Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 134


Chapter 133 Violent Means (Subscribe)

As he left Zhao San’s room, Qi Yun thought in his heart, He swept towards the courtyard of Castle Lord Wang Ruying, his body flashed, and soon landed in Wang Ruying's small courtyard.

He cautiously pushed open Wang Ruying's door and flashed into the room.

The room was neat and clean, quite spacious, and there was no Yin Qi fluctuation.

Qi Yun searched the room for a while, brows frowned.

No women's items were found.

Before Elder Zhao and Elder Qin both said that there was a woman singing in Wang Ruying's room.

Elder Qin even said that he saw Castle Lord dressed as a woman with his own eyes.

But now it looks completely normal.

Are both Elder Qin and Elder Zhao lying?

Qi Yun thought for a while and threw the eye stone in Wang Ruying's room.

This eye stone can be used for surveillance. Once dropped, it will automatically become invisible, and anything in the field of vision can be transmitted to your mind.

With this eye stone, he can always monitor Wang Ruying.

After the eye stone was thrown away, Qi Yun flashed and left the room.

Next, he went to Elder Qin and Elder Zhao's rooms one after another, and searched their rooms.

No abnormalities were found in either of the two's rooms.

Seeing that the banquet was coming to an end outside, Qi Yun returned to his room.

A short while later, there was a loud noise outside.

Many Disciples were packing tables and chairs, and Wang Ruying arranged for today's night watchman.

The noise outside became smaller and quieter.

A'da is still patrolling outside with people.

The night is getting darker.

The crescent moon slopes westward.

Qi Yun lay on the bed and seemed to fall into a deep sleep, but his mind was clear.

The eye stone thrown in Wang Ruying's room clearly monitored Wang Ruying's every move.

As I saw it with my own eyes.

Since Wang Ruying returned from the banquet, everything was as usual, he took off his coat and lay down on the bed.

The candles in the room jumped and gradually burned out...

Everything seemed to be extremely quiet.

Qi Yun's ear was energized, and all the sounds of the entire Black Hawk Fort could be heard clearly.

The eerie sound of dusk rang out again.

"You take a good look at things, I'm going to start..."

The voice was weird, with a hoarse laughter.

Qi Yun opened his eyes and cold light flashed.

He finally figured out the source of the sound.

Elder Zhao!

In his room

"It's him..."

Qi Yun's heart surged.

That's it!

mutation regeneration.

Wang Ruying, who fell asleep, suddenly turned over, yawned, got up from the bed, looked coy, and pinched out an orchid finger.

He had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and his posture was lithe and graceful, like a young girl.

Qi Yun narrowed his eyes.

This is...

Wang Ruying also has a problem?

Under the surveillance of his eye stone, Wang Ruying walked out of the bed, pinched the orchid finger, twitched in the room, and began to sing.

"I think back when the younger sister came from Jiangnan...I tell you what I have in my heart..."

Wang Ruying's voice is slender, like a woman, singing and turning.

After walking around the room, he suddenly began to get under the bed, took out a package from the bottom of the bed, opened the package, and revealed a pile of rouge gouache inside, all of which were used by women.

Wang Ruying put on her makeup while singing while facing the copper mirror with a charming smile.


Qi Yun breathed deeply and felt weird.

There really is something wrong with this King Castle Lord!

But this is possessed?

Or a split personality?

He didn't act immediately, because at this time, there was an abnormal noise from the door.

Qi Yun turned his back to the door, and a sound came from his nose, as if he was in a sweet dream.

At the closed door, a dark shadow began to squeeze out, and while squeezing, hehehe had one's hair stand on end laughter, the crack between the door was very small, almost only Can hold one sheet of paper.

But this shadow came from such a narrow space.

When he drilled, the two doors made no sound.

The whole body seems to be nothing but not nothing, which is extremely strange.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the room.

"It's so hard to squeeze, how about I help you?"

The shadow's face was startled, and he suddenly looked up at the bed, a little incredible.

Isn't Qi Yun asleep?

How is this possible?

He suddenly let out a hehehe laugh, making people have one's hair stand on end.

What if he didn't fall asleep, he could easily kill each other.


The shadow squeezed hard and squeezed out in an instant.

But when I rushed over, I found that the bed was long gone.

Qi Yun, who was still lying there just now, was disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The black shadow is startled again.


Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound in the air, and the fiery breath was billowing.

Qi Yun appeared behind him at some point, two big hands surrounded by flames, covering the energy, like two Flame Mountains slapped fiercely towards the shadow's forehead.

It seems that the shadow's forehead is like a mosquito.


There was a muffled sound, and this shadow screamed and screamed, the sound was harsh, and it endured an unknown amount of power.

The violent blow was shot, and his body almost collapsed.

Black Shadow wailed, extremely miserable, like a stray dog had its tail cut off, how miserable the sound was, he tucked his tail, looked towards and fled in the distance.

When he escaped, his body turned into a shadow, pressed against the ground, and rushed out of the room in an instant.

But this side just rushed out of the room, the wall exploded, the fiery silhouette rushed out, the breath was roaring, terrifying and unpredictable, like a burning meteor, speed to the pinnacle, stomping on his body.


Sounds roared, the ground cracked, and endless rubble swept everywhere.

The dark shadow was stomped on the soles of his feet by him, screaming mournfully, and it began to disperse in many places.

A trace of cruelty appeared on Qi Yun's face.

For sure, the other sound I heard before was this black shadow.

Is this a weird one?

"Little thing, isn't it easy to kill me in the daytime?"

He grabbed the opponent's head, wrapped it in energy, and began to twist it hard.

bang bang bang...

There were bursts of crisp sounds, black shadow screamed shrilly, his hands fluttered randomly, and the power fell on Qi Yun, all of which were blocked by a layer of powerful force. .

Qi Yun twisted his head in place for more than ten times, and suddenly pulled it out, pu' sound, his head was completely pulled out, and his body oh la la turned into a mass of ashes.

A drop of green liquid fell and was grabbed by Qi Yun.

Points value+75

"Not weak."

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, and then his body rushed out again, facing Elder Zhao's room. rushed past.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

All the way to smash the wall, the speed is very fast, the distance of several hundred meters is almost instantaneous.

Elder Zhao is bowing to a mirror in the room, looking pious while bowing, and reciting the incantation of mysterious.

A strange human face appeared in the mirror, with a strong smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, and it seemed that he was enjoying the kowtow.


Suddenly, the wall exploded and the earth and rocks flew.

A fiery silhouette rushed in, burly and unusually tall, like an ancient Heavenly God, and its breath made people look up.

The Elder Zhao complexion in the room changed and looked back hurriedly.

"Qi...Qi Hall Master!"

He couldn't believe it.

The face in the mirror also opened his eyes suddenly, and the blue light flashed, looking at Qi Yun.

(end of this chapter)

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