Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 169


Chapter 168 Proud hands-on (subscription)

Heavenly Wolf dignified mouth.

Qi Yun holds an azure card in his hand, slightly frowned.

After coming back today, I drew another prize and got another weird card.

【Medium Imprisonment Card】

Mysterious things from the distant Ancient God Court, containing the terrifying Spiritual God power, once activated, can be used within a hundred meters of the opponent. The target is imprisoned.

Applicable to: Star Early-Stage to late Moon Stage.

Number of uses: one.

There was a strange color in his eyes.

No doubt, another powerful killing move.

I solemnly took this thing into my arms.

At this moment, a large number of martial arts gang members are in action, and there are strange things going on in the city.

Qi Yun told them not to let go of any clues

He wanted to count the location and frequency of these strange things.

In this case, there may be clues.

Just then, A'da came running from outside with a hurried look on her face.

"Second Master, I found some clues."

"en? What clues?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Yesterday evening, someone went into the city to report the disappearance of the person in charge. I thought it was just a small case of disappearance, but according to the person who reported the case, there was a haunted place near them. My husband was kidnapped by the ghosts inside.

I took someone to check it out. It used to be the location of a gang, called the Iron Sword Gang. A few years ago, I suddenly encountered The whole gang died, which was the biggest unsolved case at the time.

I brought people into the search last night, and during the search, two of our people went missing directly. One, silent, as if it had evaporated," said A'da.

"Iron Sword Gang?"

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, and he said, "Is there anyone else there?"

"No, in order to prevent accidents. , I got everyone else out."

A'da said.

"Okay, show me."

Qi Yun breathed deeply.

Wubang headquarters lobby.

red on the red carpet.

There were 20 or 30 corpses lying on the ground.

Hall Master, Elder, Grand Guardian, all became shriveled corpses.

The top position.

Zhao Tianlong was panting heavily, his chest sunken, corner of the mouth flow blood, and a pale smile, looking at the two white robed youths in the hall.

Two white robed youths, tall, handsome faces, long black hair with crystal roots, like ink dye, cheeks with a hint of blush, and licking their lips, it seems that they have a lot of aftertastes.

"How many people are still missing?"

A white robed youth instigated his fingers and asked indifferently.

A gang member on the ground was immediately frightened, his face was terrified, his body was wet, and there was a pungent smell.


All dead.

The proud people are crazy.

Kill them all.

"It's still... six Hall Masters, two Elders, and three Grand Guardians are still missing."

The gang members trembled in horror.

"Go and call them, and also call the Opening Meridians and Divine Light Realm. Call a few more people. I won't kill you, hurry up."

the white robed youth said calmly.

"Yes, yes, messenger."

The gang said in horror.

His legs trembled, and he didn't know how he climbed out of the great hall. His body seemed to be out of strength, and he rolled and crawled, escaping into the distance.

Zhao Tianlong coughed again and again and his face was miserable.

"Messenger, did my martial arts gang do something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong, just living wrong, living is a mistake."

white robed youth indifferently said.

Heavenly Wolf Church.

Qi Yun just set foot on the carriage.

In the distance, a martial arts gang came on horseback.

"Master Qi, Gang Lord is welcome!"

The Gang Lord shouted.


Qi Yun frowned, looked back and said, “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know, I’m just sending orders. , but it seems to be an urgent matter, so please rush to Master Hall."

The man said.


Qi Yun nodded, got into the carriage, and asked A'da to drive the carriage to the Wu Gang headquarters.

"Wait, Master Qi Hall, Lord Gang also said, bring all the other gang members."

The man said.


Qi Yun frowned again.

What are you going to do with the rest of the gang?


After thinking about it, he still said.

A'da sent out the order, and all the previous martial arts gangs gathered immediately and followed behind the carriage.


The other Hall Masters and Grand Guardians also got the news and are heading towards the Wu Gang headquarters.

When they arrived at the Wu Gang headquarters, Qi Teng and the other four Hall Masters immediately walked towards Qi Yun.

“Second Brother, why did Gang Lord suddenly let us come over and ask us to bring all our hands together, is there something wrong?”

Saito asked.

“I don’t know either, just go in and see.”

Qi Yun said.

Several other Hall Masters were also nodded.

The three Grand Guardians not far away glanced in Qi Yun's direction, coldly snorted, avoiding Qi Yun far away, and walking towards the Wu Gang lobby.

They have always had invisible hostility towards Qi Yun and disdain to be with him.

The past few days, Gang Lord transferred all Martial Artists from Opening Meridians Peak to Divine Light Realm to Qi Yun, and they were even more upset.

Seeing the appearance of the three Grand Guardians, Qi Yun looked calm and didn't say much.

Just a few clowns, if he wants, he can be crushed to death in minutes.

At this time, an Elder next to him came over, browsed tightly knit, and asked, "Master Qi, will this be a major event? Lord Gang has never done something like this before. Order, usually just call us over to discuss something, and the subordinates will not call over."

Qi Yun's heart was also surging, revealing contemplation.

Is it really the proud family who escaped?

Two days ago, Zhao Tianlong once said that he would contact Aojia to inquire about specific matters.

Now all of them are suddenly called, is it because the situation is wrong?

"Elder Wu, it's useless for us to guess here, just go in and find out."

Qi Yun said.

Elder Wu and Feng Elder gently nodded.

They walked along the steps towards the great hall ahead.

At this time, the two Grand Guardians were the first to enter the great hall.

But after they came to the great hall, their faces were stunned, and they were stunned for a moment, then they looked terrified and backed away uncontrollably.

In the great hall, shriveled corpses piled up all over the ground.

Many familiar faces come here.

Some Hall Masters, Elders, Grand Guardians are all dead.

The top position.

Zhao Tianlong's face was pale, corner of the mouth flow blood, a large dent in his chest, and looked at them with vicissitudes of life and sadness.

Beside Zhao Tianlong, stood two proud young men in white robes, looking at them quietly with indifferent expressions.

"Very well, it seems that everyone is here."

A white robed youth indifferently said.

"You, you..."

The three Grand Guardians screamed in horror, turned around, looked towards and fled outside.


Suddenly, Mysterious Force surged out, enveloping their bodies like mountains and seas, and in their terrified eyes, they pulled their bodies back again .

The three of them screamed in horror, begging for mercy, but to no avail.

The sound was cut off by a Mysterious Force and could not reach the outside world at all.


A scream rang out.

The three Grand Guardians flew upside down, their bodies shrivelled in an instant, turning into three withered corpses, smashing heavily on the ground.

Outside the great hall.

Qi Yun, who was walking here, changed his face and stopped instantly, browsed frowned, and looked at the great hall.

"Don't move!"

He opened the mouth and said.

"What's the matter? Second Brother?"

Qi Teng asked suspiciously.

(end of this chapter)

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