Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 242: Conquering the lightning bugs, the puzzle piece of "True Awakening"!

Ouch? Thunder Wolf Dragon looked at the plate of small things that were not enough to fill his teeth in confusion.

Su Yi looked at it expectantly and handed the energy cube forward.

Thunder Wolf Dragon reluctantly opened its mouth, and Su Yi threw the energy cube in with a smile.

Ouch?! Thunder Wolf Dragon just chewed it, then stuck out its tongue and spit out the indescribable pieces, and then immediately ran to the creek nearby and started drinking.

Su Yi scratched his head and said: Well, this should be sour. I remember that Xiaozhi's electric mice like sour food. I thought that all electric mice should like it, so that's why.

Thunder Wolf Dragon raised his head and looked at Su Yi resentfully: I wanted to serve Lord Ming, why did Lord harm me?

Su Yi said embarrassedly: It's my fault, I'll punish myself.

Then Su Yi pinched an energy cube and put it into his mouth. The next moment, Su Yi's face twisted.

It's spicy and sour! There's also a strange smell! Why is it spicy? Su Yi stuck out his tongue and pinched a piece of cat hair from his mouth.

Lucao scratched her head in embarrassment and looked away guiltily.

Thunder Wolf Dragon wanted to regain its strength, so Su Yi naturally tried his best to help it.

Su Yi then used the move learner to let Thunder Wolf Dragon learn the Flame Fist and Freeze Fist, and the rest was to slowly improve his proficiency.

It is said that many fighting-type Pokémon can learn these three punches, which can be said to be the best choice to increase the striking surface. The key is that the move learner can be used repeatedly.

It's a good civilization. Su Yi took back the learning device and said to Thunder Wolf Dragon: I asked the Forest Insect Cage Clan to help me cultivate and capture thunder bugs. I will go immediately to see how the progress is.

Now carefully looking at the area of ​​the thunder wolf dragon's lightning hair, Su Yi made a rough estimate. It may take hundreds of lightning bugs to fully restore the strength of the thunder wolf dragon.

According to the study of traces and movement patterns by ecological researchers, it is probably less than a week before Laoshanlong reaches the ideal position for capture operations.

At that time, the biggest threat the investigation team will face is the Nergigante.

In Su Yi's expectation, the Thunder Wolf Dragon, whose attributes can restrain the Nergigante, and the Black Horned Dragon, which is currently the most powerful, are the main force in the confrontation.

Therefore, the acquisition of thunder bugs must be accelerated, and at least the thunder wolf dragon must be able to exert the power of thunder attribute moves.

Su Yi brought some things and immediately teleported to the camp on the top of the ancient tree.

Bah Lu~

On the training ground, Disciple Bear looked at Thunder Wolf Dragon briskly, as if he was happy that it could increase its strength.

Ouch. Thunder Wolf Dragon's eyes revealed a hint of gratitude and kindness.

Bah! Apprentice Xiong greeted Thunder Wolf Dragon and introduced him one by one how to use various equipment on the training ground.

The other companion beasts need to rest when they need to, and train when they want to.

As soon as Su Yi came to the forest insect cage tribe, Lu Mi gave him a surprise.

Dang Dang! We caught a lot of lightning bugs! Lumi pointed behind her. A row of insect cages containing lightning bugs were placed next to the tent.

Su Yi said in surprise: So many?

Last time they tried so hard to catch a dozen, but this time they caught forty or fifty.

Su Yi asked curiously: How did you do it?

Lutang on the side said proudly: It's all my sister who is smart, meow!

Lubing said eagerly: My sister invented a scented cat that specifically targets lightning bugs, and then she made an automatic insect trap. As long as we set it up, we just have to wait.

Su Yi remembers that the Ellu cats in the New World have a kind of honey insect attracting fragrance, which can attract and restore honey insects, thereby restoring blood to the hunter.

But this thing is not like in the game, where the reply honey bug seems to be conjured, but it takes a certain amount of time to attract.

But if it really comes to a critical moment, it is estimated that the person will be cold before this thing works. In a non-critical situation, taking a secret medicine is much more effective.

So this thing is a bit useless to Su Yi, and Lu Cao has never used that thing.

But if corresponding attracting incense could be produced for each type of insect, wouldn't it be possible to harvest a large amount of insect materials?

The key is that this thing only needs to be placed, and no time is wasted.

Su Yi looked at Lu Mi differently.

The eldest sister of the three siblings seems to like to invent and create. She even tried to imitate the hunter's flare before.

Su Yi knelt down and asked Maomao: Lumi, can you try to make an attracting incense that can attract bitter insects and immortal insects?

These are commonly used materials by hunters and are in high demand.

The insect catching cage can be used in conjunction with the honey insect attracting fragrance to capture and restore the honey insects. The honey from the restored honey insects can be directly used as a healing medicine, and the insect honey and nutritious bitter insects can also be used as materials for energy cubes.

The more Su Yi thought about it, the more he felt that there was much to be done, and the soul of farming was burning brightly.

Lumi thought for a moment and said, I can try it, but you have to provide us with various tools.

Among the insect cage tribe, high-quality iron utensils are very popular, and some hunter props are also very helpful to them, not to mention all kinds of exquisite items in the Pokémon world, especially desserts, which are the most popular items. My cat loves it.

Su Yi simply reached a trade cooperation with the Insect Cage Clan, exchanging what they needed, and everyone was happy.

