Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 221 The Great Detective A'Du

Pokémon World, the woods outside Karnaz City.

A'Du came alone to the place where Team Ocean was captured yesterday.

There are obvious signs of fighting, and it's very fierce. There seem to be a few big guys?

A'Du knelt down and observed a pair of huge footprints and a large crater not far away that seemed to be caused by the owner of the footprints.

A'Du pondered for a while, then opened the elf ball he borrowed from Junsha: Please, Kati Dog!

Woof~ Kati dog stuck out his tongue and greeted A'Du.

A'Du knelt down with a smile, touched the Kati dog's head, and said, Please, use your sense of smell to help me find other clues around me.

Woof! The Katie dog nodded and began to sniff the surrounding area.

After a while, it yelled and took out something from a bush.

A'Du's eyes narrowed: Is this the uniform of Team Lava?

Is there a third party behind the scenes in that arrest?

What are Team Ocean and Team Lava planning?

But this is a clue at least, Katy dog, smell it and try to find the owner of this dress. A'Du didn't hold out much hope, after all, the other party might have gone far away.

But what surprised Adu was that after the Kati dog sniffed it, he immediately ran towards the center of Kanaz.

Could it be that the other party is still in Kanaz City? How brave you are!

Cati Dog smelled the scent and quickly brought Adu to the Pokémon Center.

Pokémon Center? A'Du frowned, thinking secretly.

After Cady walked around the Pokémon Center, he wanted to run in another direction.

Wait a minute! A'Du stopped Kadi and then walked into the Pokémon Center.

A'Du asked Miss Joy about the whereabouts of the trainer who defeated the Ocean Team.

That gentleman went out very early and I haven't seen him come back, Joey said.

Does Team Lava want to recruit that trainer? Or does it want to get information about Team Ocean from that trainer?

Or maybe this trainer is a member of Team Lava?!

A'Du analyzed several possibilities based on his experience as a Pokémon investigator.

Unable to find the trainer, Adu could only continue to follow Kati Dog to track down the member of the Lava Team.

The dog took him to a secluded natural park.

A'Du walked into the dense woods in the park and frowned slightly: He was acting suspiciously...


Suddenly, the Kati dog lay on the ground, baring its teeth and growling in one direction.

The target is not far ahead.

A'Du took back the Kati dog, then walked lightly and approached quietly.

Huh? What is that!?

A'Du knelt down and quietly pushed aside the bushes. He saw a ferocious giant beast lying on the grass not far away.

At that size, even his Gyarados is slightly inferior.

Why is there such a Pokémon here?

To be honest, A'Du was really shocked at first sight. After calming down, he carefully observed the situation in front of him.

A man wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses stood in front of the giant beast, seeming to be talking to it.

Hiding his head and showing his tail, being sneaky and carrying such a dangerous Pokémon, what on earth is this member of Team Lava going to do?

Years of experience as a Pokémon investigator made Adu tense up instantly.

In the woods, Ma Li said to the Fierce Claw: I have nothing to do anyway. Fierce Claw, please come and train with me.

After seeing the battle between Su Yi and Shijana, she understood that with her current strength, she was still far from being an excellent trainer. She was at best a fledgling.

Moreover, now that she may be targeted by the Marine Team, but can only rely on Su Yi's Pokémon for protection, she once again feels her own weakness.

Mari, who realized this, was not willing to waste time due to her personality, so she wanted to use this time to train herself and her Pokémon.

Anyway, this place is remote, so Team Ocean shouldn’t be able to find it, right?

Ouch. The Ferocious Claw Dragon nodded, it would be a good idea to move his body...

The Fierce Claw suddenly moved its nose and smelled a strange smell. It immediately stood up and growled ferociously in one direction: Howl!

Is there someone?! Ma Li realized something and turned her head to look in that direction.

The trees not far away were silent.

The Ferocious Claw Dragon didn't have that much patience, so he immediately released dragon energy bombs and sprayed them towards the source of the smell.

As soon as the Dragon Qi Bomb of the Ferocious Claw Dragon was sprayed out, a figure dodged and hid in another bush.

After the dragon energy bomb was empty, the Ferocious Claw Dragon rushed forward and cut through the lush trees with one claw.

There was a rumble, trees collapsed, and grass flew into the air. A'Du, who was hiding behind, immediately rolled away.

Ouch! The Ferocious Claw Dragon unfolded its ten-edged claws, tensed its muscles, and walked around to examine the person in front of it.

Who?! Ma Li looked intently, and instantly, the pupils of her eyes behind her sunglasses shrank.

The cloaked man wearing a strange uniform had a ferocious downturned eye on his face, and he was peeking furtively from the side.

Fancy costume(ish)!

He looks evil (a bit)!

In A'du's eyes, Ma Li's surprise and vigilance were the reaction to having her whereabouts discovered.

A'Du then shouted, Who are you? Were you nearby when those members of the Ocean Team were arrested?

Ma Li: ?!

A'Du continued to use language to test: Are you a member of the Lava Team?

As soon as you get up, ask about Team Ocean or Team Lava (make sure)!

In Ma Li's mind: She knew I was there at the time, and also knew that I was a member of the Lava Team, and it completely matched what Brother Su Yi said = he was a member of the Ocean Team!

Ma Li was slightly dazed due to shock, which made A'du even more sure of his guess.


The Ferocious Claw Dragon let out a ferocious roar, interrupting A'Du's questioning. It could be very patient when facing Su Yi and Su Yi's friends, but it was not so patient when facing people it didn't know and seemed to have malicious intentions. Such a good mood.

Oh! A'Du covered his ears tightly and gritted his teeth to endure the deafening roar.

What a ferocious Pokémon. Team Lava actually possesses such power?! A'Du retreated quickly, taking out the Pokémon ball and throwing it out at the same time.

Ouch! An orange flying dragon flew into the sky and roared in warning at the Vicious Claw Dragon.

Ferocious Claw Dragon, be careful! Ma Li shouted.

The Ferocious Claw Dragon has a fierce look in its eyes, and the roar of the Kuailong is tantamount to provoking it.

Howl! The Ferocious Claw Dragon suddenly rose up and jumped towards the Kuailong in mid-air.

What a fast speed, what an amazing jumping ability! A'Du secretly exclaimed, and commanded calmly on the surface: Dragon Dive!

Ouch! Kuailong's whole body shone with dragon energy, turning into an energy dragon and rushing towards the Ferocious Claw Dragon.


The huge impact interrupted the Vicious Claw Dragon's leap and knocked it from the sky.

After landing on the ground, the Ferocious Claw Dragon turned over quickly and pounced on the Kuailong again.

A'Du clenched his fist and said, Dragon Claw!

The Kuailong wields its dragon claws, while the Ferocious Claw Dragon swings out its fierce light claws wrapped in dragon energy.


The sharp claws touched each other, and Kuailong's body was immediately pushed back.


And just when Kuailong barely resisted the fierce light claw, the fierce claw dragon roared loudly and exerted force again, and slapped Kuailong away with one claw.

As for Kuailong, Adu's battle-experienced Pokémon, he immediately flapped his wings to stabilize his body, but a small dark red lightning flashed across his body.

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