I went to the hospital to see a dermatologist on the 25th because for the past year, my skin has been itchy whenever I have some contact with it, and a rash has appeared whenever I scratched it, which makes me restless. The initial result of the examination was artificial urticaria. The doctor prescribed medicine and evacuated it. Blood test results will be available in five days.

On the first day after taking the medicine, I had a low fever, drowsiness, and drowsiness. It took me a long time to recover. When I asked, I was told that it was a normal phenomenon. On the 27th, my drowsiness was better and I no longer had a fever. Maybe my body had adapted. .

Therefore, the updates in the past few days have been unstable. I have guaranteed one chapter, and I remember the number of chapters I owe. I apologize to all readers here.

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