However, the lightning bugs nearby have been caught, so the harvest in the past few days has obviously become less, Lumi said.

Some thunder bugs may have flown further afield.

How about the breeding of lightning bugs?

Although they are breeding, the speed is a bit slow. There may be some lack of stimulation. Honeydew said.

Stimulation? Is it to be stimulated by the thunder wolf dragon's electric current? In other words, let them coexist with the thunder wolf dragon and let them reproduce on their own? Su Yi thought.

The current reproduction rate of the thunder bugs should be normal. Maybe after symbiosis with the thunder wolf dragon, they will speed up their reproduction speed?

In my impression, Pokémon should reproduce very quickly, especially insect Pokémon, which reproduce and grow quickly. Su Yi's eyes lit up and he took out two capture balls.

When he first started traveling through time, the first mission to get a partner, he thought that just taming an environmental creature would be enough.

In addition to the most practical paralysis gas frog, his original target was the lightning bug.

Now that he has captured more balls, it seems that he can try to tame these useful little creatures to see what capabilities they have after becoming Pokémon.

Su Yi then selected two thunder bugs, one male and one female, and captured them with the capture ball.

Let me take a look. Su Yi opened the Hunting Guide and found that the information on the two was simple and clear.

[Name: Lightning Bug

Race: Thunder bug (female/male)

Attributes:, insect, electricity

Features: Super Electric Resonance (When a certain number of Thunder Bugs and Thunder Wolf Dragons symbiotically enter into the [Super Charged State], the Thunder Wolf Dragon will be given a level of special attack, exit this state, and a certain number of Thunder Bugs will be on the verge of death or leave. Afterwards, the gain disappears)

Moves: Electric shock, charging.

Unable to carry props]

There's not much to say about the moves. The characteristics are the icing on the cake for Thunder Wolf Dragon, but it can develop some more special attack moves.

But the premise is that these special lightning bugs can form a certain number.

It's already pretty good. Su Yi was very satisfied.

Okay, I'll take all the lightning bugs away.

When Su Yi returned to the back mountain, he discovered an interesting scene.

The Brutal Jaw Dragon and the Thunder Wolf Dragon each pulled a heavy square log and walked side by side as if in a competition. The Pokémon and accompanying beasts on the side cheered them on.

Ouch! Thunder Wolf Dragon exerted force suddenly, and the shoulder straps hanging on its shoulders pulled the square wood behind it forward until it crossed a line.

Bah! Disciple Xiong raised his hands and shouted, as if to announce the winner.

Roar! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared unwillingly, while the Thunder Wolf Dragon stood calmly in its stance.

Su Yi walked up and comforted: Thunder Wolf Dragon has stable limbs and strong forelimbs. It can pull things more powerfully. Don't be discouraged. Your advantage is your bite force.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon nodded and regained some confidence.

Then Su Yi came to the Thunder Wolf Dragon and released more than 80 lightning bugs that he had collected.

This is all the lightning bugs I can collect so far. These are the feed. I will leave the rest of the breeding work to you.

Ouch! Thunder Wolf Dragon watched in surprise as numerous lightning bugs floated into his lightning fur.

There are also some slightly special lightning bugs, which Su Yi specially conquered and transformed into 5 pairs of special lightning bugs for Pokémon.

It won't take long for you to regain your full strength. Su Yi patted the Thunder Wolf Dragon's sharp claws and said with a smile, Then you should be stronger than you were before!

Ouch! Lei Langlong nodded to Su Yi to express his thanks, his expression became high-spirited.

Thunder Wolf Dragon tried to use the Thunder Palm. The next moment, dazzling lightning jumped between the sharp claws. Although it was not as good as the lightning palm at its peak, it was much better.

The scratching bird on the side stretched out its claws curiously and caught a special lightning bug. It looked at it curiously.

This seems to be different from the thunder bug that it caught.

At this time, another special lightning bug flew over, used electric shock, scratched the bird's claws, and released the special lightning bug.

Then the two lightning bugs, a male and a female, flew together and suddenly flew towards it.

Gah?! Tiaoniao screamed, causing Su Yi to look.

I saw those two special lightning bugs floating into the arms of the scratching bird and crawling on the evolution stone pendant specially made by Su Yi for the scratching bird.

Their target is the Thunder Stone?! Su Yi looked at the two special lightning bugs lying on the Thunder Stone in surprise.

The next moment, the two lightning bugs emitted white light, and their shapes began to change slightly.

Su Yi was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear: Evolved?!

The white light dissipated, the thunder stone disappeared, and the light from the abdomen of the pair of lightning bugs became dazzling.

Su Yi quickly checked the information on these newly evolved lightning bugs.

[Name: Super Electric Lightning Bug

Race: Ultra-electric lightning insect (female/male)

Attributes: Insect, electricity

Features: Constant ultra-electric resonance (when a certain number of ultra-electric lightning bugs sympathize with the thunder wolf dragon, the special attack of the thunder wolf dragon will be increased by one level. The gain will disappear after a certain number of ultra-electric lightning bugs are dying or leave)

Moves: Electric shock, charge, electric ball.

Unable to carry props]

You don't need to activate the thunder wolf dragon to generate electricity, and you can directly turn it into a super electric lightning bug permanently.

In Su Yi's mind, he recalled a tyrant bathed in golden thunder, an existence that would never exit the [super-charged state].

It seems that a piece of the puzzle of 'True Awakening' has been mastered by me.

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