Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 154


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The rest of the brawny man yelled even more angrily, all going crazy.

Qi Yun remains unmoved, the chain in his hand continues to wave, spinning above his head, the hook of the pipa at the front humming, and the cold light is sharp, as if it has become the most terrifying murder weapon.


He slammed down, this time with more force, shreds the air, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, pu' sound, smashes a brawny man from head to toe into a ball of flesh and blood, the dead can't Die again.

The remaining brawny man was finally completely terrified, let out a loud cry, and hurriedly got on his horse to escape from here.

"Don't let them go!"

Li Qing Shouted.

A group of Chamber of Commerce gang members were already holding crossbows and started firing arrows at extreme speed.

The men on horseback shouted angrily, waved their weapons, and resisted.

"Okay, stop."

Qi Yun said coldly.

The gang members who were shooting arrows stopped immediately.

Seeing that the group of men was about to flee, Qi Yun sneered, the two pipa hooks waved at the same time, the long chain crash-bang sounded, stretched straight, and swept straight towards the group of men in the middle. And go.

Bang! boom! boom!


The tragic roar of horses sounded, and the fierce horses under the group of men were smashed to the ground.

A group of people were all smashed from their horses, screaming incessantly.

Each of them had their legs broken, bloody and wailing on the ground.

"Give it to me!"

Li Qing waved his hand and led the Wu Gang people to rush over quickly.

Seeing that someone still wanted to resist, he slashed with a knife, making a thud, and blood splattered.

"Second Master, what should I do?"

Li Qing turned around and asked.

"Cut off the limbs and keep them."

Qi Yun indifferently said.

The way to deal with villains, a killing blade is not the most hated.

The most hateful thing is to keep him alive.

It is better to live than to die.

Li Qing directly greeted the person and cut him down.

A group of men immediately got up and howled, their thighs and arms flying wildly.

The rest of the people were all cut into human sticks.

"Carry me in, stop the bleeding, find a big vat for me to pickle."

Li Qing shouted.

A group of Chamber of Commerce people rushed over immediately and carried these howling big men in one by one.

Elder Hu , Elder Ma , Elder Guo and the others in the back were all stunned, their faces turned pale and their hearts trembled.

The image of Qi Yun in their hearts is like Heavenly God.

Elder Hu hurried over and said in a trembling voice: "Master Qi Hall is really a divide might, there is nothing in the world..."


Qi Yun said indifferently, "Just these few people, no one else?"

"Back to Qi Hall Master, it's them, there's nothing else."

Elder Hu said.

"en. ”

Qi Yun threw the pipa hook aside and said, "Clean this thing, I'll take it with me tomorrow."

This A pair of pipa hooks, which he used fairly smoothly, the material is extraordinary, and can be used as a weapon temporarily.

Elder Hu hurriedly nodded, beckoning people to carry the pair of pipa hooks in.

"Master Qi, the dinner is ready, you can have dinner first."

Elder Hu said.

Qi Yun gently> nodded and said, looked at Li Qing, and said, "Li Qing, count the casualties, and bandage the injured brothers first."

p> "Yes, Er. "

Li Qing replied.

Qi Yun walked into the courtyard.

Elder Hu, Elder Ma, and Guo Elder hurriedly followed.

The president's widow, Mrs. Qin, heard the news and ran over to make a toast herself, crying and full of gratitude.

It’s late at night.

The silence is incomparable, only the cool wind whistles.

The two martial artists stood outside the door of a room with long knives slung over their waists.

In the nine large tanks, there are nine people each, only one head is exposed, and the rest of the body is inside the large tank.

These nine people wailed again and again and their breath was weak.

It's the rogues who have acted aggressively before.

"Damn, you have today too. If you dare to kill my martial arts gang, you will live in pain forever. I have already instructed that there will be someone who will serve you well in the future. If you want to die, you will also die. No."

That martial gang Gang Lord said with a sneer .

