Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 245 Lu Coral Platform, the wind started to blow again

As the saying goes, flying dragons eat flashes and hunters get stuck on steps. These are things that must be tasted in the world of monster hunting.

However, the dizzy bird is also shrewd. After dodging, it runs away, just like the pebbles hitting the enemy, which is quite thrilling.

After the steel-armored crow lowered some height, Su Yi threw out the capture ball: Vicious Claw Dragon, go meet the overlord of the platform!


The Ferocious Claw Dragon swooped down and knocked down the Fengdiao Dragon that had just stood up. Then, its lightning fangs flashed and bit its slender neck so hard that Su Yi even doubted whether it would be bitten off.

It is true that compared to other flying dragon monsters, the Wind Drifting Dragon is too thin.

Therefore, although it is called the overlord of the platform, its ecological niche is actually higher than that of the female fire dragon, and it also relies more on the airflow of the platform.

Due to the influence of the toxin, the wind-drifting dragon's walking ability was significantly reduced, and it could only struggle ineffectively under the bite of the fierce claw dragon, and whined continuously.

The Ferocious Claws bit the Fengdiaolong's neck and swung it hard, slamming it into the rugged coral rocks.

With a bang, the Fengdiaolong hit and fell, and pieces of coral rock peeled off and fell down.

The female fire dragon shook her head and stood up, her vision gradually recovering.

Looking at the already clear situation, Su Yi tossed the capture ball and said, You see, sometimes hunting is just that simple.


On the platform at the edge of the platform, a sharp claw quietly clawed its way up. Then, an evil ghost with red eyes climbed onto the platform and looked at the steel-armored crow in the sky.


That familiar smell made the old marks on his body ache.


The evil ghost calmed down, and while Su Yi was paying attention to the direction of Feng Piaolong, he used the cover of coral to sneak closer.

Hoar? Roar!

Flying in the sky, Da Kong, who had the highest vision, was the first to discover the enemy, immediately roared a warning, and immediately released a soaring flame attack.

Seeing that he had been discovered, the evil ghost simply ran with all his strength, jumped and flew towards the steel-armored crow in the low sky.

Hearing the noise, the steel-armored crow immediately turned around, only to see a familiar but particularly ferocious figure rushing out of the exploding flames, carrying a whistling evil wind and clawing at it.

Maga! The steel-armored crow reacted quickly and immediately drew out its steel wings, crossing them in front of him for protection.


With a sound, the steel-armored crow and Su Yi were photographed from mid-air.

Su Yi quickly jumped off the steel-armored crow before landing, then rolled to release his strength, quickly adjusted his posture and stood up.

The steel-armored crow fell to the ground, its wings scratched with hideous scars, and then it gritted its teeth and stood up.

Su Yi raised his head, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it turned into a look as expected: It is indeed you, Ferocious Claw Dragon. No, it seems that I should call you Battle Scar Ferocious Claw Dragon?

The body of the Ferocious Claw Dragon in front of him was covered with scars, some of which could not be identified as the instigator. But for a few scars, Su Yi clearly remembered that they were left by the former Ferocious Claw Dragon.

Falled from the Coral Platform to the Valley of Miasma, escaped from the miasma of the Corpse Dragon, and now climbed up to the platform.

You already have a grudge against me, so let's end the grudge here. Su Yi released the Dragon God Pill and held the sword and shield tightly.

Su Yi released the bear apprentice and handed Lu Cao three capture balls: Lucao, you and the bear apprentice cooperate with the female fire dragon and Da Kong to capture the Feng Piao dragon. I'll leave this one up to you.

Howling! The Ferocious Claw Dragon jumped to Su Yi's side, and roared at the battle-scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon with fierce eyes.

Su Yi glanced at the Ferocious Claw Dragon, saw the fighting spirit rising in its eyes, and continued: ... Let us solve it!


In Da Kong, the female fire dragon and Lu Cao rushed towards the seriously injured Fengdiaolong, while the battle-scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon jumped over and pounced on Su Yi.

