Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 232 A girl obsessed with the supernatural (3k)

The guide insect, which remembered Mali's scent, quickly floated outside.

Su Yi took a deep breath and followed the guide while analyzing the current situation.

There were slashing marks on the traces of the fight, which were obviously done by Agusa holding the sword, while other marks should have been left by the enemy.

This abandoned ship has long become a habitat for all kinds of Pokémon, mainly water-type Pokémon.

The water traces in the battle traces were most likely left by water-type Pokémon.

I was careless, I should have kept an accompanying beast. Su Yi said regretfully.

Su Yi opened the [Map]. Although the screen was completely white, it still showed the relative position of Lucao and him. They were not very far away. It looked like they were still on the ship.

Lucao's position is slowly moving, and judging from the situation, it shouldn't be life-threatening.

However, the space inside the cabin is complicated and has a multi-layered three-dimensional structure.

Some walkways were blocked by collapsed walls and ceilings, and large holes were opened in the ground on some roads, reaching into the flooded cabins below and making it impossible to pass.

The entire interior of the cabin has become a dark, deep and intricate maze, so it is best to follow the guidance of the guide bug.

Rotom, give me some light. Su Yi shouted.

I know... I know Lotto... Rotom floated out from the mobile phone.

Why are you panicking?

Su Yi shook the Dragon God Pill in his hand and said: Insect type's continuous slash, evil type's secret attack, fighting type's splitting bricks, super type's spiritual blade, ghost type's shadow claw, steel type's Behemoth Slash (Iron Head).”

Specializes in killing all monsters (superpowers, evil, ghosts, fairies).

Dingyin~ Ryujinmaru groaned proudly.

Okay Lotto... The cell phone Lotto floated above Su Yi's head, illuminating the dark corridor.

The guide insect floated quickly in the dark corridor. Along the way, some water marks appeared on the ground, and occasionally there were some traces of battle.

Su Yi kicked open a rotten door and came to a spacious restaurant. A dozen Pokémon fled into various places after being frightened, like cockroaches scurrying around after opening their horns.

The sharp-eyed Su Yi saw Pokémon such as Marilu, Lobster Soldier, Gotha Duck, and Ubo.

The tables and chairs in the restaurant were tilted here and there, garbage was scattered everywhere, and there was a big hole in the center of the restaurant.

Su Yi stretched his head and looked down. Under the light of the cell phone's Rotom, he could see that the cabin below was submerged in seawater, and there was a hole leading directly to the deep sea.

Just as Su Yi was staring into the abyss, at a certain moment, a figure swam through the water in the cabin below at high speed, causing a wave.

This shocking figure startled Su Yi, and he subconsciously took a step back.

Sure...there really is a ghost Lotto! Lotto shouted on the mobile phone immediately and hid in Su Yi's backpack.

Say... maybe it's some kind of water Pokémon, like Gyarados or something like that! Su Yi said with lingering fear.

But the classic horror film Deep Chill came to mind.

The figure glimpsed from the entrance of the cave should be just a part of the body. The exact size is not clear, but a hint of white can be seen.

It must be some kind of Pokémon, don't scare yourself! Su Yi took out his Rotom phone, illuminated the way forward, and continued to follow the guide insect.

Coming out of the other end of the restaurant, there is another passage leading to everywhere.

Just as he turned a corner, Su Yi and a ghost face suddenly met.

Howling?! Ghost Stone, who was floating in the air, was startled, and then made a habitual grimace.

However, when Su Yi saw Ghost Stone, he immediately shouted: Shadow Claw!

Groan! Ryujinmaru's sword blade was instantly wrapped with a layer of purple ghost energy.

At the same time, Su Yi slashed at Ghost Stone head-on with his sword.

Howl! Ghost Stone screamed, and was so frightened that he slammed his head into the wall and disappeared through the wall.

Su Yi frowned: Is there a ghost-type Pokémon playing tricks on this?

To be honest, in this complicated cabin, it is really difficult to catch the ghost stone that can pass through the wall.

Su Yi continued to follow the guide's guidance and came to a guest room in a zigzag manner.

The guide insect stopped at the door, and it was obvious that Ma Li should be inside.

Su Yi took a deep breath, gathered strength, and suddenly kicked him away.


The dilapidated door was kicked off, then smashed against the wall and shattered into pieces.

In the room, a ghost stone hiding behind the door stared dumbly at Su Yi, who was full of evil aura.

Su Yi shouted: Secret attack on vital points!

Ryujinmaru buzzed, and the sword was instantly wrapped in dark evil energy.

Just when Su Yi stared at the ghost stone and raised his hand to cut it off, a hurried voice sounded: Wait a minute! Why are you hurting my ghost stone!?

Huh!? Is there someone?! Su Yi stopped in time.

Ghost Stone, who was startled by the vicious Su Yi, immediately flew to the side of a girl wearing a black and gray robe.

Su Yi immediately looked over, only to find that on the bed in front of the girl, Ma Li had changed into clothes of the same style as the girl, and was lying on it peacefully, with a scarred burning insect lying motionless in her arms.

Su Yi roared angrily: What did you do to Ma Li and the Burning Insect!?

As if feeling Su Yi's emotions, the evil energy in Longshenwan Sword surged, rising and burning like a blazing flame.

Wait...wait a minute! They just fell asleep, I didn't hurt them!!! The long-haired girl with strange mosquito-repellent eyes said hurriedly.

