Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 263 A fierce battle with the evil star (Part 1)

In the hot spring valley, the Terror Tyrannosaurus was not afraid of the Sky Comet Dragon's sharp spear-wing attack, and launched a fierce offensive regardless of its injuries.

The Tyrannosaurus resisted the puncture of the other spear wing, bit the Celestial Comet Dragon's spear wing, and pulled it towards the mountain wall.


The Sky Comet Dragon was thrown against the rock wall with great force, but its hard silver scales prevented most of the impact and did not cause much damage to it.

The Sky Comet Dragon immediately began to fight back, its two spear wings turning flexibly like palms, and facing the Tyrannosaurus Rex with its palms.

At the same time, the six finger-like wing claws of the two gun wings pointed at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and at the same time, the jets on the fingertips began to glow red.


Countless dragon energy bombs flew out with the sound of thunder and lightning, hitting the Terror Tyrannosaurus like a swarm of tracking missiles from a fighter jet.

Boom boom!

Unlike ordinary dragon energy, the dragon energy of the Sky Comet Dragon is of higher quality. After hitting the Terror Tyrannosaurus, the dragon energy bomb immediately triggered a violent dragon energy explosion, causing greater damage.

But after the Tyrannosaurus rex suffered damage, it still mindlessly used Dragonophilia to bite the Celestial Comet Dragon.

Sky Comet Dragon does not take dragon attribute damage, but Tyrannosaurus is restrained by Sky Comet Dragon's best dragon attribute attack.

And because it cannot cause effective damage, neither the characteristics nor the dragonophilia can provide enough endurance for the Tyrannosaurus.

In addition, the injuries on the Tyrannosaurus Rex have not fully healed yet, so the Tyrannosaurus Rex has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Lucao, buff the Tyrannosaurus! Su Yi released the Lucao, and he took out a piece of white vanilla, tied it to the flying knife, and then loaded it into the projector.

On the side, Lucao held a motivational instrument and puffed out her cheeks to play passionate music. Proof of Heroes echoed in the steamy hot spring valley.

Terror Tyrannosaurus and Celestial Dragon are like gladiators fighting to the death in a gladiatorial arena.

One of them is a barbarian berserker, who musters up his powerful muscles to attack ferociously, and the other is a swift and deadly sky knight, wearing silver and white light armor, wielding a sharp weapon to attack fiercely.

The Tyrannosaurus rex relied on its brute force to break through the attack of the spear wing, and rushed in front of the Sky Comet Dragon. Then it opened its big mouth and bit its neck, trying to bite it and smash it like it did with the Explosive Scale Dragon.

Be careful of its gun wings! Su Yi shouted.

But the Tyrannosaurus did not manage him, but continued to attack according to its own habits.

And just as Su Yi expected, Tian Huilong's gun wings opened their palms as flexibly as his hands, hugged the neck of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then the jet nozzle directly directed the dragon's breath at zero distance towards its neck.

The crimson dragon energy flashed like lightning and rose like fire, constantly burning and eroding the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Then there was a bang, the dragon's energy caused an explosion, and the Tyrannosaurus rex fell to the ground wailing.

Geely Egg! Treat the Tyrannosaurus!

Lucky! As soon as the auspicious egg appeared, he used the healing wave on the Tyrannosaurus.

But there were too many injuries on the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, with criss-crossing cuts all over the body. This could no longer be cured in a short time by just relying on moves, but at least it could soothe some of the pain.

And Lucao has been adding double resistance to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, so that the spear wings of the Sky Comet Dragon did not penetrate into the deep muscles of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hurry up and use [Frenzy]! Su Yi held up the projector and prepared to go.

The fallen Terror Tyrannosaurus quickly struggled to stand up. At this time, the scars on its neck began to glow faintly with red light. The next moment, it raised its head and let out an angry roar.

At the same time, Su Yi immediately activated the projectile, and the flying knife tied with white vanilla pierced the relatively soft flesh of the wound.


The muscles in the neck of the Tyrannosaurus rex swelled, glowing scarlet, and black smoke and dragon aura lingered in its mouth, making it look like a terrifying evil beast.

At this moment, the white vanilla tied to the flying knife turned into light and dissipated. The side effects of [Frenzy] were offset, and the Tyrannosaurus now entered its strongest offensive state.

Seeing this, Sky Comet Dragon spit out dragon's energy from its nozzle to the ground, and floated. After adjusting its body shape, the direction of the nozzle was adjusted instantly, pushing Sky Comet Dragon to accelerate and fly forward.

The Terror Tyrannosaurus used its Dragonophilia and bit it head-on.

Because there was not enough distance to accelerate, Tian Huilong's sprint did not have such a terrifying impact.

With a bang, the Dino Tyrannosaurus, which had the strongest attack power, received the impact of the Sky Comet Dragon head-on. The shock wave of the collision between the two dispersed the surrounding water vapor.

But then, Sky Comet Dragon increased its breath of dragon energy, pushing the Tyrannosaurus Rex backward like a rocket that continued to advance.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex slowly moved its hind limbs forward, but the ground could not withstand the impact of the two and shattered. It did not have enough grip to stabilize its body, and it began to be gradually pushed out.


Su Yi immediately threw the capture ball and shouted: Black Horned Dragon, the tyrant attacks!


As soon as the black horned dragon landed on the ground, it moved its hind limbs, supported its body with its wing claws, and aimed its big horns at the Celestial Comet Dragon, which was wrestling with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The next second, there was a loud bang, and a large pit was dented in the ground where the Black Horned Dragon stepped. The Black Horned Dragon slammed into the Sky Comet Dragon like a siege hammer with its big horn wrapped in white light.

Tian Huilong noticed the sudden appearance of Black Horned Dragon and his pupils shrank, but the current situation made it unable to dodge.


The giant horn hit the Sky Comet Dragon, making a metallic sound. The Sky Comet Dragon was knocked flying to the rock wall, and the gravel fell on its carapace.

But the Tyrannosaurus Rex roared without saying anything and bit directly at the Black Horned Dragon that appeared in front of it.

You madman! Su Yi quickly took back the black horned dragon.

At this time, the Sky Comet Dragon shook its body and stood up, then roared angrily, and then sprayed out dragon energy from the back of its head, just like the red dragon horns, and there were also six jets near the wing claws. Stained with red light, like an overheated engine.

Dragon Qi is activated! Su Yi said.

The next second, the Sky Comet Dragon's wing claws, which were like vector engines, adjusted slightly, and red dragon energy burst out. Then there was only an explosion, and the Sky Comet Dragon turned into a red light arrow and shot straight into the sky.

What is it going to do?! Is it going to just sprint vertically and hit it?!

Su Yi and the Tyrannosaurus raised their heads together and looked at the sky, which was surrounded by canyons and had a narrow field of vision.

At that moment, a red light flashed past, then continued to climb, and quickly turned into a small dot. Then, the red dot suddenly enlarged, and rushed straight towards the valley.

Lucao! Lucky egg! Jump into the water with me!

Su Yi couldn't care less and jumped directly into the spring water on the side. Lucao and Geely Egg hurriedly jumped into the water.

The next second, the comet falls!


A huge explosion shook the valley, the snow mixed with gravel on the mountain peaks fell down, and the hot springs were shaken high with a large splash of water.

Then, countless gravel exploded due to the impact on the ground fell into the water, some splashed onto the snow in the distance, and the heat attached to it instantly melted the surrounding snow.

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