Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 250 The fish is the bait, and the fisherman finally wins

On the snowy ground, colorful internal organs were flowing all over the ground, and the Terror Tyrannosaurus turned around and ran away with half of the Ice Ichthyosaurus in its mouth.

The golden lion looked at half of the Ice Fish Dragon on the ground, then gave a low roar and chased after it.

Su Yi patted the steel-armored crow on the back and said, My fish is not that delicious, follow me.

The seriously injured Tyrannosaurus rex tasted the flesh and blood of Ice Ichthyosaurus in its mouth, and suddenly burst out with a strong will to survive, and quickly fled back to the hills to the north.

The Golden Lion caught up with him several times and responded with a flurry of punches, but the Tyrannosaurus didn't care and took advantage of its thick skin and long legs to run hard.

Su Yi followed in the sky, paying attention to the chase the whole time. At the same time, he thought to himself: There seems to be a story between the golden lion and the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There are a lot of prey in that coniferous forest. There are snow deer in the forest near the mountain. A little further south, when the wind drifting dragon flies over, you can still see groups of bobo.

Logically speaking, if the Tyrannosaurus Rex could forage here, it wouldn't be so hungry.

Reminiscent of the long-gnawed remains of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the cave, as well as the large golden lion lying thorny in the cave.

It was not difficult for Su Yi to come to the conclusion: this Terror Tyrannosaurus was probably driven out by the golden lion.

Combined with the golden lion's skill in breaking away from the big mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, as well as the skillful uppercut and tacit understanding of the wave, even the Ice Fish Dragon thrown by the Tyrannosaurus Rex was immediately blocked by the Golden Lion.

The two sides must have clashed more than once.

Then combined with the various marks on the two bodies to judge.

The golden lion can transform and harden fighting spirit, and is very skilled at it. From this point of view, it is a ruthless character who has chewed the unicorn horn early.

Combined with the injuries on its body, although it is not a battle-experienced individual, it has at least experienced hundreds of battles.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex shows signs of rampant dragon energy, judging from the color of its scales and the scars on its body, it shouldn't be old.

It should be the hunger and anger caused by the long-term food shortage, coupled with any serious injuries in the past, and the combination of many factors that caused it to 'prematurely age'

The golden lion is more than 9 meters long according to visual inspection, which is the size of a large gold, while the tyrannosaurus is a normal size of more than 20 meters.

Su Yi murmured in a low voice, analyzing all the current information, and the rough causes and consequences emerged in his mind.

The Dread Tyrannosaurus was originally the ruler of the coniferous forest, until a powerful golden lion broke in, and the two sides started a battle, and in the end the golden lion won.

The Dino Tyrannosaurus was driven out of its rich hunting grounds and headed to what was probably a relatively barren place in the north.

Hunger, coupled with some injuries, kept it in a state of anger, and certain organs and endocrine systems began to become disordered, which in turn caused the dragon's energy to become disordered and go berserk.

Until it was desperate and wandered back here, then it heard the noise, and then broke into the golden lion's territory to seize the opportunity to have a big meal.

Sure enough, the route that the Terror Tyrannosaurus took was all but vast. Only the surrounding peaks revealed black rocks, and the green color was almost extinct.

Further north, you can see a blue ice glacier that goes deep into the polar regions.

How much food can there be in such a place?

Seeing the glacier in the distance, the golden lion slowed down, stopped, and touched the scar on its belly.

It thought of the remaining half of the Ice Fish Dragon, and finally glanced at the Tyrannosaurus that escaped from its territory without looking back. The golden lion snorted and walked back leisurely.

Su Yi looked at the Terror Tyrannosaurus that stepped into the glacier alone, and whispered: Then the goal is very clear.

In fact, Su Yi was a little confused about whether he should conquer the Tyrannosaurus at this time, not that he couldn't defeat it.

Under the current circumstances, as long as the food is taken away, it won't be long before the Dino Tyrannosaurus itself will be unable to withstand it.

