Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 159


Chapter 158 Note

The reason why these dozen people were not killed is that the strange person regarded them as playthings Same.

I have to say, this weirdness goes deep into the play.

From the moment they entered the city, they were led by the nose everywhere, playing back and forth.

What thirteen bandits are all a game dominated by the other side.

It's a pity that at the end of the game, it lost itself.

Qi Yun walked into the courtyard, sat on a stone bench, closed his eyes and waited.

These people were stunned by the gong, and they were afraid that they would not wake up within a few hours.

The morning sun rises to dispel the darkness.

Qi Yun took the initiative to shake them, but there was still no response.

He had to wait.

Wait until noon and shake it again.

This time I finally woke up some of the gang members of the martial arts gang.

"Hall Master, what's wrong with us?"

One person's face was pale, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights, very tired.

The soul attack gong is the magic weapon of soul attack after all.

Every time I knock it, it seems to knock the person unconscious, but in fact the soul has been damaged.

This thing is different from the general soul attack magic weapon.

This thing is of the sonic type.

As long as the person is knocked unconscious, the sound will not be heard in both ears, and the impact will be weakened many times.

But if you don't faint, or if you continue to attack with Spirit Attack, the formidable power of the gong will become stronger and stronger, and the damage it will cause will become stronger and stronger.

"Wake up the others, pack up, and let's get out of here."

Qi Yun said.

"Yes, Hall Master."

The man was tired and nodded.

Several martial arts gang members started to wake up the others.

Muffled noises came out, and the others woke up one after another.

Everyone was pale and exhausted.

“Pack up and get ready to go out of town.”

Qi Yun said.

Everyone supported each other, took some gold and silver pieces from the carriage, and followed Qi Yun.

On the street outside, the cool wind whistled, and the faint smell of carrion kept coming.

Everyone gradually remembered the previous things in their minds, and their eyes began to panic again.

"Hall Master, that's weird?"

A gang member asked.

"Let's go back."

Qi Yun dragged a long chain behind him, opened the mouth and said.

The gang members swallowed their saliva and dared not ask more.

Outside the city.

Li Qing waited all night. Seeing that it was noon, and Qi Yun had not come out, he was secretly anxious, and planned to return to the Wu Gang to inform the Gang Lord.

Suddenly, a crash-bang sound of chains emanated from the city.

Li Qing hurriedly looked, the familiar silhouette came from the city gate, followed by a large group of people, all of whom were members of the martial arts gang.

"Second Master!"

Li Qing quickly greeted him.

“Let’s go.”

Qi Yun gently nodded and set foot on the carriage.

"Yes, Second Master."

Li Qing breathed deeply.

At this time, the rest of the people began to ride the dozen or so Dawan horses, which was just right.

At sunset, a group of talents returned to the Wu Gang.

Qi Yun immediately went to see Zhao Tianlong after returning home.

The situation in Rock City is extraordinary. Although it is only a small city, it is extremely incredible that all the people in a city are dead.

This is a proud land.

There are such large-scale activities as powerful and strange, don't the proud people know about it?

If it's a small-scale event, they're excusable if they don't know.

The back hall of the Wubang headquarters.

Qi Yun omitted some links and talked to Zhao Tianlong.

Zhao Tianlong immediately started and said, "What? Everyone in Rock City is dead?"

"Yes, Rock City is only a hundred miles away from Hong Tian City, equivalent to In the front of one's eyes of the proud family, but now such a big thing has happened, will it be a little abnormal?"

Qi Yun asked.

Zhao Tianlong's face changed.

This is not going to be a major event.

It's been chaotic enough in the city these two days.

He also heard about the loss of shadows and bodies, but they still can't solve it.

But he didn't dare to report it easily and kept pressing.

Because once it is reported, it means asking the proud family to take action, then they will definitely harvest a wave of blood.

Now that such a big thing is happening in Rock City, it must be unstoppable.

Once the proud family finds out, it will be a lot of trouble again.

What he is most worried about is the harvest of blood and food for the proud family.

The people of the proud family will never shoot in vain. Whether it is asking them to shoot, or they take the initiative to shoot, they will harvest blood and food.

It's just that when the latter is harvested, there will be less.

"I will handle this matter."

Zhao Tianlong looked ugly, looked at Qi Yun, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Master Qi, this time you did a good job. Yes, tomorrow morning I will announce that I will accept you as a Grand Guardian."

"Thank you, Lord Gang."

Qi Yun handed over, still a little repulsive in his heart, suddenly remembered something, said: "By the way, Gang Lord, have you heard about the strange things Gang Lord in Tian City a few days ago?"

He wanted to know more about the situation.

Zhao Tianlong sighed, nodded and said: "I heard that the strange things are still intensifying these days, the jumping into the river is gone, but some people have lost their shadows, lost their arms, and others. People lost their eyes..."

"Lost eyes?"

Qi Yun showed a strange look and said, "It's the same as people who lost their shadows."

"Yes, these strange things add up to a dozen cases. Hong Tian City is a big city. A dozen cases seem to be unremarkable, but they are actually very terrifying."

Zhao Tianlong said.

"Does Lord Gang know the reason?"

"I don't know, we can only suppress this matter, you should understand."

Zhao Tianlong shook his head.

Qi Yun's heart is surging, quietly nodded.

I have to say, it's really sad.

If you press it, you will only lose these few people.

But if you don't hold back and ask Aojia to take the initiative, then you won't lose these people.

"You go down first."

Zhao Tianlong sighed.

"Yes, Gang Lord."

Qi Yun stepped back.

Walking out of the back hall, he picked up the two lute hooks on the ground, went to the front yard, and set foot on the carriage.

Li Qing immediately got up the carriage and walked towards Heavenly Wolf Hall.

After returning to the entrance of the hall, A'da immediately greeted him.

A day passed, but nothing out of the ordinary.

The kind of weirdness he'd been worrying about never happened in their Heavenly Wolf hall.

Qi Yun gently nodded, moved in his heart, and walked to the two little loli's rooms again.

When I walked in this time, it was quiet inside.

No chirps like before.

Qi Yun frowned, pushed the door and entered.

In the room, half of all kinds of snacks disappeared, and a plate on the table was full of garbage.

The quilt on the bed was messy.

The only thing missing is the trace of two little loli.

Qi Yun expression congeals, suddenly noticed a note on the table, walked over and took it in his hand.

A line of cat-scratching handwriting on the note, twisted and extremely ugly.

"Dead satyr, by the time you read this letter, the great aunts have already left."

"In order to repay your candied fruit stick for the past two days, Great aunt has a message for you."

"Run early, Hong Tian City will die soon."


The handwriting like a cat scratch is almost unrecognizable.

Qi Yun struggled to understand.

His eyes sank and he took a breath.

The two little fellows are really weird!

He quickly called the gang members outside the hospital and said, "Where are these two little girls? When did they leave?"

The gang members were stunned. Staring blankly at the empty room, he said in a panic, "Master Hall, I've been guarding outside, I didn't... I didn't see them leave!"

The eighth chapter has not been published until now, I'm sorry, is there any big guy who hasn't slept yet?

(end of this chapter)

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