Seeing the nine big men being marinated in a jar, he was extremely happy.

The person next to him laughed and said, "I'll have fun in the future, I really want to take them back and raise them every day, slap him when they're okay, and urinate on his face every day. "


The person next to him also laughed.

They withdrew their gazes and stopped looking.

Time is slow.

After a little one hour.

Suddenly, the person on the left, frowned, said suspiciously, "It's strange, why is there no sound?"

He looked back, took a look, and stared.

"Where are the people, where are they?"

The gang started up.

The person next to him also hurriedly turned around.

I saw that the nine large vats in the room were empty, and all the people who were still crying in pain in the blink of an eye were gone.

The two hurried into the room and looked into the vat.

Empty, nothing but potions.

"Not good, inform Hall Master!"

One of them exclaimed in surprise.


The lights in the room suddenly flickered on and off.


The door was closed and nothing could be seen.

Inside the room.

Qi Yun's mind is empty, in the silent cultivation Indestructible Vajra Divine Art, a faint golden air flow in meridian.

Three watch hours.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps sounded, followed by a knock on the door.

"Second Master, something happened."

Li Qing's voice was a little flustered.

Qi Yun opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The group of people before is gone."

Li Qing's tone was full of incredulity .

Qi Yun frowned, got up from the couch, opened the door, and said, "What's missing."

"It's the group of people who were in the wine jar before, they... They have disappeared, not only that, but also our two gang members have also disappeared, I have seen the wine jar, and there is no trace of any external force prying it open."

Li Qing's face changed.


Qi Yun narrowed his eyes, opened the mouth and said: “Let the others gather.”


“en?” p>

Li Qing quickly retreated.

Qi Yun strode out of the courtyard and walked towards the previous nine wine jar rooms.

The door is open and the lights are on.

The nine big wine jars inside were empty, and none of the people who had been in them before were gone.

Qi Yun gently touched the edge of the wine jar with his palm, his eyes flashed, and his brows furrowed tightly.


He took a deep breath.

At this time, Elder Hu was also called out by Li Qing, and rushed towards here with a look of panic, saying: "Master Qi Hall, what's wrong?"

Qi Yun Looking back at him, he said indifferently, "The person has disappeared."

"The person has... disappeared?"

Elder Hu stared at the wine jar behind him After taking a look, he lost his voice: "How could this be?"

"Gather your Chamber of Commerce and see if anyone else is missing?"

Qi Yun asked road.

"Yes, Master Qi Hall."

Elder Hu hurriedly retreated.

Qi Yun thought to himself.

No Yin Qi fluctuations...

How could this be?

Also, since entering the city, what's the matter with your faint unease?

He had always felt something was wrong.

But I can't say exactly what's wrong.

Li Qing came over quickly, opened the mouth and said: "Second Master, in addition to the previous two, three others are also missing, a total of five people are missing."


Qi Yun's eyes flashed and he strode out.

A group of people from the martial arts gang in the courtyard were discussing spiritedly, and when they saw Qi Yun walk out, they all bowed their hands and saluted.

Qi Yun's eyes swept over them one after another.

At this moment, Elder Hu ran from a distance with a flustered face.

"Master Qi, we are also missing, the president's wife and a group of people who are watching the night are gone, and Xu Steward, Xu Steward is also gone."

Qi Yun Breathed deeply, turned to look at Li Qing, shouted: "All mounted."

"Yes, Second Master."

Li Qing bowed his hands and shouted, and immediately greeted people to lead the horse.

"Master Hall, this..."

Elder Hu trembled.

With so many people missing suddenly, is Master Qi going to leave?

What does this make them do?

"Relax, I will come back again."

Qi Yun said coldly.

He walked back to the room, picked up the two lute hooks, and stepped onto the carriage.

The situation in this city is not right, he has to take Li Qing and the others out first and then leave it to check carefully.

(end of this chapter)

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