Mainly because Su Yi was afraid that the tyrannosaurus would be underfed.

This guy is not recognized by his relatives when he is hungry. The key is that the cost of feeding him is also very high. It is not easy to feed him. In other words, can he really be fed?

Ordinary Tyrannosaurus can be fed temporarily.

Within a few days when it can eat a lot of food, it will be in a state of contentment for a short time. At the same time, a special hormone will be produced in the body to attract the opposite sex to mate. Otherwise, the tyrannosaurus would not hesitate to do so. Cannibalism.

However, the hunger control function of the Angry Tyrannosaurus has become abnormal, and it will always be hungry and furious, and will continue to hunt until it dies.

The Dread Tyrannosaurus in front of me is about to enter that state.

Then Su Yi shook his head vigorously: Damn! Why am I so indecisive!

The Dino Tyrannosaurus is not cooked well. Is the arrogant golden lion easy to tame? Will those ancient dragons with considerable wisdom listen to humans?

None of those monsters that surpass ordinary monsters are good!

Sooner or later, you will have to come into contact with it. If you look forward and backward, there will be no results and solutions.

Take my fish and don't run away! Steel-armored crow, chase after me! Su Yi shouted.

Gah! The steel-armored crow accelerated towards the cold wind.

tick tick tick

The turbid saliva mixed with blood dripped on the glacier, like the rotten and withered plum blossoms.

The Tyrannosaurus rex gasped and turned around. After the golden lion disappeared, it felt relieved and prepared to return to the nest to enjoy the half of the hard-won ice fish dragon.

The next moment, there was a pop, and a dazzling light pierced the eyeball like a needle. The stinging pain in the eyeball made it scream subconsciously, and then half of the ice fish dragon in its mouth fell out and slid down the smooth ice to the glacier nearby. In the crack.


The Tyrannosaurus rex roared angrily, stamped and swept its tail anxiously, trying to attack the unknown enemy.

Su Yi took the opportunity to command the steel-armored crow to hide on the iceberg. After the Tyrannosaurus Rex regained its sight, it could not find its enemy, and it also lost its food. It suddenly roared in panic and rage.

The furious and miserable roar echoed among the icebergs, and the only response to it was the howling cold wind.

The helpless Tyrannosaurus looked in one direction and walked into a glacier cave with heavy steps in a daze.

It's so miserable. Su Yi couldn't bear it. This big meal would at least allow it to survive for a few more days, but the future was hard to say.

I won't say that I'm full every day, but at least I won't be hungry. Su Yi took back the steel-armored crow, and together with Lucao and Xiong's apprentice, quietly followed the Dino Tyrannosaurus deep into the glacier cave.

Inside the cave, the ground is hard frozen soil, and the ceiling is made of hanging icicles, but at least it is easier for the accompanying beasts to play than the brittle and smooth glacier outside.

The cave was not deep, so the Tyrannosaurus rex went to the deepest nest and lay down weakly.

Hunger, long journeys, bloodshed, and a battle left little strength left.

The stomach acid in his stomach was burning the stomach wall, but his body's weakness made his eyelids heavy and he felt drowsy.

Su Yi waited patiently, and when the snoring gradually started to sound, he and Lu Cao tiptoed closer to the Terror Tyrannosaurus.

Su Yi held the capture ball in one hand and the paralysis trap in the other, while Lu Cao held a large number of capture paralysis balls in his hand.

Su Yi looked at Lucao and mouthed: 1, 2, 3!

Bang bang bang!

Su Yi placed the paralysis trap on the ground with one hand and opened the trap. At the same time, Lu Cao threw out the anesthesia ball.

Anesthetic mist filled the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Its nostrils twitched and its eyes suddenly opened, but the paralysis trap immediately shined with lightning, paralyzing it to the ground.

Su Yi threw the capture ball and shouted: Blackhorned Dragon, Fierce Clawed Dragon, I'll leave it to you!

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