Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 150


Chapter 149 Is the shadow gone? (Please subscribe)

When Qi Yun arrived at Tianying Hall, he happened to see Qi Teng come out on a horse.

"What's the matter, big brother?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Second Brother, you are here, I just have something to look for you."

Qi Teng hurriedly restrained the fierce horse, his face changed.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, noticed something was wrong, got off the carriage, and said, "Is something wrong?"

Qi Teng got off his horse and said, "You follow me first. I'll come."

He handed the reins to a gang member and walked towards the hall.

Qi Yun followed.

"One of our brothers had a problem yesterday. He lost half of his body..."


Qi Yun frowned. , said: "What do you mean?"

"In short, it's very strange, you can see it when you enter."

Qi Teng's face was ugly.

They crossed the front hall and walked all the way to a courtyard.

A few brothers outside the yard saw Qi Yun and immediately bowed their hands.

The two entered the courtyard and pushed the room directly away.

On the bed, a strange body lay there, motionless.

"Second Master, Gang Lord, save me, save me..."

The man's face was bitter and full of horror.

Qi Yun's eyes narrowed, and after seeing it clearly, he took a breath of cold air.

On the bed, lay a left half of the body.

The right half of the body completely disappeared.

It's like being slashed from head to crotch with a knife.

What's weird is that this person doesn't seem to have anything at all, and he is still full of energy.

The left half of the body has no blood at all.

The incision is smooth and neat.

As if the person was born that way.

Qi Yun looked solemn and said, "What's going on?"

He recognized this person, his name was Ge Biao, and he was also an old member of Azure Dragon Gang. .

Qi Teng said complicatedly: "Ge Biao, you tell everything from yesterday to today."

"Second Master, Gang Lord, I really didn't do anything. , I just walked around the street last night and fell asleep when I came back, and when I woke up today, it became like this."

The man on the bed cried.

Qi Yun brows tightly knit, suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his body with his palm, and covered it with spirit strength.


His eyes flashed.

Power of God?

On Ge Biao, he felt a residual wave similar to Power of God.

But it's hard to tell if it's not Power of God, because the power is so weak that it almost dissipates completely.

Qi Yun's heart surged.

Is this being targeted by some transcender or awakener?

He put Ge Biao's body down again.

"Second Master, can I still be saved?"

The man asked bitterly.

Qi Yun shook his head gently and said, "I have no choice."

Ge Biao burst into tears.

"Second Brother, is there really nothing you can do?"

Saito asked.

Qi Yun brows tightly knit, lost in thought, and said, "Call Zhou Bucai, maybe he has a solution."

"Okay, I'll call him."

Qi Teng quickly left the room.

Ge Biao had been with him through life and death, and was one of the highest with him. Except for his poor martial arts, he was very good in other aspects. How could he save this brother.

Not long after, Zhou Bucai was called over, and when he saw Qi Yun, he immediately saluted.

"I've seen the second master."

"Zhou Bucai, your paper-cutting technique can cut paper for people. Look at Ge Biao's situation and see if you can continue half of his body for him."

Qi Yun said.

Zhou Bucai looked at the bed with a puzzled expression, and suddenly his eyes widened in surprise.

"This...this is..."

He started up, went to check it out in person, his face changed, "What a strange power."

"You have Any way?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Second Master, I can only try it out. It's hard to say whether it will be successful or not."

Zhou Bucai said.

"Okay, try it out, Ge Biao, which street did you go to yesterday?"

Qi Yun asked.

"It seems to be Osmanthus Street."

Ge Biao said bitterly.

Qi Yun remembered this street and said: "Zhou Bucai, can you see what happened to Ge Biao?"

"Second Master, I have never met In this case, it's as if the body was stolen by something."

Zhou Bucai looked suspicious.

Qi Yun frowned and said, "Try it here, I'll go to Guihua Street to see."

He turned and walked out of the room.

Saito quickly followed and said, "Second Brother, be careful."

"Don't worry, I know."

Qi Yun said.

Osmanthus Street is not difficult to find. I asked the famous gang members and quickly figured out the direction.

Qi Yun did not ask Li Qing to follow him, brows slightly wrinkle, walking alone on this lively street.

This is a street full of snacks. The slate on the ground has been broken in many places due to the passing of the carriage all the year round, and a lot of sewage has accumulated in it.

On both sides of the street, there are many places where sheep and cattle are slaughtered, and there are mutton restaurants and beef restaurants everywhere.

Qi Yun walks here, the spirit strength is amplified to the maximum, and all kinds of sounds can be heard in my ears.

With a radius of 2-3 li, all the sounds cannot escape.

"It's really weird, have you seen the situation of the four Huang Yun?"

"Shh, it's haunted, it's haunted, don't talk about it, maybe What kind of taboo will be offended."

"Yes, yes, it's better not to discuss, these four must have provoked something."

"Eat, eat quickly."

Xixisuoso’s voice came.

Qi Yun frowned, quickly confirmed the direction of the voice, walked over, and stopped at the side of a mutton restaurant after a while.

A few Jianghu tourists are drinking mutton soup with their heads down.

A huge shadow shrouded over, making these people startled and looked up.

I saw a big man about two meters in front of them, looking at them flatly.

"You...who are you?"

A Jianghu guest's eyes changed, and he subconsciously reached out to touch the steel knife on one side.

"I want to know what happened to the four Huang Yun?"

Qi Yun asked calmly.

Spiritual Power urged, revealing a trace of unspeakable coercion in his eyes.

The Jianghu guest's face turned pale instantly, and he felt like an invisible mountain was pressing down on him. He didn't dare to look at Qi Yun's eyes, lowered his head, and said cowardly, "He...their shadows are gone. ."

"The shadow is gone? What do you mean?"

"It's just...the shadow is gone. When I wake up in the morning, the shadow under me is gone."

The Jianghu guest trembled.

“Where are they now?”

Qi Yun asked.

"I was still in the city this morning, but I don't know where I went now."

The Jianghu guest said.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle and turns away.

It wasn't until he was far away that the Jianghu guest was relieved, sweating coldly and gasping for breath.

He had never been under such pressure.

Being stared at by Qi Yun, his soul seemed to tremble.

Who is this?

"Brother Zhang, what happened to you just now? Why did you say everything?"

A partner fox next to him asked.

The Jianghu guest looked ugly and said, "Don't ask."

His palms trembled slightly, and he drank a glass of wine.

In the distance, Qi Yun's heart surged.

Ge Biao lost half of his body.

This is another silhouette gone.

It's getting weirder and weirder.

A few days ago there was the copper mirror incident of jumping into a river to commit suicide.

This Hong Tian City is not quiet either.

Behind the prosperity, there is also an unknown terrifying.

I've been thinking too much, Kavin~~ Let's work harder

(end of this chapter)

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