Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 172


Chapter 171 The new Gang Lord

Zhao Tianlong died after running out of fuel.

Lying on the seat with the palms up and refusing to put them down.

A black wrench is held tightly between the index finger and the thumb.

Qi Yun brows frowned, looking at Zhao Tianlong's body, his heart is surging.

To tell the truth, Zhao Tianlong was so kind to him during this time that he died in front of his eyes.

Although he wasn't particularly sad, he also wasn't happy.

Looking at the wrench in the opponent's hand, he didn't pick it up.

The man in front of him almost became his Adoptive Father.

Qi Teng stood up, walked over, opened the mouth and said: "Second Brother, Gang Lord passed the seat to you, you still don't take over?"

Qi Yun thought for a while, looked at Qi Teng, and said, "big brother, am I that material?"

Qi Teng's face turned startled, and he said, "Why not, who would dare to disagree?"


Qi Yun shook his head and said, "Why don't you be Gang Lord, how about my deputy?"


Qi Teng complexion changed , angrily shouted: "The Wu Gang passed the seat to you before he died, saying that you are you, you must do it, otherwise, don't recognize me as a big brother!"

Elder Wu in the audience , Feng Elder, Xu Hall Master, Hall Master Zhou, Hall Master Li, and Hua Hall Master all got up and looked at Qi Yun with sympathy on their faces.

"Lord Qi, please take over!"

Elder Wu folded his hands and set an example.

"The country cannot be without a master for a day, Lord Qi, please take over now!"

Master Feng Hall also opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, Lord Qi, let's take over."

The remaining four Hall Masters also spoke.

"Second Brother, hurry up, put your finger on."

Qi Teng urged.

Qi Yun thought about it for a while, then took the wrench off Zhao Tianlong's hand.

Zhao Tianlong's raised arms were unable to hang down.

Qi Yun put the black wrench on his little finger.

Because of his unusually wide palms, the wrench that should have been worn on his index finger could only be worn on his little finger at the moment.

"I've been waiting to see the new Gang Lord!"

Qi Teng bowed down first.

Elder Wu, Feng Elder, Master Xu Hall and the others also followed.

"Get up!"

Qi Yun said.

"Gang Lord, should the rest of the brothers come over to meet the new Gang Lord?"

Qi Teng said.

Wind Elder and the others are also all nodded.

"As it should be!"

"Gang Lord, my subordinates will send orders!"

Elder Wu bowed his hands and stepped back.

After a while, the elites and backbones outside were all called in by Elder Wu.

As soon as I entered the lobby and saw the scene in the hall, these elites and backbones complexion changed one after another, showing panic.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Gang Lord, what's wrong with Gang Lord!"

"Hall Master, what about our Hall Master?"

There was a panic in the hall.

"Everyone, the martial arts gang has suffered a century of disaster, and the old Gang Lord has passed away. Before leaving, pass the position of Gang Lord to Qi Yun and Qi Hall Master. Now I will meet the new Gang Lord!"


The wind Elder suddenly shouted, shaking the hall.

He bowed to Qi Yun again.

The Elder Wu, Qi Tang and the others behind him also all followed.

Frightened in their hearts, the backbones and elites of the martial arts gang didn't react when they saw that the remaining Elders were all bowing down, and they hurriedly followed.

"I have seen the new Gang Lord!"

The voice vibrated and traveled far.

"Get up, Gang Lord Zhao has worked hard all his life for our martial arts gang, and now he is finally relieved, and orders to bury Gang Lord Zhao and all the Elders, Hall Masters, and Grand Guardians who died for the future of the martial arts gang in the hall. !"

Qi Yun's voice came out.

"Yes, Gang Lord!"

The crowd shouted.

“Lord Gang, now all the Elders, Hall Masters, and Grand Guardians are in distress, and the jurisdiction in the city is bound to be vacant. Please Lord Gang deal with it as soon as possible.”

Feng Elder said.

Qi Yun thought for a moment and said, "These jurisdictions under the sky will be under the jurisdiction of several of you for the time being. After a while, I will arrange for someone to take over these places."

The top level of the Wu Gang has been reduced by 2/3/2022, and he is going to bring A'da, Li Qing, Protector Lin, Sun Debiao and the others up.

And Shun Zi too.

This kid has a set in charge of the warehouse.

"Yes, Gang Lord!"

Wind Elder said.

"Well, let's do this first, let's deal with the body in the hall, and then there is the matter of the proud family. No one is allowed to spread any news about the proud family. If you dare to spread it, behead!"


Qi Yun's tone turned cold.

It's a big problem to be proud of the family.

There is also a sixth uncle who did not come in outside the city. Sooner or later, the other party must know that he killed these two proud young people.

So he has to do it as soon as possible and send it to people first.

Apart from this is a strange thing in the city.

Now the city is getting more and more chaotic, every day all people are missing, and the martial arts gang has encountered such a major event.

He now takes over the martial arts gang, which is equivalent to directly taking over a mess.

All kinds of weird and mysterious forces are his threats.

According to his original idea, he wanted to use the clothes of the martial arts gang to grow vulgarly.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and he appeared at the forefront every time.

Now he has become the Gang Lord of the martial arts gang.

This time, the burden on him was even heavier.

Becoming a Gang Lord is no longer as easy as the Hall Master before.

The entire martial arts gang has to rely on him for food, and he has to take care of anything that happens.

Qi Yun's mind was surging, and the matter of relocating the gang was brewing again.

This Hong Tian City looks prosperous, but in fact there is a time bomb buried in the ground.

The appearance of the crack in the underworld, I don't know how many people will die.

If you continue to stay, some people will die in the martial arts gang.

However, the direction of relocation should also be considered now.

Hong Tian City is already the largest city in Yubao Kingdom. If he moves again, where else can he move?

Moving to a bigger country?

Qi Yun had thousands of thoughts in his heart, rays of light flashed in his eyes, and walked out of the great hall.

It's a long way to go!

Now, let's clean up the mess of the martial arts gang and make up for the establishment, and then think about the relocation of the gang.

And the proud sixth uncle!

Qi Yun looked down at his palm.

A stack of cards appeared in the palm of my hand.

Inferior quality ablation cards.

Medium isolated card.

A medium upside-down card.

Medium deformed card*2.

A medium yin and yang card.

A medium imprisonment card.

But unfortunately, all are limited by distance.

In other words, he had to find the sixth master of the proud family. If the other party never showed up, then everything would be in vain.

Qi Yun felt heavy pressure again.

The day goes by quickly.

In order to prevent the sixth master of the proud family from suddenly killing him, Qi Yun put the Tiejian Gang affairs aside for the time being.

The original Heavenly Wolf gang has all moved back to the headquarters here.

In one day, many helpers were busy, disposing of all the corpses in the great hall, and the magnificent great hall was repaired again.

second day early in the morning.

The notices in the martial arts gang were posted all over the city.

Wu Gang Gang Lord Zhao Tianlong passed away and Qi Yun Qi Hall Master took over.

For a time, Hong Tian City Three Doctrines and Nine Philosophies were all shaken, and countless people were chattering spiritedly.

Outside the city.

In the dilapidated gazebo.

Ao Guangling has been waiting quietly.

As the day passed, he opened his eyes, brows slightly wrinkle.

It's time to come back.

Why haven't the two nephews returned?

Did something else happen?

There was a slight displeasure in his heart.

The migration of the family is imminent, and these two people should be punished for such a waste of time.

Ao Guangling was coldly snorted, his body stood up, and swept towards Hong Tian City.

There is enough time today, there will definitely be eight chapters, and the ninth chapter will be filled according to the situation~~

(end of this chapter)

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