Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 131


Chapter 130 Bewildering (please subscribe)

Pang Zhan vigorously locked the man’s shoulders, letting his His shoulder bones made a squeak. He took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "Master Qi, show mercy, it's me!"

He took off the black cloth from his face.

Qi Yun frowned, the voice sounds familiar.

Looking over, I saw that the person captured by him was another Elder!

Elder Qin!

Qi Yun's eyes were full of scrutiny, scrutinizing him constantly.

Elder Qin smiled wryly and said, "Master Qi, the old man has no malicious intentions. I want to report something important. Can Master Qi let the old man go first?"

Qi Yun loosened his shoulders and said, "Why is Elder Qin dressed like this?"

Elder Qin took a breath, opened the mouth and said: "Master Qi Hall, I doubt our Castle Lord and Elder Zhao are a little abnormal."

Qi Yun narrowed his eyes, revealing a strange color again.

This is really fun.

Castle Lord said something was wrong with Elder Zhao and Elder Zhao said something was wrong with Castle Lord.

The two were pinch each other.

But now there is another person who says something is wrong with both of them.

“Tell me about it.”

Qi Yun said.

"One time late at night, I saw Castle Lord kill a Disciple, drag his body to the mountainside, and chop it into meat sauce... Later, Castle Lord's room often sings women's singing. Sound, I once observed in the dark and found that Castle Lord dressed himself up as a woman, dressing in front of the mirror, very strange.

The same is true for Elder Zhao, who often spends late nights in his room. There was a baby cry, but whenever I got close, the baby cry disappeared instantly.

One evening I hid under the eaves of Elder Zhao to see what was wrong with him , until late at night, there was a sound like chanting from his room.

Afterwards, he went out of the room and called Zhao San to his room. Early in the morning on the second day, Zhao There is a strange disease on the third body, which is the kind of situation that Master Qi Hall saw before, lying on the bed, sweating all over..."

Elder Qin said in a low voice.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed and he said, "You mean that the strange disease on Zhao San is related to Elder Zhao?"

"Yes, I saw him put Zhao San Called into the room."

Elder Qin nodded and said.

Qi Yun thought about it.

He had also carefully observed Elder Zhao before, and this person's breath was the same as Castle Lord's, without any abnormal fluctuations.

But these two people behave strangely.

This little Iron Eagle Castle hides a lot of secrets.

"Master Qi, I didn't dare to say much in the letter before, because I was worried that the letter I sent would be intercepted by Castle Lord and Elder Zhao. I didn't dare to come over until late tonight to tell the truth. Please also ask Hall Qi. Master, I'm sorry."

Elder Qin bowed.

Qi Yun frowned.

"You wrote that letter?"

Elder Qin gently nodded and said, "Yes, I wrote it."

Qi Yun Even weirder.

The situation is getting more and more confusing.

Who are these three lying?

Who wrote that letter?

"Okay, I got it, many thanks to Elder Qin for letting me know late at night."

Qi Yun said.

Elder Qin nodded and said, "Master Qi, the old man will leave first."

"Well, please go slowly"

Qi Yun said.

Elder Qin covered his face with the black cloth again, walked out of the small courtyard, and walked towards the distance.

Qi Yun's eyes narrowed, and shortly after Elder Qin left, his body flashed and he quickly hung behind him.

Someone of the three is definitely lying, and he's going to check them out.

Let's start with this Elder Qin.

Originally, Elder Qin's words made him feel that he has several points of credibility, but Elder Qin then said that he wrote the letter, which is weird.

If he doesn't say the last sentence, Qi Yun won't doubt him.

But he said it, Qi Yun had to doubt him.

Three people, three opinions, everyone said that they wrote the letter, Qi Yun felt that his brain was not enough for the first time.

whoosh whoosh!

Qi Yun was as fast as the wind, quietly following Elder Qin.

Elder Qin went back to his small courtyard all the way, without noticing that someone was chasing him, he flashed his body and entered his room.

Qi Yun fell lightly on the roof of Elder Qin, slowly removed a tile, and looked down.

In the room, Elder Qin quickly went to the night clothes, sighed, sat on the chair, holding a tea cup, and poured a glass of water for himself.

"I hope nothing happens, and the century-old heritage must not be lost..."

He murmured.

Qi Yun slightly frowned, quietly observed.

Time is slow.

The city wall and streets outside were already full of people from the Wu Gang and Iron Eagle Castle, the torch was held high, and the illuminated streets were bright.

About one hour passed.

Elder Qin has fallen asleep, and there is a faint sound of snoring.

Qi Yun withdrew his gaze, showed his thoughts, and swept towards Elder Zhao's residence.

As he approached, he pushed his ears to the extreme, asking for pictures to hear something.

But Elder Zhao's room was extremely quiet, nothing but a faint sound of sleep.

He landed on the roof of Elder Zhao, lifted a tile, and watched quietly.

At first glance, it was nearly one hour, and there was nothing unusual.

Qi Yun frowned deeply and left again, approaching Wang Ruying's small courtyard.

Similar to Elder Zhao's room, it sounded extremely quiet, except for the faint snoring.

He lifted the tile and looked inside.

I saw Wang Ruying also went to bed early.

Qi Yun touched his chin and thought.

The three of them each said that the other had a problem, but now everyone is acting like a normal person.

This is even weirder.

He squatted on Wang Ruying's roof for about an hour, then got up and left.

on the street.

The two brothers, Fang Biao and Zhao Le, held the torch high and patrolled all around. These two people joined the martial arts gang three years ago. After joining the martial arts gang, they have always been conscientious and hardworking.

The talent is also considered to be in the high level, so the two are less than 30 years old this year, and they are already good players at Opening Meridians Peak.

One step further is the Divine Light Realm world, which can achieve External Discharge of True Qi.

Thinking of this, both of them are a little proud.

At this moment, the two were in charge of an area in Xiyuan, and with them were two members of Iron Eagle Castle, both young and only in the realm of Cauldron Strength.

Although these two only briefly contacted Fang Biao and Zhao Le, they also admired the two brothers in the bones.

As expected from Great Influence!

Almost comparable to their Castle Lord at a young age.

"Big Brother Fang, you are really Heaven Blessed Genius. Are all the people in the martial arts gang like this? I wonder if we can join the martial arts gang in the future?"

A Iron Eagle Castle Disciple envied.

"You? hahaha..."

Fang Biao laughed, patted his shoulder, and said, "If you want to join the martial arts gang, you must first have a solid foundation in the martial arts. Cauldron Strength Peak Realm, if you enter the martial arts gang, you will die."

"That's it, that's it."

The two were nodded again and again.

"It doesn't look like an accident is going to happen tonight. By the way, where is your thatched hut, take me there, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

One Zhao Le on the side suddenly said.

"The thatched hut is on the east side, I'll take you there."

A young man from Iron Eagle Castle said.

"It just so happens that I'm also a little uncomfortable, let's go together."

Fang Biao said.

"Me too, Big Brother Fang."

Another young man said suddenly.

They held the torch and walked forward.

The area of Iron Eagle Fort is very large, like a small town. They walked to the street, passed through several alleys, and went deeper and deeper. Zhao Lejie felt a little uncomfortable.

"Damn it, isn't this summer? Why is there still a cool breeze? Zhu Shan, is your thatched hut so far away from Iron Eagle Fort?"

Fang Biao rubbed arm, cursed.

(end of this chapter)

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