Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 203 Su Yi: I heard that you tell others that I am dead?

In the Pokémon Center and the treatment room, the injuries on the Dragon Claw's body have been treated, but the dragon's aura and extreme energy on its body are still raging.

Although the injuries on its body have been treated, there is nothing we can do about the abnormal energy in its body.

And this abnormality is affecting its recovery and even eroding its vitality... Miss Joy shook her head.

Thank you, Miss Joy, you have been of great help.

The rest can only be left to professionals. Su Yi sighed.

Su Yi looked at the weak and whimpering Mistyclaw dragon from time to time, and stroked its head distressedly.

Lucao said: The Misty Claw Dragon will be fine, right?

It will be fine. It's just dragon energy and huge energy... it will definitely be able to overcome it.

Since conquering the Misty Claw Dragon, it has been firmly following Su Yi's command and going all out in battle.

It trusts Su Yi, and Su Yi also trusts its power.

Su Yi felt a gentleness from it that was different from its ferocious appearance. It always fought desperately in return for Su Yi's life-saving grace.

I can't have any less of my friends!

Just when Su Yi was silently accompanying the Misty Claw Dragon, the door outside the treatment room was suddenly pushed open.

Su Yi! Are you okay?

Su Yi looked up in surprise when he heard the sound. Dan Di and Sonia hurriedly opened the door and entered. Behind them, Caidou stuck his head out and looked over eagerly.

Huh? Sonia, Dandi, and Caidou, you are all here? Su Yi said in surprise.

Didn't I investigate the ruins in Suchuan Town before? I happened to meet Caidou who was training at the ruins. When I heard about your situation, we came together.

As for Dan Emperor, I told him about you, and he happened to be coming to Quanguan City, but he got lost, so we picked him up together.

Sonia explained everything one by one, and the process was not a coincidence.

Master Ma said before that you had returned to Kai Island. I originally wanted to find you, but I immediately heard that you suddenly left because of something.

And you've been gone for five or six days without any news. Did you encounter any trouble? Emperor Dan came over and looked at the dusty Su Yi with concern.

Su Yi was confused: Am I okay? There is something wrong with my Pokémon. Because this is the nearest big city to Armor Island, I came to the Pokémon Center here.

Phew! Dandi breathed a sigh of relief and said, I heard from Sonia that you were injured and in trouble.

Ah? Su Yi looked at Sonia, that's not what he and Dr. Mulan said.

Sonia curled her hair awkwardly with her fingers and said, Did I hear wrongly?

Anyway, come and take a look first. Su Yi gave way.

How come you are injured so badly? Emperor Dan said in surprise when he saw the appearance of the Dragon Claw.

He was deeply impressed by this ferocious Pokémon. Its fierce fighting style made him quite troublesome, but such a powerful Pokémon was now injured like this...

Extreme energy, and some kind of unknown energy. Sonia noticed two different lights flashing on the body of the Mistyclaw.

Sonia followed Dr. Mulan and learned some knowledge about Dynamaxing. She immediately entered the state and began to use instruments to check the situation.

“These two energies are active and rampant, and they interfere with each other.”

If the two energies don't stop, the Pokémon's vitality will eventually be damaged.

As for how to calm down these two energies, I have to ask grandma. Sonia sighed.

With that said, Sonia called Dr. Mulan on her cell phone Rotom.

Dr. Mulan quickly got through and saw the situation of the Dionysus via video.

How are the test results? Dr. Mulan asked Sonia, and Sonia told her the specific situation.

In the video, Dr. Mulan pondered for a while and said: I have seen this situation before when studying Dynamax. To put it simply, it is the rampage after Dynamax.

This situation usually occurs in some wild Pokémon that are accidentally exposed to Dynamax energy and become Dynamaxed.

The simplest solution is to let it consume a huge amount of energy. In other words, you can try to make it go to giant size.

But there's another energy that I've never seen before.

Has this Pokémon Gigantamaxed recently? Dr. Mulan asked.

Su Yi shook his head: Except for the first time when the energy point caused by the Wishing Star became active and became a Dynamax, there has never been another Dynamax.

Well, that makes sense. Energy points in the wild are often not stable, so there is often some energy left after going to Dynamax, and it usually disappears little by little with a few battles.

As for this Pokémon, it seems that it adapted to this energy and slowly used it for its own use, but it conflicted with another energy, and now the two suddenly went berserk at the same time, which caused this situation .”

Dr. Mulan is worthy of being a doctor. Even though he doesn't know about dragon energy, he still deduce the general situation through his research knowledge on extremely large energy.

So, you can try to go to the extreme giant, and another energy seems to be used for your own use, but I don't know how to calm this energy, Dr. Mulan said.

Let's release the huge energy first, and then think of a way to use the other energy. Su Yi said.

If the two energies no longer compete fiercely and only the dragon energy remains, the Misty Claw Dragon should be able to adapt.

Speaking of Gigantamax, then the only energy point here is the Quanguan City Arena.

Speaking of which, I was actually invited by Qibana to fight when I came here. Dandi touched his chin and smiled.

I seem to hear someone calling my uncle's name. Outside the treatment room, the door to the hall opened, and a grinning young man glanced over.

Caido? Why are you here too? And Alchemy, why did you go to the Pokémon Center as soon as you came here? Is the Pokémon injured?

Qibana came over and greeted him warmly, then looked at Dan Emperor with burning eyes.

Hahaha, actually I have a friend here. Let me introduce you to him. This is Su Yi. Dan Emperor introduced.

Qibana looked over, raised his eyebrows, and then suddenly realized: You are the one who stole the show in the exhibition game, right? I remember you! Those Pokémon of yours are very strong.

By the way, I heard that you are also a trainer who is proficient in dragon-type Pokémon. It happens to be the same as my specialization attributes. Do you want to have a battle?

Emperor Dan suddenly laughed.

Qibana asked confused: What's wrong?

Perhaps that's what he meant. Emperor Dan smiled.

Wait! Su Yi suddenly interrupted: Who told you that I am a trainer who is proficient in dragon Pokémon?

Qibana scratched his head and said with some surprise: It's Dandi. That guy said that most of your Pokémon are dragon-type. There are more dragon-type Pokémon than mine, and they are all very fierce. .”

Su Yi was speechless.

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