Su Yi calmed down a little and asked with a cold face: What's going on?

They were attacked by Pokémon, and I rescued them. I asked Ghost to find you, and... the girl explained hurriedly.

Su Yi meow! Lu Cao's excited voice suddenly sounded from behind Su Yi.

Lucao?! Su Yi turned around and saw Lucao trotting over from the passage behind him.

The girl said eagerly: Lucao! Explain to him quickly!

Su Yi, meow, Sayuko is not a bad person, meow. She saved us, and also helped Ma Li and Burning Bug treat meow. Lucao explained.

Is that so? Su Yi realized that he was confused if he cared, and immediately apologized: I'm sorry, I was rude.

Huh~ As long as you understand.

Miss Ma Li has a fever, and the clothes on her body are wet, which will make her condition worse, so I took off her clothes, dried her body, and put on my spare clothes.

The burning bug was hit by the giant swamp monster's water-based move and was seriously injured. I gave it a simple treatment.

Ghoststone is my Pokémon, and I made it work with Lucao to find you.

Then, Sayuko and Nokusa explained the whole story in one word or another.

It turned out that Su Yi had just returned to the Star Stronghold and seemed to be disturbed by the arrival of Su Yi and his party. A giant swamp monster came up with a group of water Pokémon.

They attacked Lucao without saying a word. Lucao and the Burning Bug fought hard to protect the sick Ma Li.

Just then, Sayuko appears with Ghost Stone and saves them.

Ghoststone dragged the swamp monster, and Sayuko took the opportunity to escape with Mari. Then Ghoststone used the ability to walk through walls to escape, and they hid like this.

Afterwards, Lucao set out to find Su Yi, while Ghoststone used his ability to walk through walls to help.

And Mali's cell phone couldn't be connected because it fell out while escaping and was broken into pieces by the Swampert, leaving only Rotom inside.

Thank you so much, Miss Sayuko. Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her.

Hey, if you want to say thank you, just tell me where there are supernatural events. Sayuko let out a faint laugh.

Supernatural incident... I discovered a mysterious Pokémon on the lower level of this ship. Does that count? Su Yi said.

Mysterious Pokémon? Isn't it the ghost that drowned the crew? Or is it an evil spirit formed by the souls of enemies? Sayuko suddenly approached Su Yi and asked excitedly.

Well, aren't the so-called supernatural events mostly caused by Pokémon? Su Yi felt overwhelmed by Sayuko's fanaticism.

Sayuko said boringly: That's too boring. The so-called supernatural events should be truly mysterious and unknown. That's what attracts people.

Su Yi was ashamed.

To talk about the real mystery and unknown, I encountered a hidden ghost train in the Galar region, specially designed to transport ghost-type Pokémon... Su Yi thought for a while and said.

When Sayuko heard this, she suddenly came close to her face like a ghost, with an excited smile on her face: Ghost train!? It's very interesting when you hear it! Now! Tell me more!

Miss Sayuko! Su Yi reached out helplessly to block Sayuko's close attack.

Sorry, I'm so excited. Sayuko smiled and wiped the corners of her mouth.

Su Yi initially thought that Sayuko and Onio might have something in common, but seeing Sayuko's weird behavior and habits, Su Yi felt that the introverted Onio might be scared to death by her.

I'd better give Ma Li the medicine first. Su Yi quickly helped Ma Li up and fed her the medicine bit by bit.

Then he picked up the burning bug and gave it some medicine.

Jihu? The burning insect quickly woke up faintly.

Su Yi rubbed Burning Bug's head and said with a smile: Very brave, Burning Bug, you did a good job protecting Ma Li.

Hmm~ Burning Bug happily acted coquettishly in Su Yi's arms.

Su Yi never forces the Burning Bug to fight, after all, its original intention is not to fight, but it will fight bravely at critical moments, and it has grown a lot compared to when they met.


At the door of the room, a Marilu suddenly appeared and made a loud cry.

Oops! This is the swamp monster's eyeliner! Sayuko said in surprise.


Sure enough, a ferocious roar came from deep in the dark passage.

It was discovered! away! Sayuko said nervously.

From now on, there's no need to panic, nya! Lukusa waved her paw to calm Sayuko down.

With a murderous look on Su Yi's face, he loaded the projectile, put on a small buckler, and held the Dragon God Pill, while the ribbon of the Dragon God Pill was wrapped around Su Yi's arm.

Because my a super strong cat! Lucao said proudly with her hands on her hips.


There was a banging sound of running in the passage, and then, a blue Pokémon with thick limbs led a group of water Pokémon to block the passage, looking at Su Yi with a fierce look on his face.

Su Yi put on a fighting stance and said coldly: Ryushenwan, prepare to fight!

Long Shenwan's voice sounded in Su Yi's heart: Chong Qiang Qiang, cut them all off!

Hum hum hum ah ah ah ah ah!

I ran into the overgrown woods and suffered from old sins, with all kinds of insects crawling on my body. The Feng Shui master looked at the graves of other family members and found that there was also a problem. It may happen in November this year, and around the Qingming Festival next year. Run again.

My brother also said that he has the opportunity to return to Foshan to trace his roots. He heard that we are still from the same lineage as Huang Feihong in Foshan. It is said that there are records in the ancestral hall, but I don’t know if it is true.

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