Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 99 Encounter and Parting

As the saying goes, there is no feast that lasts forever.

The ghost train stopped and went, and many ghost-type Pokémon got off the train in batches.

The pumpkin spirit floated into the night forest under the guidance of the pumpkin monster.

Huhunyan entered the mine amidst the warm welcome of his companions who handed over gems.

Ghoststone and Ghost entered the cemetery, and Mimikyu entered the abandoned old house in the suburbs.

Meow, everyone has gone home, meow. I don't know when we will see me again. Lucao said goodbye to the Pokémon one by one.

Although they only played for a while, Lucao already regarded them as friends, but within a short time, these new friends returned to their own place.

Lucao felt sad and lost for a moment.

Su Yi touched Lucao's head and comforted him: aibo, encounters and separations are the normal state of travel. Everyone or Pokémon has his own journey. Instead of being sentimental and saying goodbye, it is better to cherish and remember the beautiful memories. .”

Just like in the world of Monster Hunter, every creature has its own unique ecology.

In the Pokémon world, Pokémon also have their own ecology.

They live in suitable places, meeting and parting with different people or Pokémon.

Some start a different life and journey with their trainers, and some will eventually return to their homes.

And this ghost train, although incredible, carries the scattered ghost-type Pokémon to their homes.

This cycle constitutes a unique and fantastic ecology.

There is a theory that some ghost-type Pokémon are born from the souls of dead humans.

Maybe it would be nice to become a carefree Pokémon after death?

Maybe this is the romance unique to the Pokémon world.

Su Yi secretly lamented that although the two worlds were different in nature, they were similar.

Lucao nodded and said, I understand, nya, and I have many friends now, nya!

Master Ma and Auntie Miye, Dandi and Sonia, Hepu and Xiaoyou, Caidou, Coral and the big cats from the platform performer clan, as well as Lucky Egg, Bear Disciple, and Burning Bug.

The most important thing is Su Yimiao who introduced me to so many friends!

Lucao opened the cat's paws and counted them, her eyes bright.

Su Yi knelt down, touched Maomao's head, and said with a smile: So, face the future travels and adventures with expectations.


Lucao waved her cat paw and high-fived Su Yi with a smile.

Your relationship is so good. Onio sighed.

Seeing this heartwarming scene, Caidou smiled unconsciously.

Meow~ Oonio, can you be Lucao's friend, meow? Lucao turned his head and looked at Oonio with his big watery eyes.

Okay. Seeing the cute cat looking at him expectantly, Oonio, who was often a bit introverted and shy, nodded without thinking.

Meow~ I've made another friend, meow! Lucao spun around happily.

Gongmen City, we've arrived. At this time, the train's announcement came out.

We've arrived.

Su Yi stood up and said with a smile: It's been a wonderful journey, but I'm sorry to bother you, Onio.

I think Onio took the ghost train because he was afraid of other people's eyes and afraid of crowded places. Only being with ghost-type Pokémon made him feel more at ease.

It's nothing. Not only did I make friends, but I also let others know more about ghost-type Pokémon. I'm very happy. Onio said quickly.

In order to let people know more about and accept ghost-type Pokémon? That's why you became the ghost-type gym leader. It's amazing. Su Yi praised sincerely.

He is obviously introverted and timid, and is afraid of the eyes of others, but in order to let everyone understand the charm of ghost-type Pokémon, he became the gym leader that attracted much attention.

It can be said that Ounio has overcome many difficulties to reach where he is today.

It's not as good as you said. Oonio said shyly, with a sincere expression on his face under the mask.

Happy expression.

While sighing at the magic of the Pokémon world, Su Yi and others walked out of the carriage and left the ghost train.

At this time, a rusty and damaged single sword scabbard carefully poked out from behind the car door and floated to the table where the Pokémon had been eating dessert.

At this time, several ghost-type Pokémon also floated out, happily eating the desserts Su Yi had deliberately left.

Dingyin. The single scabbard rolled up one with a ribbon and took a bite, then let out a happy groan.

The train is about to start. came the announcement.

Ding Yin! Du Sword Sheath was stunned, then quickly finished the dessert on the streamer as if she had made up her mind, and then ran off the ghost train.

The single scabbard hurriedly floated out of the ghost train platform and arrived at Gongmen City Station.

But this time, Du Sword Sheath was dumbfounded.

The vast waiting hall was empty, with only a few office workers sitting on their seats and a few Pokémon wandering around idle.

Ding Yin! The single scabbard hurriedly ran out of the station and came to the downtown area of ​​Gongmen City.

Groan!? Du Sword Sheath was completely confused.

Under the moonlight, the city does not have the darkness and silence of the suburbs. Instead, it is filled with colorful neon lights and colorful billboards.

The roads are busy and noisy with cars coming and going, and the streets are bustling with people coming and going.

Gongmen Market at night looks even more prosperous against the backdrop of the night.

Ding Yin. The single scabbard looked left and right, but the figure was nowhere to be found.

In the sea of ​​people and traffic, the little guy lost his way.

This is completely different from what it thought.

Yin! The single scabbard's voice was determined, and it drifted in one direction alone.

Onio, you're here to watch the exhibition match too, right? Su Yi casually chatted while walking on the street.

Yes, yes, but I can go by myself, so I won't disturb you. Ouniu shrank, feeling a little uncomfortable watching the flow of people.

Let's go together then, what are you afraid of? Su Yi patted Oonio on the shoulder.

Forget it, I don't like crowded places, I'm afraid of being recognized. Onio said, holding on to his mask.

Su Yi touched his chin and said, I have a plan.


Look, you usually wear a mask, right? Few people have seen your true face.

Yes, yes. Oonio nodded, but was confused about what Su Yi was going to say.

Then why not take off the iconic mask so that people won't recognize that Oonio. Su Yi grinned and gave a thumbs up.

Meow! Lucao followed suit.

It seems to make sense. Caidou frowned and thought, thinking that this wave of empathy was wonderful.

It seems like eh. No. It's wrong! Oops, what's wrong? Oonio felt something was wrong, but in desperation he couldn't find a flaw.

Su Yi smiled secretly.

In fact, because Oonio is timid and cowardly, he is afraid of the sight of others, so the mask he wears has no direct bearing on whether others recognize him or not.

The old club was scared.

Don't wait, I'll make up the rest. I've been working overtime recently.

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