Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 217 Ma Li: I want to become stronger!

On a hill farther away from Su Yi, Huo Yan glanced at the Ocean Team surrounded by giant beasts and put down the telescope in his hand.

She put away the communicator and sighed boredly: What a pity...

I thought I could recruit a potential and powerful trainer, but I quite like Ma Li.

As for the other guy, if he can join us, then we have a chance to completely overpower the Ocean team.

Unfortunately, he seems to be very cautious. However, this operation was thanks to the intelligence provided by the Marine Team he captured at that time.

Huoyan turned around, and behind him, a team of Team Lava members loaded cages containing wild Pokémon into the car.

Let's go.

After waiting for a long time, Miss Junsha drove up with the police and also brought the owner Du Juan.

Are you not injured? Du Juan jumped out of the car and asked with concern.

Su Yi sat comfortably on the stone, behind him was the steel-armored crow, and next to him were Lu Cao and Ma Li, who had taken off the Lava Team uniform. The other accompanying beasts were put away.

Su Yi took out the pack of elf balls, handed them over, and said, I'm fine, let's see if there are any missing.

Du Juan immediately took it and examined it carefully.

Miss Junsha got out of the car and said to Su Yi: I'm very sorry, we have to deal with the recent poacher incident, so we are late.

Su Yi waved his hand carelessly.

After Du Juan on the side finished the inspection, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, Thank you very much. Not a single one is missing. I took them all back.

Su Yi patted his butt and stood up: That's good.

On the other side, Miss Junsha began to escort the members of the Ocean Team into the car, but Shijana showed a faint look of indifference.

Su Yi gave the confiscated elf ball to Junsha and provided some information that would not be suspected. Miss Junsha thanked her and drove away in a hurry.

Thank you very much this time. If you hadn't caught them in time, it would have been difficult to find these Pokémon. This is a thank you gift and proof.

Du Juan smiled and handed the rock badge and a rock-blocked move learner to Su Yi.

Huh? Can I get a badge without fighting? Ma Li asked in surprise.

Du Juan explained with a smile: The mission of the gym leader is not to hinder the trainers, but to stimulate their potential and guide the trainers to make progress.

Even if you lose the battle, if you can get the approval of the gym leader, you can still be awarded a badge.

And this gentleman not only defeated so many bad guys, but also helped the school recover precious Pokémon.

In addition, he has already been recognized by Mr. Qianli, and his strength should be beyond doubt, so the battle with me is not that important.

Ma Li said thoughtfully: Does the gym here have such a mission?

Afterwards, Su Yi and Ma Li left the forest together.

By the way, are you really going to challenge the Chenghua Gym in your first gym?

I thought that was the first place you challenged, so I went there too, but who knows?

Ma Li said angrily: And isn't it the mission of the gym leader to hinder the trainer? Why is that gym leader so cruel?

After hearing this, Su Yi laughed and said: Hahahaha! Why are you so innocent and cute?

Uh--! Don't laugh! Ma Li's face almost bulged.

In the park of Kanaz City, Su Yi was counting the materials, preparing to prepare the potion as soon as the chocolate fruit arrived tomorrow.

On the other side, Ma Li hid far away and called her brother Nie Zi. After a while, she ended the call and seemed a little relaxed.

I told my brother.

Su Yi didn't ask what he said, but asked: What is your route to challenge the gym in the future?

Ma Li pondered for a while and asked, Do you have any suggestions?

Su Yi thought for a while and said: Actually, the fastest way to go next is to go to Wudou Town to challenge the martial arts gym.

Because you can get there by boat near Karnaz City. It's very close. Then you don't have to travel half of Hoenn to come back to challenge it.

By the way, what Pokémon do you have now? Su Yi asked.

Mali released three Pokémon. Except for Molubeko, the remaining two were Slippery and Delinquent.

Mobai~ As soon as Molu Beike saw Su Yi, he showed off his cuteness and came to beg for food.

Here you go. Su Yi smiled and took out some desserts for it. After a simple thank you, Morubeke was immersed in the delicious food.

Except for Bad Frog, the other two Pokémon are restrained by the Fighting type.

The Martial Arts Gym is a fighting gym, and the Pokémon owned by the gym's owner, Teng Shu, has a unique fighting style. Your current team may be a bit uncertain, Su Yi analyzed.

Slippery and Bad Frog are probably Pokémon that have been conquered not long ago, but they both have fighting attributes and have an advantage against Cuckoo's rock-type Pokémon.

But Ivy's Pokémon is not easy for Mali to deal with.

If Su Yi remembered correctly, in the official gym battle in Fengyuan, the martial arts gym was the first gym that defeated Xiaozhi.

Now I don’t know where Xiaozhi has traveled and whether he has challenged the vine tree.

If the challenge had been taken, Fujiki's makushita rikishi would have evolved into an iron palm rikishi, making it even more difficult to deal with.

Is that so? Ma Li murmured, and then she summoned up the courage to ask, Well, can I become a disciple of Brother Su Yi? I want to become very, very strong!

Worship me as your teacher? Well, actually, I don't have much experience in teaching people.

But when I have free time, I can play and train with you, and teach you some battle knowledge. It's not really a teaching, it's more of an exchange. Su Yi said.

Yes! Please give me more advice in the future, Master! Ma Li nodded heavily.

There is still time. Let me see your current level. I have some things to do tomorrow and may have to leave Fengyuan for a few days. Su Yi said.

Next, Su Yi found a battlefield, thought for a while, and released the ferocious jackal dragon.

Ouch. As soon as the ferocious jackal appeared, he came forward and rubbed Su Yi longingly.

Su Yi smiled and stroked the ferocious jackal dragon and said, Okay, okay, it's been a long time since we fought together.

There is nothing that can be done about this. Now it seems that only Pokémon battles have the opportunity to use the Great Ferocious Jackal.

Although Su Yi had obtained the life dragon vein fragment and was determined to improve his old friend's strength, there were still many uncertainties.

Because the Great Fierce Jackalosaurus does not have a clear subspecies like the Direclaw Dragon, the Fierce Claw Dragon. As a reference, the Great Fierce Jackalosaurus has no subspecies, so its evolution will be unknown.

And it is somewhat different from the evolution of Pokémon. The evolution of monsters is more like the regional form of Pokémon, which is the product of adapting to a certain environment.

But this evolution is not necessarily in a stronger direction.

For example, if it adapts to the aquatic environment, its land capabilities will become relatively weak, and it will evolve into a small size in order to adapt to an environment where food is scarce, etc.

Therefore, unknown evolution requires some caution.

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