Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 287 Happy Time at the Playground (3K)

Cheerful music sounded in the amusement park, Pokémon-shaped balloons were suspended in the air, and people crowded in front of various stalls selling snacks and souvenirs.

As the night passed, many tourists came here with their children, and the amusement park became lively.

In the bumper car facility, Su Yi rented one for Lu Cao, Disciple Xiong and Geely Dan, while he held the burning bug and drove Ryujin Maru on his back.

This is how it works. Su Yi was explaining the operation method to Lu Cao and the others, and Lu Cao couldn't wait.

Lucao opened her big watery eyes and said expectantly: I understand, meow! It's almost the same as the Skeleton Hammer Dragon, just bump into it with a grunt, meow!

Su Yi laughed and said: You are right to understand it this way, but! I think it should be rushed over like a roaring dragon!

As a result, a fierce scene appeared in the bumper car venue. Su Yi and Lu Cao raced against each other, and then collided passionately. The children on the side were stunned. Were they playing so vigorously?

Oh! Such a fierce 'battle', I'll come too! Xiaozhi immediately wanted to bump into him with great interest.

Look at my dragon car flicking! Su Yi, who was having fun, didn't notice Xiaozhi. He controlled the bumper car to hit it quickly, and then quickly turned in circles and swept in all directions.

With a bang, Xiaozhi was knocked out inexplicably.

Xiaozhi:? ? ?

What new gameplay is this?

Look at me grunting and spinning and hitting meow! Lucao meowed excitedly, turning the steering wheel crazily with her little paws, and the bumper car spun and hit like a big wheel of a Macromerosaurus.


Two bumper cars collided violently.

Su Yi said excitedly: Hahahaha! Wood is big, wood is big! When it comes to dragon chariots, how can the 'Bone Hammer Dragon' be the opponent of the 'Booming Dragon'!?

Lucao said regretfully: Meow! It should be replaced by a 'Ceratopsian' meow!

Su Yi laughed suddenly.

Ma Li, who was about to join them, said: Happiness belongs to them, I came at the wrong time.

Hmm! The Burning Bug in Su Yi's arms was dizzy, but Long Shenwan was enjoying it. The Bear Disciple and Geely Dan beside them were much gentler, enjoying the comfort of driving.

The administrator on the side watched the two bumper cars colliding fiercely, with a few drops of cold sweat dripping from his forehead: You guys have to pay extra for playing like this!

Fengdiaolong flew in the sky, floating among various Pokémon-shaped balloons. At the same time, he looked at the various people and Pokémon below, observing this novel world in his own way.

Su Yi and his party were still unfinished after finishing the bumper car ride, while Ma Li looked at the Ferris wheel and carousel.

Su Yi saw the Feng Piao Long in the sky, and immediately pulled Ma Li and asked with a smile: Would you like something more exciting?

Ma Li was startled: What's more exciting than these? A pirate ship?

Su Yi smiled and said: More exciting than a pirate ship!

Nie Zi, are you coming? Su Yi did not forget to invite Nie Zi, who had a look of no desire.

Nie Zi waved his hand: I'm just here to accompany Ma Li. It's up to you to play with these children's things.

Su Yi immediately waved to the sky and called Feng Piao Long, but the amusement park was too noisy, filled with the sound of radio music and the noise of children.

In that case! Su Yi took out the flare, lit it with a bang, and then shot it into the air.

call out! Snapped!

The tourists raised their heads and asked doubtfully: Are fireworks just set off in broad daylight?

Ang? Feng Piaolong immediately noticed the signal flare, and then looked down. With his good eyesight, he saw Su Yi waving to him.


The wind drifting dragon blew up the strong wind and landed.

Is this also Master's Pokémon? Ma Li carefully touched Feng Piaolong's wing membrane: It's a bit cool.

Let's go up! Su Yi helped Ma Li sit on the saddle and tied the buckle for her. Then he and Lu Cao also rode up.

Feng Piaolong, let's go! Su Yi patted Feng Piaolong on the back.


The Fengdiao Dragon immediately soared into the sky. Ma Li felt the lift and immediately grabbed the saddle.

Ma Li, is it okay? Su Yi asked.

Ma Li straightened her hair and looked at the vast sky and the boundless earth. She couldn't help but feel relaxed. Then she answered loudly despite the strong wind: No problem!

Feng Piaolong, use Downwind! Su Yi shouted.


The Wind Dragon flapped its giant wings, and strong winds began to blow in the sky above the amusement park. Then, the Wind Dragon accelerated its speed and soared quickly among the Pokémon balloons above the amusement park.

A huge black shadow passed by, and the tourists below raised their heads in surprise, talking in amazement: Is this some kind of air show?


The high-pitched neigh of the Fengdiaolong resounded through the sky, and its beautiful figure flew nimbly among the balloons. From time to time, it also made several elegant flying movements. The tourists below regarded it as a performance and suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Hurry up! Fengdiaolong, slow down a little and use Frost Drill!

The Fengdiao Dragon neighed and quickly rotated its body to fly upwards. As it rotated, ice crystals rained down from the sky, shining brightly under the refraction of the sun, like diamonds.

The tourists below stretched out their hands to catch the ice crystals in amazement, and burst into even louder exclamations and cheers: It's so beautiful!

What a beautiful move!

another one!

Aha——! The Fengdiaolong stretched out its giant wings and floated in the air on the wind, admiring its masterpiece and enjoying the cheers of the people.

Su Yi smiled and said: I didn't expect you to have the talent for the gorgeous competition?

