Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 163


Chapter 162 Toad (Subscribe)

The night is getting darker.

Hong Tian City is as bustling as ever.

Although strange things have happened frequently in the past few days, they are still small in scope.

In addition to their well-informed martial arts gang, most of the ordinary people are still unaware of these things.

Even if I hear some gossip, I watch it for fun.

There are so few strange rumors spread every year, they have long been accustomed to it.

This kind of thing can be heard as a joke, how can it be serious?

Li Dabao and several friends walked out of a theater, said hello, and separated.

Thinking about the drama I heard in the opera, I still have a lot of aftertastes, and I can't help but hum.

"I'm like wild geese scattered from the south, I'm like a diving dragon stuck on the beach..."

Li Dabao, from a wealthy family, is the son-in-law of a member. Some wealthy young masters have done a lot of things like molesting women from good families and bullying the weak.

There are also many people who want to clean up him in secret.

It's a pity that he bought the relationship of the martial arts gang, and there are people from the martial arts gang behind him, so that those who want to clean up him are gnashing teeth and dare not touch him.

This also makes Li Dabao more unscrupulous.

In addition to murder and human trafficking, I don't dare to do anything, and I want to touch other exciting things.

He went home as usual this evening. When he passed an alley, he suddenly felt the urge to urinate. He looked left and right, opened his belt, and began to put water in a corner.

rustling sound!

The sound of water flow sounded, which was very comfortable, making him feel like his hair was fluttering.

As he was urinating, a toad suddenly jumped up beside him. The mouth of the bowl was the size of a toad, and his body was covered with ugly pimples. His eyes seemed to have spirituality, staring straight at Li Dabao.

Li Dabao was throwing water when he heard the abnormal sound and was startled.

When he saw that it was a toad, he laughed and scolded: "Damn it, what to see? I've never seen anyone pee, do you want to see it? I want you to see enough."

He slapped the toad directly and viciously.

The toads are all over the thick water column.


Toad let out a cry, turned and ran away.


Li Dabao suddenly laughed and fastened his pants pocket.

"The dead toad dares to peek at Lao Tzu to pee, it won't kill you!"

He was about to turn around and go home.

Suddenly, his body froze and shivered, like an electric shock, out of control.

Soon, stop again.

The corners of his mouth evoked a mysterious arc, made a hehehe sound, and walked towards the house.

“gu gu…”

Behind him, the toad’s cry rang again and followed Li Dabao.

Outside Hong Tian City.

A layer of gray mist spread again, covering Hong Tian City silently.

There was a sound of toads from all corners of Hong Tian City.

Many bowl-sized toads haunt some dark alleys, making loud noises and gu gu ear-piercing

The darkness outside the city.

A small, eerie sound rang out.

"A rare crack actually opened here. Some people think it's a blessing, some people think it's a disaster, hehe ... It's going to be lively now."

The voice followed the breeze fluttering, disappeared.

The night has passed.

After Qi Yun finished breakfast, he took Li Qing and walked down the street.

Zhao Tianlong gave him half a month to investigate that kind of weird stuff.

Speaking of which is still a bit stressful.

He can only investigate by virtue of his strong spirit strength.

"Hey, did you hear that, Wang Meng's grandson recognized a toad as his son, and gave it to the family. Every day is good to give birth and drink to serve. It's useless for anyone to persuade him, his father is forcibly angry. I'm sick."

"What? Wang Meng also found a toad son?"

"What? Are there others?"

" Li Dabao, after Li Dabao came home last night, he said he recognized a son and brought a toad to his house. His father was so angry that he almost vomited blood."

"Hehe, how popular is toad recognition these days? Being a son is really amazing.”

Several Aristocratic Family Young Masters sat in the teahouse, sipping tea and chatting.

Qi Yun's eyes moved, he turned his head to look over, stepped away, and came behind them.

A huge shadow shrouded down, causing those Aristocratic Family Young Masters to look startled and look back.

"Master Hall!"

Their eyes changed slightly, and they hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Qi Yun is a local tyrant in this area. They usually give gifts a lot, so they recognized Qi Yun right away.

“What’s the matter with you guys?”

Qi Yun asked.

An Aristocratic Family Young Master said it again to Qi Yun immediately obediently and honestly.

Qi Yun brows frowned and said, "When did it happen?"

"Wang Meng's has been two days, and Li Dabao was yesterday."

That Aristocratic Family Young Master replied.

“Where are their homes, do you know?”

Qi Yun asked.

"I know, if Master Qi wants to go, the younger can lead the way."

The Aristocratic Family Young Master said.

Qi Yun gently nodded

and said, "Take me to see."


The Aristocra Young Master hurriedly led the way.

Qi Yun and Li Qing followed behind.

The first place they went was Li Dabao's house, which was only about two blocks away.

The yard of Li Dabao's house is very grand, covering a vast area, with vermilion gates, will know when you see it is the home of Dingshi.

When the Aristocratic Family Young Master arrives, go straight up and knock on the door.

The one who opened the door was Steward of the Li House, with a puzzled look on his face, "Is there something wrong with Young Master Yang?"

"Tell your master, Master Qi Hall is here."


said the Aristocratic Family Young Master.

The steward complexion changed slightly, raised his hand to look at Qi Yun behind him, hurriedly opened the door, and ran down quickly to inform Old Master Li.

"Master Qi, please come in."

The Aristocratic Family Young Master said with a smile.

Qi Yun frowned slightly, looked inside for a while from the outside of the courtyard, took a start, and walked in.

Not long after, the elderly Old Master Li ran out in a panic.

“little old man does not know that Hall Master is here, excuse me for not going out to meet you, excuse me for not going out to meet you.”

He hurriedly paid his respects .

Qi Yun's eyes glanced at him, but he didn't feel anything unusual.

"Okay, get up, you don't have to."

Qi Yun said: "I want to see your son, is it convenient?"

Old Master Li complexion changed and panicked: "But the dog provoked Hall Master?"

"No, I just heard that he took a toad as his son and wanted to see and learn."

Qi Yun said calmly.


Old Master Li's face was suddenly contorted and swollen red.

He didn't expect the news to spread so fast that even Master Qi Hall knew about it and even visited in person.

This made him suddenly feel faceless.

Li Dabao's acceptance of a toad as his son is equivalent to his acceptance of a toad as his grandson.

extraordinary shame and humiliation!

"This unfilial son!"

Old Master Li gnashing teeth in anger, cupped his hands and said: "Master Qi, this matter can't be taken seriously, it's a childhood entertainment, can't be taken seriously Ah..."

"Take me to see."

Qi Yun indifferently said.

Old Master Li's face changed and he had to be nodded.

(end of this chapter)

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