Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 214 Su Yi: Don’t want to play? Then everyone, please stop playing!

Mega evolution, also called mega evolution, is a change that allows specific Pokémon to temporarily gain new forms and abilities through corresponding items.

After a mega-evolved Pokémon, its attributes and characteristics may change, and the sum of its racial values ​​will increase.

The tyrannosaurus in the sky roared and took on a new form after the light dissipated.

The carapace on the abdomen and the horns on the head have undergone some changes, but the biggest change is the giant wings that look like a blood moon.

Moreover, the size of the Mega Tyrannosaurus has increased a lot compared to before, and has even roughly reached the level of a medium-sized monster, making it a small flying dragon monster.

Interesting. Su Yi looked at it with interest. This was the first time he saw Mega evolve with his own eyes.

Mega Tyrannosaurus, Dragon Dive! Shijana ordered.

The Mega Flying Dragon roared angrily, and the majestic dragon energy enveloped its whole body, and with a burst of powerful murderous intent, it fiercely charged towards the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Barbarian Jaw Dragon, brave and addicted to bite! Su Yi immediately commanded.

The physical attack capabilities of the Mega Flying Dragon are very good, coupled with the powerful Dragon Dive, Su Yi does not dare to underestimate it.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon didn't dare to look down upon the astonishing Mega Flying Dragon. It roared angrily, and the dragon energy turned into flames that entangled and exploded between its sharp teeth, and then bit the Mega Flying Dragon fiercely.

Only a loud bang was heard, and energy surged and exploded.

The ground under the feet of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was crushed by the huge force. The broken sand and stones caused the Barbarian Jaw Dragon to slip and almost lose its balance.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon! Push it back!


The Barbarian Jaw Dragon let out low roars from its throat, and took a heavy step forward with its strong hind legs to stabilize its body.

Then the other leg stepped forward steadily, pushing Mega Dragon's Dragon Dive back a certain distance.

It's really worthy of that size, what a terrifying strength! Shijana said in surprise.

Su Yi shouted: Just knock it off for me!

Roar! The Barbarian Jaw Dragon's voice was full of violence. It stepped hard step by step, pushing its strong body and biting the dragon's dive to force it back.

Mega Tyrannosaurus' Dragon Dive is gradually unsustainable.


The Brave Jaw bitten the energy of Dragon's Dive, and then the Brave Jaw bit the Mega Tyrannosaurus and threw it to the ground.

We encountered a tough situation. Shijana frowned as she looked at the Mega Tyrannosaurus getting up in embarrassment, but she quietly released a Poké Ball with one hand.

Can't even a Pokémon like Tyrannosaurus be able to shake it? the captain of the Ocean Team shouted in fear.

Ma Li said with shining eyes: It's both vicious and powerful!

In that case...Dragon Tail! Shijana's eyes caught a glimpse of a figure taking action, and she ordered with a smile.

The extremely fast speed of Mega Flying Dragon came into play, and before Barbarian Jaw Dragon could react, it hit it with its tail.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon turned into a beam of light and flew back into Su Yi's ball. Then another elf ball opened, and the single scabbard appeared on the field with a blank look on its face.

Do you think I won't change it back? Su Yi dug into his pocket indifferently, trying to take out the capture ball of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed towards Su Yi at high speed from the trees on the side.

What the hell?! Lucao's ears were the first to catch the movement, and he subconsciously slashed with his knife.

But that figure was very fast, knocking away the dew grass before swinging the knife, and continued to rush towards Su Yi without losing momentum.

Huh? Su Yi was startled when he heard the movement, and his body subconsciously rolled sideways to avoid it.

Catch him! Sonic Dragon! Xijana was surprised by Su Yi's reaction speed and skill.

The bat-shaped sonic dragon turned around, opened its sharp claws and grabbed Su Yi, who had just climbed up.

Seeing the sonic dragon approaching at great speed, Su Yi stretched out his hand and shouted: Sword coming!

The scabbard of the single sword next to him rushed into Su Yi's palm with a low groan, and at the same time used a slash, and Su Yi took advantage of the situation and swung his sword to slash at the sonic dragon's claws.

With a swish sound, the broken sword blade wrapped in white light split open the sonic dragon's claws.

Su Yi took this opportunity to raise his hand and launch his flying claw, hooked the Sonic Dragon, and then quickly pulled it towards it in front of its surprised eyes. He held the single sword scabbard tightly in his hand and slashed hard again.


The sword blade slashed down from the shoulder, and the Sonic Dragon let out a low cry of pain, quickly broke away from Su Yi and retreated.

Su Yi landed smoothly, then took a deep breath, looked at Sijana, and said with a smile: I almost forgot, this is a wild fight, so I won't be polite!

After saying that, Su Yi took out a handful of capture balls and threw them directly.




Barbarian Jaw Dragon, Swift Meowth, Ferocious Claw Dragon, Big Sky, Female Fire Dragon, and all the accompanying beasts surrounded the Ocean Team and let out deafening roars.

What?! What are these amazingly big Pokémon?! The people surrounded by the giant beasts screamed in horror.

Su Yi opened his hands and said with a smile: I told you that you are surrounded. I originally wanted to have fun, but since you don't want to play, then stop playing.

It's terrible! I've never seen where these Pokémon were tamed from. Shijana suddenly fell into a passive position.

Also, who is this person? Shijana looked at the man who smiled dangerously.

Su Yi didn't give any complicated instructions, but waved his hand, pointed at Shijana's Pokémon, and said, Get rid of them.

The female fire dragon flapped her wings and charged, grabbing the sonic dragon's wings and pinning it to the ground like an eagle catching a chicken.

The Ferocious Claw Dragon leaped to a height that was breathtaking to Shijana, bit the Mega Tyrannosaurus hard and pulled it down.

Then came the suppressive attacks of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Swift Meow, which immediately knocked them out of combat effectiveness.

Today is so unlucky! Shijana gritted her teeth and muttered to herself, then threw out a smoke bomb and quickly retrieved her Pokémon under the cover of the smoke.

Clear the dense fog. Su Yi's calm voice came.

The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and blew up a strong wind, quickly dissipating the smoke, allowing Shijana's figure to appear instantly.

Xijana had no choice but to send out a Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird, then quickly mounted it while holding Gu Niuniu and said: The power of the moon.

Stop it! Su Yi shouted.

The Ferocious Claw Dragon charged forward violently.

While the moonlight formed by the fairy energy was swaying, the power of the moon was completed instantly, and a purple full moon light ball faced the Ferocious Claw Dragon.


The pink fairy energy exploded, and the Ferocious Claw Dragon stopped moving. When it rushed over again, Shijana had already flown into the sky on the Tanabata Blue Bird.

Tch! Dragon traitor! Su Yi snorted, turned around and said: Guard them, no one is allowed to leave until I come back!

After saying that, Su Yi called the female fire dragon, got on it and chased after her.


The Tanabata Blue Bird flapped its wings and flew at full speed. Shijana opened a communicator and said: Captain Achao, this is the Kanaz City team.

Shijana paused, recalling the words of the young girl who was the leader of the Lava Team, and Su Yi's red-based Barbarian Jaw Dragon armor, and said: A troublesome member of the Lava Team appeared, suspected to be a cadre.

Copy that, come back. A thick male voice came from the communicator.


A roar sounded from behind, and Shijana immediately looked back. The man was riding a huge green flying dragon approaching at high speed.

It may be too late...

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