Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 184


Chapter 183 Block Aojia (Subscribe)

An azure nine-leaf clover appeared in Qi Yun's hand , browsers frowned.

【Young Nine-Leaf Revitalizing Soul Grass】

The healing elixir of the Ancient God Court, contains the powerful Life Essence Qi, only nine leaves grow in one's life, and each leaf returns heavenly The technique is prepared by secret technique for ancient gods.

“Nine Leaves Revitalizing Soul Grass?”

Qi Yun said to himself.

Good or good, but unfortunately it is still in the seedling stage.

If you take it now, the medicine efficacy will definitely be discounted.

Thinking of this, he planted this nine-leaf Revitalizing Soul Grass next to the dragon blood flower.

After this period of time, the dragon blood flower has already sent out tender buds, red, thumb-sized, like a section of mysterious tentacles, filled with an unusual fragrance.

Qi Yun sniffed lightly, looking at the dragon blood flower, the more satisfied he became.

The past few days the dragon blood flower sprouted smoothly, and the nine-tailed poisonous scorpion next to it was greedy.

If it wasn't for Qi Yun's order not to eat this thing, this nine-tailed scorpion would have swallowed it in one bite.

After Qi Yun planted the nine-leaf Revitalizing Soul Grass, he turned his head to look at the large snake and black fox not far away.

The two goods finally got out of the pain of the past few days.

A few days passed and became active again.

The bodies of the two goods have changed again.

Especially for this big flower snake, the scales and armor on its body have all changed, and it has become a kind of blue azure, shining with different light, tenacious force.

Qi Yun tried to tap it hard with her fingers, and it made a clanging sound, like tapping on a sheet of iron.

And the body of this big flower snake has also become unusually thick.

It looks as thick as an adult calf and is more than ten meters long.

There is no doubt that the Martial Artist of Divine Light Realm will be easily hanged by this thing as long as it is twisted with force.

The title of big flower snake is not suitable for it.

It's almost like a big azure snake.

Or azure snake Lang Jun.

Anyway, it's almost a monster, and it's a matter of time before it becomes a monster.

"Well, from today, let's give you a name, it's called azure snake Langjun."

Qi Yun stared at the big azure snake on the ground, opened the mouth and said.

The big azure snake stared at Qi Yun, nodded again and again.

The black fox on the side also jumped up, jumping around in front of Qi Yun, wanting a name.

The size of this guy is also very different from the average fox.

It grows as tall as a lamb and is more than two meters long. The black hair on its body is like silk, shiny and shiny, and its teeth and claws have become extremely sharp.

Once this thing burst into the crowd, hundreds of people couldn't stop it.

Qi Yun looked at the black fox, thought for a while, and said, "You can call it black robe."

The black fox suddenly let out a burst of whistling, jumped high, Extremely satisfied.

The nine-tailed scorpion was startled when he saw that these two goods had their own names, and the huge body quickly climbed over, towering like a hilltop, and came to Qi Yun.

Its body is the largest among the three goods, as big as a calf.

There was also a burst of whistling in its mouth, and the sound was sharp.

"You want a name too? Well, let's call it Nine-Tails, how about that?"

Qi Yun asked.

The nine-tailed scorpion seems to understand, nodded.

Qi Yun looked at them with great satisfaction.

These three goods are well maintained, and it will definitely be a killing move in the future.

There is also Xiaoshuihuang.

The little thing went to eat feed again these two days.

The beast pet feed is occupied by it, even if it is as strong as a nine-tailed scorpion, it will not dare to approach it, and can only guard the dragon blood flower, greedy.

Qi Yun walked to the feeder of the little thing, looked at the little thing sleeping inside, and was dumbfounded.

Without waking the little thing, he walked out of the Holy Land space and started sorting out the things he had won during the lottery.

So far, the things that have not been used are:

【Inferior Ablation Card】

【Medium Upside Down Card】

【Mysterious Heat Potion】

【Medium Yin-Yang Card】

【Incomplete Flame Dragon Essence】

【Attack Synthesis Card】

[Mysterious Extraterrestrial Meteorite]

These items, at present, are the least used extraterrestrial meteorite.

The remaining ablation cards, upside-down cards, estrus potions, and yin-yang cards are all killing moves, so make good use of them.

Suddenly, Qi Yun showed a strange color and looked at the cultivation technique synthetic card.

This item can be used to craft a cultivation technique to create a more powerful peerless battle skill.

Unfortunately, the blood requirement is 60 points.

His current HP is only 56 points, so the same is useless.

Qi Yun frowned and put these things away again.

Each of these cards can only be used once.

So, don't rely too much on it.

The real power is yourself.

Inside the room.

Zhao Biao opened his eyes again and took a deep breath.

Aojia, Netherworld Cult?

He deeply remembered Qi Yun's mission.


The indifferent voice sounded.

“Protector Zhao!”

Two people walked in and bowed their hands respectfully.

"When will Vice Mansion Lord arrive?"

Zhao Biao is indifferent to Wen Blade.

"It's two days away from returning to Protector Zhao."

One said.

Zhao Biao coldly snorted, said: "I can't wait, I have received the news, the proud family is going to flee, you bring your people and chase after me, the Divine Item must not fall into their hands! "

The two startled and said, "Yes, Protector Zhao."

In the wilderness.

A convoy was walking, and the people in the car were all white robes, slender and handsome, from the patriarch to the servants, like the perfect masterpiece of God.

The proud family patriarch's mood is gradually sinking at this moment.

It has been four days.

In four days, they encountered four waves of attack and killing, from different forces, each shot fiercely. Although they were killed and retreated, they also lost a lot of people.

To make matters worse, Old Fourth hasn't come back yet.

Are they also lost in Hong Tian City?

Or was it captured by other forces on the way?

His fists clenched tightly.

The development of Aojia has never been so passive, and now they have to do this for a Divine Item.

Patriarch's face was extremely gloomy.

A convoy behind.

Ao Ling is still teasing his big brother.

Every word he said made Aoquan's face flushed, his facial features distorted, and his eyes were full of resentment.

For this younger sister in front of him, he could not wait to pounce on her and strangle her to death.


That's it!

There was a muffled noise outside, and the horse team was startled and let out a neigh.

Proud spiritual eyes flickered and looked out.

"Someone is here again!"

Aojia patriarch and the remaining three Elders rushed out immediately and fell outside.

The mountain tops in all directions collapsed, and a large number of boulders rolled down.

Accompanying the boulders are countless poison insects, humming, and approaching them.


proud patriarch coldly snorted, with a sweep of his palm, a huge circle of flames emerged above his head, spreading suddenly, sweeping towards all around.

oh la la!

These poison insects were all burned to coke in an instant, and those boulders were all shaken and shattered, flying around.

"He Fangxiao, get out!"

proud family patriarch Sen coldly said.


There were bursts of terrifying laughter ahead, and a cloud of black air gushed out, blocking their way.

"The proud patriarch doesn't know where this is going?"

There was laughter in the dark air.

(end of this chapter)

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