Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 177


Chapter 176 Fire (Subscribe)

The carriage stopped before the entrance of Tianhaitang, Qi Yun station In the car, his eyes were fixed on the fire in front of him.

Zhu Constable was burned with hot sweat, and quickly greeted him, opened the mouth and said: "Qi Gang Lord, Qi Gang Lord, the fire is too big, it can't be extinguished at all..."



Qi Yun's body instantly rushed into the raging fire.

The chain made a crash-bang sound, stretched straight, carrying two heavy pipa hooks, and rushed over in an instant.

In the fire, there is a smell of scorching and roasted meat.

The mournful scream fades away.

The fire has not weakened at all, and it is still burning.

The strange thing is that this fire is only confined to Tianhaitang.

As if there was an invisible barrier to isolate these fires, the shops and houses on both sides were not affected.

Even if it's just a wall apart, there's nothing at all.

The scorching heat was all confined to Tianhaitang.

In Tianhai Church, a group of brothers who did not go out tonight were all trapped here and burned to death.

The depths of the fire sea.

Qi Yun grabs two huge pipa hooks and shoots here.

Power of God fluctuates strongly and spreads widely.

His eyes were cold, his spirit strength was activated to the maximum, and he walked in this area.

In both ears, apart from the burning sound of flames, there is no other abnormality.

He walked out from room to room and saw the charred corpses one after another, and his heart became more and more cold.

But I walked through the rooms from the lobby of Tianhaitang, but I didn't see a silhouette.

Awakener or transcender?

Where is the other party from?

Is it Aojia's revenge?

Qi Yun walked past corpses with a cold heart.

Tianhai Church is a newly established church. There are only 70 or 80 brothers in total. Except for those who went to the city at night, there were more than 30 who stayed.

These thirty people, without exception, all died.

Including the Yellow Sea!

The person who was just promoted by himself to become the Hall Master of Tianhaitang two days ago was burned alive and turned into a mummy before his butt was hot.

Qi Yun held her breath, her eyes getting colder.

He walked a long time in the fire sea.

The roaring flames have gradually subsided.

Qi Yun's heart was gloomy and terrifying, and he walked out of this fire sea with two terrifying lute hooks.

This feeling of life and death is too suffocating.

Although I have strong power, I still seem lonely and helpless in this world where people eat people.

Seeing that many of his subordinates were burned alive, he couldn't even find the murderer.

This made his heart gloom to the extreme.

The outside world.

Zhu Constable and a group of martial arts gang members are still fighting the fire frantically, and buckets of cold water are constantly being transported here.

"Hall Master A'da, Qi Gang Lord... Qi Gang Lord, will he be okay?"

Zhu Constable asked with a pale face.

With such a terrifying flame, Qi Yun didn't even say anything, and rushed into it.

This is simply terrifying!

Not to mention a person, even if a Vajra Buddha rushed in, he would be instantly melted.

Can flesh and blood really resist?

A'da also kept her eyes fixed on the flames, her face changed, and her heart was surging.

"Fast, fast water!"

A'da shouted angrily.

Under the frantic saves of everyone, the raging fire sea finally has a trend of decreasing.

Amidst the flames, an unusually burly and tall silhouette came out, and the sound of chains crash-bang came.

Qi Yun's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he was unscathed, not even a trace of fire star was burned on his clothes.

"Second Master."

A'da quickly greeted him.


Qi Yun threw the pipa hook on the carriage, which shook the carriage, and stepped directly into the carriage.

"The brothers' bodies have been disposed of, how much is lost, report to me tomorrow!"

Qi Yun's cold terrifying voice came from the carriage.

"Yes, Second Master."

A'da handed over and quickly ordered.

There were bursts of shouting, and the rest of the people continued to fight the fire.

Zhu Constable was outside the carriage, his face was pale, and he asked carefully: "Qi Gang Lord, this fire is so strange, could it be someone deliberately set it on fire?"

Qi Yun closed his eyes and did not speak.

Zhu Constable's eyes changed, he stopped asking more questions, stepped back and continued to command everyone to put out the fire.

A'da jumped on the carriage directly, waved the whip, and returned to the Wu Gang headquarters.

Qi Yun's eyes narrowed as he looked out of the carriage.

The rich Divine Force fluctuates widely...

The strength of that person is not weak!

At least monthly!

Who is this?

If you want to kill someone, can you just come to the headquarters of the Wu Gang?

Why only one entrance?

A proud family's revenge?

Or is it Netherworld Cult's revenge?

After killing two of the Netherworld Cults that night, he'd been worried about their revenge.

But until now, there has been no movement. Could this fire be related to them?

In other words, the fire was put down by some passing loose cultivators?

Qi Yun's heart froze.

The carriage creaked forward and returned to the Wu Gang headquarters in a short time.

He entered the room and chose to retreat directly.

The raging fire lasted for several hours before it was completely extinguished.

The entire Tianhai dignified mouth was completely burned to coke.

Countless people on the street discussed spiritedly, and there was an uproar.

For this incident, many people believe that it was caused by some gangsters seeking revenge.

For a while, various versions of the news kept flying around.

It was late at night.

Above a small residential building, a silhouette stands, looking at the direction of the fire, the browsers tightly knit.

"No, did we guess wrong?"

The man muttered to himself.

The purpose of setting a fire and burning a person in the hall is to draw out the people behind the martial arts gang.

But now, no one has appeared since the fire started to end.

Did they guess wrong from the very beginning?

Is the death of Shadow Venerable and Toad Venerable not related to the Wu Gang?

This person was brows frowned, and a terrifying smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was especially weird under the moonlight.

"Would you like to try burning another hall?"

The man let out a strange laugh and said to himself: "Actually, it is also considered to support this martial arts gang under my Netherworld Cult. That's right, in the future, you don't have to look for people to worship the underworld..."


This silhouette flashed by, disappeared.

A moment later, the silhouette reappeared, brows frowned, at the front of an alley.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from the alley.

A strange body was rushing towards him.

The body seemed to be completely spliced together, covered with thin black lines one after another.

The left half of the face is a man, and the right half is a woman. The clothes on his body are also miscellaneous, at least four or five kinds. The left hand and the right hand are not the same size, and the left and right legs are not the same length.

It ran up and down, but very fast.


After seeing the silhouette in front, the weirdo suddenly showed a smile that made people have one's hair stand on end, his white teeth flashed, and his body suddenly all split up and in pieces, rushing towards him.

This silhouette also showed a terrifying smile at the corner of her mouth, and a purple flame instantly appeared on her body, like a fire sea, whistled past in an instant, drowning all these broken corpses.


A shrill scream resounded, echoing in the moonlit night.

The mutilated corpses that fell upon him were all contorted by the purple flames, turned into fly ash, and scattered between Heaven and Earth.

(end of this chapter)

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