Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 182


Chapter 181 Unstoppable (please subscribe)

The middle-aged man is a brazen blow, the power is terrifying, the palm of the hand A row of wind blades, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, the moment the blast came, the space around Qi Yun spun directly, forming a small tornado, engulfing his body and wanting to smash it in an instant.

However, at a critical moment, a dive light suddenly lit up on Qi Yun's body, blocking the huge force he had photographed outside, and the surrounding small tornadoes were also completely isolated.

Although not injured, Qi Yun was blasted away by a huge force fiercely and landed in the distance.

The medium defense jade pendant on his body blocked a shot for him at the crucial moment.

On the medium defense jade pendant, a fine crack appeared in an instant, making a clicking sound.

At this time, the light beam transformed into the isolation card finally completely penetrated into the middle-aged man's body.

“en? ”

middle-aged man frowned , only felt a stream of light rushing towards him, and instantly burrowed into his body, he suddenly activated Power of God, wanting to turn the stream of light forced out.

But after the stream of light penetrated into the body, it was instantly disappeared without a trace, and there was no peculiar change in his body.

His eyes froze, and he instantly realized that he was being teased. He looked at Qi Yun again, and gloomily said: "little bastard, dare to resist, I will kill you alive!"

He lunged at Qi Yun again.

The Qi Yun in front of him stared blankly at the area in front of him.

The middle-aged man just disappeared?

Can't be captured and erased?

Suddenly, his face changed.

No, there is another one in the house.

The middle-aged man who was rushing soon found out that he was abnormal, and the speed of rushing towards Qi Yun was not as fast as before. He ran Power of God again, and suddenly his eyes changed.

The Power of God in your body disappeared?

How is this possible?

What did this little bastard do?

After he tried again and again, he suddenly fell back in horror, turned and rushed towards the great hall, shouting: "Fourth brother, the situation is not right, this kid has melted the Power of God in me!"

The other middle-aged man in the great hall looked indifferent, watching the battle outside.

Seeing that the old fifth wind palm slammed into this Qi Yun, at the critical moment, Qi Yun actually lit up a layer of bright rays of light, which directly isolated the old fifth wind palm from the outside.

The middle-aged man in the hall looked coldly, coldly snorted, and said, "There really is a secret in this little thing!"

He was about to charge ahead when suddenly his eyes changed.

After his own brother slammed the palm of his hand, he disappeared directly?

His eyes widened, a mass of flame aura appeared on his body, and he rushed out of the great hall in an instant, his eyes swept away.


The middle-aged man shouted.

It was empty outside, and there was no trace of my brother.

He was unbelievable!

He looked at Qi Yun for a moment, his body rushed forward, appeared ten meters away from Qi Yun, his eyes were piercing, and he said, "Where did the fifth go? What did you do?"

The Fifth Elder, who was running in the direction of the great hall, was horrified, turned his head in a hurry, and looked at the fourth brother who was passing by him. What happened to his fourth brother?

Don't find yourself?

"Fourth brother, here I am, here I am, there's something weird about that kid, he melted my Power of God!"

The Fifth Elder yelled hastily.

The Fourth Elder seemed to have not heard, his eyes still fixed on Qi Yun, his breath was terrifying, and the floor tiles were scorched, gloomily said: "What the hell did you do? Where have you been?"

"Fourth brother, here I am, here I am!"

The Fifth Elder ran to the Fourth Elder, shouting and waving his hands.

But the Fourth Elder stared at Qi Yun as if he couldn't see him at all.

Fifth Elder was horrified.

What happened?

The fourth brother can't see himself?

He hurriedly looked at Qi Yun again, shouted loudly in anger: "What the hell did you do?"

Qi Yun also couldn't see where he was, facing the Fourth Elder at this moment, He hurriedly retreated behind him, and a [medium upside-down card] appeared in his hand.

Seeing Qi Yun's retreat, Fourth Elder's eyes froze, his body speeded to the pinnacle, his flame was threatening, and his palm landed directly on Qi Yun's chest.


Almost instantly, Qi Yun was kicked out by fiercely.

Before he could land on the ground, Fourth Elder rushed again and appeared behind Qi Yun in an instant, with another slap.


Qi Yun was blasted away again by fiercely

Two times in a row, the jade pendant on his body was finally completely shattered, but the upside-down card in his hand finally moved away.

oh la la!

A strange light emanated from Qi Yun's hand, swept away toward the Fourth Elder.

Fourth Elder continued to charge towards Qi Yun with another slap.

That's it!

The power of the upside-down card instantly applied to him, causing his body to shudder uncontrollably, like an electric shock.

It lasted for three breaths before it stopped again.

He looked at Qi Yun with cold eyes, and said: "Little thing, dare to impudent in front of my proud family, it's the other way around!"

He rushed towards Qi Yun again Come.

The Fifth Elder next to him stared wide-eyed in horror, looking at his fourth brother like a monster.

This is...

What's going on here?

What is your fourth brother now?

It is exactly the same as the Aoquan at home.

Two thighs grew to the shoulders, two arms grew to the original thighs, the huge butt appeared in the forehead, but the forehead appeared in the buttocks.

This is a curse!

Is this Qi Yun a curser?

He screamed in horror and ran into the distance, not even caring about his fourth brother.

He wants to go back to the family.

Desperate to tell patriarch.

The Fourth Elder, who was rushing towards Qi Yun, still didn't notice the change in his body, his eyes were cold, and he slammed heavily towards Qi Yun with his palm.

It wasn't until he realized something was wrong, brows frowned.

Not true.

How did your arms get longer?

Also, his Power of God seems to have weakened?

He looked at the palm of his hand in amazement, his eyes were round, and he couldn't believe it.

Have your palms turned into soles?

How is this possible?


At the moment when he was in a state of confusion, Qi Yun's qi and blood instantly surged, Berserk Bear Overlord Physique, flame astral qi, True Qi, and energy all recovered. The whole body seemed to have a volcanic eruption, and the breath was violent. , the sole of the foot stepped, like an Immemorial Divine Mountain fiercely slammed.

Martial Arts: Unstoppable!


The sound is roaring, the space is hollow.

The strength is unimaginable when it hits it with all its strength.

Fourth Elder complexion changed, aware of the incomparably terrifying aura coming, hurriedly waved his feet, frantically mobilized Power of God, and shot towards Qi Yun.

He is not an ordinary person!

He is not an ordinary person!

Fourth Elder roared in his heart, frantically running the remaining Power of God, and smashed towards Qi Yun.

But it's all useless. Qi Yun's body is violent and terrifying. With the blessing of Indestructible Vajra Divine Art, it is even more fierce.


Fourth Elder's body was like an egg, and when he was hit by fiercely, the soles of his feet and thighs were like rotten wood, shattered inch by inch, and the skeleton inside was unable to withstand a single blow, making a crackle sound, distorted violently by the impact.

(end of this chapter)

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