Qi Yun and the others, and then looked at Baihe, not knowing what to think.

Qi Yun looked at this small courtyard calmly.

There are three rooms, just enough for them.

“many thanks Brother Bai.”

Qi Yun surrendered.

"Brother, you're very kind, and I'm here to stay overnight. You don't need to thank me."

Bai He said with a smile.

Next, he didn't bother, cupped the hands, and left the small courtyard.

Hua Shuzi looked at Qi Yun and the three of them, also bowed, and exited the place.

"Second Master, this Taoist priest seems a little weird."

A'da whispered.

The Taoist priest followed all the way without saying a word.

When Bai He left, the Taoist priest left again, making it difficult to understand the purpose.

"en. ”

Qi Yun gently nodded and said: "Be careful at night, you two live in a room, don't walk around."

"Yes , Second Master."

A'da and Li Qing said.

Qi Yun thought.

This Old Daoist Priest has normal fluctuations, no Power of God, and no Yin Qi.

He is human.

Moon to mid-heaven.

Qi Yun sat cross-legged on the bed, the spirit strength diffused out, and the hearing in both ears spread to the maximum.

The entire Iron Sword Gang was within his hearing range.

Nothing can hide from him.

Suddenly, Qi Yun opened his eyes.


"Brother, it's me."

Bai He's voice came from outside the door, which was deliberately lowered.

Qi Yun frowned, got up and opened the door.

Outside the room, Bai He's face vaguely has several points of unease, walking back and forth.

"Brother Bai, I don't know why you are visiting at night?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Brother, can you let me in to talk?"

Bai He said a little nervously.

Qi Yun nodded slightly, letting Bai He come in and closing the door again.

Bai He looked at the team of pipa hooks under Qi Yun's bed, secretly shocked.

Suddenly, he turned around and bowed down, opened the mouth and said: "Brother Bai, save me!"

"Brother Bai, please get up, what happened?"


Qi Yun raised Baihe and asked.

Bai He's face was pale, and he said with some horror: "Then... those two Taoists are not human."

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, and he said, "How do you say it?"

"Brother, when you just came in, you saw a carriage in the yard. That's the person who came with me, a girl named Liu Ruyan, and a driver named Liu Ruyan. Da,

I originally met people on the way. They said they were going to Hong Tian City. I had nothing to do, so I escorted them all the way.

But...but in After entering this village, they... they were all killed.

I saw with my own eyes that middle aged daoist swallowed the coachman in one bite, he was swallowed alive."

Bai He's face appeared Thick fear, with chills.


Qi Yun narrowed his eyes, looked at Baihe, and said, "Are you sure?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, he That little disc is not a human either, grabbing the toad on the ground to eat it, eating scarlet, it's too terrifying."

Bai He said in a terrified tone, "Originally they wanted to do something to me, but it just happened. You knocked on the door and interrupted them, so I hurried out and opened the door for you."

"If that's the case, why didn't Brother Bai leave?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Liu... Young Lady Liu is missing, how can I leave so easily? And I overheard their conversations, and they seem to be afraid of my martial arts, cloth brother, please, please, please Help me find Young Lady Liu!"

Bai He's face turned pale, and he knelt down and kowtowed again, peng peng loudly.

Qi Yun helped him up again, his heart pounding.

"Okay, I will pay attention to this matter, you get up first."

He opened the mouth and said.

Bai He's head was full of purple and blue, and he got up from the ground and said, "Many thanks to the brother, I will go back first, those two people will probably do something to me at night, and ask the brother for help. "

He bowed again.

From the moment he saw Qi Yun's pair of pipa hooks, he knew that Qi Yun was an expert, and his martial arts were by no means inferior to him, so he took the risk of coming over late at night to tell the truth.

He's totally betting.

If Qi Yun heard about this and ran away overnight, there was nothing he could do.

But for now, he was right.

White River quietly left.

In the room.

Qi Yun frowned tightly, recalling the various performances of the two Taoist priests in his mind.

That's it.

Xixisuoso's voice came from outside the door again.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed.

"Is Little Brother here?"

A deliberately lowered voice came from outside the door.

middle aged daoist.

(end of this chapter)

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