Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 137


Chapter 136 Heavy double-edged giant sword

Huang Hai was shocked and quickly retreated.

In the room.

Qi Yun called Li Qing and asked, "Did the big brother reply?"

"Not yet, probably because the carrier pigeon hasn't arrived yet."

Li Qing said.

"What about in the city? Did something strange happen?"

Qi Yun asked.

Li Qing thought for a moment and said, "There are indeed some strange things. Just in our jurisdiction, three people jumped into the river and died in two days, and these three people's life experiences are a bit strange."

"en? Tell me about it."

Qi Yun asked.

"These three people are all from poor families and have nothing, but they suddenly became rich overnight, bought a big house, and married a daughter-in-law. Jumping into the river, there is no sign of death, making people elusive."

Li Qing said.

Qi Yun is also frowned.

"Where did the wealth of these three people come from?"

"The blame is here, no one knows where they got the money, the government wants to investigate them, the result is They put a lot of money in and they didn't care, so I don't know why they jumped into the river."

Li Qing said.

Qi Yun thought again of the man who had thrown himself into the river that night.

That seems to be the case with that person too.

I had nothing, but suddenly became rich overnight, and then I couldn't think of jumping into a river.

The man was clearly entangled by Yin Qi.

Is his wealth related to weirdness?

“You go down first.”

Qi Yun said.

"Yes, Second Master."

Li Qing stepped back.

In the room, Qi Yun frowned, digesting a mass of information in his mind.

On the way back, he drew another prize.

I got the same martial skill again.


The unparalleled battle skill from the mysterious world, using all the strength, savagely rushes into the enemy area, throwing the enemy into the air, and those who are hit will be seriously injured and seriously injured. Then all split up and in pieces on the spot, turned into powder.

Blood requirement: 30 points.

Qi Yun took a deep breath.

He is naturally familiar with this martial art.

Like the power of Demacia, it is a powerful skill in the previous game.

And it's the ultimate move!

This skill is combined with one's own powerful blood and astral qi, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome!

This seems to be made for itself?

Qi Yun looked a little weird.

He opened the panel and looked over.

There are now 1162 points left.

After thinking for a while, click the lottery column again.


A jar emerged and began to spin rapidly. After a while, with a bang, the jar exploded directly.

A black giant appeared in front of his eyes.

【Heavy double-edged giant sword 】

【Low-level sage's weapon】

【Max HP+20】

[Spiritual Cap+5]

[Energy Cap+10]

[Energy Recovery+5%]

[Weapon Introduction]: Ancient Sage Left behind by the God-defying God, he possesses the power of a powerful sage and weighs one thousand and one hundred kilograms.

The entire giant sword is fully exposed.

Qi Yun's face was stunned, he took a deep breath, stretched out his palm, and grabbed the giant sword in his hand.

The entire giant sword is about 1.6 meters long, about the same height as an ordinary woman.

The blade is broad, about forty-fifty centimeters wide.

Blades were opened on both sides, shining brightly, blowing and breaking hair.

The giant sword was swung in his hand, hu hu made a sound, the air was like a turbid wave, sweeping towards all around, making a roar.

Qi Yun's heart surged.

How similar is this giant sword to the mysterious black iron ruler of Heavenly Emperor?

The only difference is that the black iron ruler is not edged, this giant sword is edged.

"Good weapon!"

Qi Yun rotates the giant sword, the more he rotates, the more satisfied he is.

With his current blood strength, he can slash down with a full strength attack, and his strength is enough to break mountains and rivers.

This giant sword fully utilized his powerful advantage.

Qi Yun turned his head to look at his iron rod again, and suddenly felt that the iron rod became much more delicate.

He thought about it for a while, and put the iron rod into the Holy Land space. With a move in his heart, his body also entered the Holy Land space.

He found the fortified furnace and put the giant sword directly into the fortified furnace to see if it could be strengthened.

Holding up his hands, the energy surged toward the furnace, a burst of strong black light burst out, and stopped again after a while.

He poured out the giant sword and hit the ground with a loud bang.

The rest of the giant sword remains unchanged, the only thing that has changed is the sharp edges on both sides of the giant sword.

It was no longer bright and dazzling, but turned into a jet-black color, exactly the same color as the giant sword, jumping with a mysterious halo.

He grabbed the giant sword again, and saw that the weight of the giant sword did not change in the slightest, and the fingers flicked on it, making a clanging sound, which was extremely crisp.

"Good baby!"

He took turns again, chopped the waves, the air roared.

It is certain that the quality of this sword is by no means weaker than that of the black iron rod, and may be stronger than the black iron rod.

Because the black iron rod was thrown into the furnace of strengthening, the weight also changed.

But only the blade of this giant sword has changed, everything else is normal, which is enough to show the nobleness of the material.

Because only high-grade materials can't strengthen the furnace.

Qi Yun looked at giant sword and suddenly thought.

Would you like to make a scabbard?

Soon, the idea was negative.

Once you put on the scabbard, you don't look so imposing, and you don't have the feeling of fighting Heavenly Emperor.

So, it's better not to wear a scabbard.

Qi Yun grabbed the giant sword and started dancing again, before stopping after a while.

The points are again reduced by 30 points, leaving 1132 points.

Qi Yun's heart moved, and he walked towards the crystal tower again.

The lead cloud rolled in the crystal tower, and soon a clearing appeared.

There are still two bubbles inside, no other bubbles.

He frowned.

What kind of conditions does this bubble need to appear?

To tell the truth, he really wants to form a mysterious force.

The people in these bubbles are undoubtedly the best choices.

You don't need training, you are an expert yourself.

More importantly, be loyal to yourself.

Unfortunately, there are always only two bubbles.

Qi Yun walked around here and walked out of the crystal tower.

Outside the tower, the black fox and the big flower snake immediately began to salute when they saw him.

These two things have spiritual wisdom, and they eat weeds for a few days here.

Qi Yun moved out of the Holy Land space and called Li Qing to get some ginseng seeds.

Li Qing answered the order and quickly brought some ginseng seeds.

"Second Master, something is coming!"

Li Qing entered the room and suddenly saw the giant sword standing beside Qi Yun, his face was startled, showing shock .

"This...this is..."

"It's nothing, it's the weapon I just got, you go down first."

Qi Yun said.

Li Qing couldn't help but look at the giant sword again, shocked and shivered.

With this giant sword, no one can escape the end of divided into two, right?

Qi Yun entered the Holy Land space and began to strengthen the ginseng seeds.

A short while later, a handful of mysterious seeds with sparkling white light were strengthened.

Each seed is full, delicate and fragrant.

Qi Yun secretly planted these seeds one after another in the Holy Land space.

This is the first time I feel like I want to vomit blood because of the code word code. Come to a wave of recommendation tickets~~ Wouldn’t a wave of recommendation tickets be worth it~~~

(End of this chapter )

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