Su Yi held up the Dragon God Pill and shouted: Hold it!

In an instant, a barrier faced the flying battle-scarred Vicious Claw Dragon.

The next moment, there was just a bang, the body of the battle-scarred Vicious Claw Dragon was stunned, and its sharp claws were blocked by the barrier.

Su Yi held the sword for a moment, and the barrier immediately began to shatter, and it would shatter and disappear in the next second.

At this moment, the battle-scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon revealed its flaw. The Ferocious Claw Dragon seized the opportunity and tore its fierce claws towards its head.


The sound of sharp claws tearing leather sounded, and the battle-scarred Vicious Claws roared back in pain, and a long and narrow claw mark appeared on its face.

The next moment, Su Yi held Longshenwan tightly and rushed forward. Silver light shone on the blade of Longshenwan, and the steel energy condensed into a long sword.


Behemoth Slash hit the claw mark with one blow, causing secondary damage, causing it to retreat again in pain.


The battle-scarred Vicious Claw Dragon roared angrily, and the scars on its mouth and neck revealed a dark red dragon light, and emitted dragon aura like lightning.


The Ferocious Claw Dragon also roared loudly and entered the [violent] state. The markings on its mouth and neck emitted flame-like dragon energy. The two were similar, but not the same.

Su Yi quickly mounted the Ferocious Claw Dragon and began to command: Come on! Long Guangya!

The Ferocious Claw Dragon opened its sharp teeth entwined with dragon energy and pounced to bite. The battle-scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon dodged and swung its tail at the same time, its purple tail making a roaring sound.


The Ferocious Claw Dragon bit its tail directly, and then slashed with its claws, as if to cut off its tail.

The battle-scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon immediately turned around and bit into the Ferocious Claw Dragon's abdomen.

The next moment, Su Yi jumped off the back of the Ferocious Claw Dragon and charged up the power of Giant Beast Slash to slash.


The battle-scarred vicious claw dragon paused and stared at Su Yi with its fierce eyes. Then it suddenly raised its head and pushed Su Yi up.

At the same time, the Battle Scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon jumped up high and pounced on Su Yi in mid-air.

The tail behind it struggled to be pulled out of the sharp teeth and claws of the Ferocious Claw Dragon, leaving bloody scars, but it rushed towards Su Yi regardless, looking extremely vicious.


Su Yi could only give a low cry and put the Dragon God Pill in front of him. The next second, the battle-scarred Vicious Claw Dragon swung his claws at him with deep hatred.


The barrier he held blocked the moment of greatest impact, and then the barrier shattered, and the claw strike with the remaining force collided with Long Shenwan, and the impact immediately knocked Su Yi away.

Su Yi's figure flew out upside down, falling towards the outside of the platform, and towards the Valley of Miasma, just like the Ferocious Claw Dragon before.

Maga! The steel-armored crow rushed to the edge of the platform eagerly, fluttering its wings and trying to take off, but the injuries on its wings made it hesitate, and it staggered after barely taking off.

Roar! The Ferocious Claw Dragon flew to the edge of the platform and looked in panic.

The eyes of the battle-scarred Ferocious Claw Dragon looked at the Ferocious Claw Dragon with the pleasure of getting revenge.


At this moment, a strong updraft surged up from the edge of the platform, and a figure was lifted rapidly into the sky.

Su Yi opened his arms and wore a slippery suit with the same color and pattern as Feng Piaolong. He unfolded the wing membranes on the suit and walked in the wind.

Roar?! The battle-scarred Vicious Claw Dragon stared at Su Yi as he landed on the ground in stunned silence.

The wind on Lu Coral Platform is blowing again.

Okay. Su Yi tilted his head slightly, then looked at the Battle Scarred Claw Dragon, pointed at it and said: Let's count your sins in detail!


The Ferocious Claw Dragon jumped to Su Yi's side, followed his point, and roared angrily at the Battle Scar Ferocious Claw Dragon.

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