Ang? Feng Piaolong turned his head and looked at Su Yi, a little confused and curious.

I'll tell you later. Let us down first. Ma Li may not be used to this feeling. Su Yi looked at the dizzy Ma Li with a wry smile.

Su Yi temporarily let Ma Li rest, while Feng Piao Long continued to fly into the sky, flying freely.

Su Yi raised his head, looked at the Feng Piao Long in the sky, and smiled secretly: It's quite boring.

I can let you out, but don't run around.

In front of the food stall, Thunder Wolf Dragon strongly requested to try other food. Seeing that the area was quite spacious, Su Yi reluctantly put it out, which immediately caused a burst of exclamations from passers-by.

Is my food not delicious? Su Yi depressedly put a large portion of snacks into Thunder Wolf Dragon's mouth.

Thunder Wolf Dragon didn't even chew it a few times. After feeling the taste with his tongue, he swallowed it.

Thunder Wolf Dragon nodded slightly and acknowledged: In terms of taste, your cooking is better.

Su Yi hummed proudly: Really?

Then Thunder Wolf Dragon turned his head and looked to the other side: The cooking is okay, but forget about the energy cubes. Buy me that thing quickly, I want to taste the taste of that thing!

After trying the rich flavors of various human specialty snacks, Thunder Wolf Dragon immediately opened the door to a new world: Meat is often available, but now I want to try something else!

Su Yi turned around and looked. It was a stall selling Fuyan Senbei. Maybe because it was close to Fuyan Town, someone came here to sell these specialty products.

Su Yi bought some and fed it to the Thunder Wolf Dragon. After it finished eating, its eyes lit up and it licked the crumbs around its mouth with its tongue, looking very satisfied.

He tasted a piece out of curiosity. It was indeed a famous specialty. It tasted good. Three flavors of fresh, sweet and salty spread in his mouth, but the main thing was sweetness.

So you like sweet and salty tastes. If you hadn't told me earlier, I would make honey-fried pork. Su Yi suddenly said.

Just when Su Yi wanted to buy some more, the stall owner started an event. Simply put, it was a big-eating competition. The winner received a year's worth of Kamayan senbei, while others had to buy the eaten senbei at half price. , contestants can only be one person and one of their own Pokémon.

Su Yi smiled and said: Isn't this coming?

Seeing that none of the enthusiastic participants brought Kirby, Su Yi immediately signed up. Seeing the stall owner's thoughtful expression, he roughly guessed what the stall owner was thinking.

Senbei are sweet and salty. If you eat too much, your mouth will not only dry up, but you will also feel tired. You can't eat a few. There are only a few people and Pokémon who can win. Even if others buy and eat the senbei at half price, He should also be able to earn something.

Seeing that the stall owner gave each contestant a stack of cauldron senbei that was almost as tall as a person, many contestants were immediately discouraged, while Su Yi released a ferocious jackal dragon.

Hey, hey, hey, here we come!

When the stall owner saw such a big Pokémon, he immediately felt guilty, but he still secretly said luckily: If you eat too much, the Kame Senkai will be very salty and greasy. Even if you are a big eater, you may not be able to eat it.

But unfortunately, the ferocious jackal dragon can swallow food directly into its stomach. No matter whether you are hungry or tired, everything will be passed into your stomach.

Su Yi and the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon deservedly won the game. This thing was not even a dessert for the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon.

The Big Ferocious Jackal helped you win a week's worth of snacks. Su Yi looked at the Thunder Wolf Dragon and touched the Big Ferocious Jackal's head.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon paused and growled unnaturally, as if to thank him. The Great Ferocious Jackal Dragon also roared in response.

Su Yi was a little relieved when he saw this scene. At first, the relationship between Thunder Wolf Dragon and other accompanying beasts was relatively cold, so it had a better relationship with Disciple Bear. Proper contact with them would help it integrate into the team.

Thunder Wolf Dragon raised his head and looked around, and suddenly saw a Hercules Hammer game console. Use the hammer to hit the sensor, and the screen will light up to indicate the strength level, so as to test your strength.


Thunder Wolf Dragon looked at Su Yi, his meaning was self-evident.

Through observation, it has understood the principle of the game. The stronger you hit that thing, the better the prize you can get.

Uh. The stall owner looked up at the five-meter-tall Thunder Wolf Dragon and suddenly felt that today's big prize was not guaranteed.

Su Yi couldn't help but put the money into the stall owner's hand: Congratulations on getting rich!

The Thunder Wolf Dragon took a step back, and the crowd of onlookers retreated into a circle. Then the Thunder Wolf Dragon took a deep breath, roared, jumped up, somersaulted, and struck with its palm.


There was a loud noise, the light representing power soared to the highest level, and the machine made a joyful sound representing the grand prize.

But the stall owner was not happy.

Su Yi was amazed that this thing was not smashed to pieces by the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Thunder Wolf Dragon's face was calm, and he took a breath, showing off his master's demeanor.

Congratulations on getting rich. Su Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to look at the stall owner, who tremblingly handed an elf ball into his hand.

Ah? Su Yi was startled. It turns out that the grand prize is a Pokémon?

Some friends read my previous chapter and were worried that I was engaging in a power struggle. In fact, to be precise, it should be an organization, like a research institute or a breeding house. It will not engage in business wars or hegemony, so there is no need to worry. .

I won't spend a lot of time writing this kind of thing. It will only be a by-product of the trip, incidentally, just to pave the way for the future, and will not put the cart before the horse.

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