Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 192 Come on, lie! Come on, sneak attack!

On the shallow swamp, a small group of armored dragons cautiously walked towards the lair while resisting the wind and sand.

In the mud not far away, a guy lurking in the mud began to move around.


A panicked roar came from the sky.

When the armored dragon heard the noise, it ran away subconsciously and became a mess.

The next moment, the figure of the female fire dragon flew crookedly, and finally fell directly into the mud.

The moment Su Yi and Lu Cao fell, they jumped off the back of the female fire dragon, rolled over to relieve their pressure, and rolled all over themselves in mud.

Steel-armored crow and Da Kong landed next to Su Yi, while they were alert to the surrounding environment.

Su Yi stood up and asked, Is everyone okay?

Lucao was fine except for being covered in mud, the steel-armored crow was still capable of fighting, and Daekong was injured and was out of breath.

It's okay. Once we reach the ground, it's our home court!

Su Yi looked at the female fire dragon getting up tremblingly and expressed that she was sure of victory.

The next moment, the mood spoiler appeared.

A large amount of muddy water splashed up in the quagmire, and a big guy came out of the mud and bit Su Yi.

Su Yi, who was always alert, immediately jumped away. Steel-armored crow and Da Kong immediately flew into the air, one released the air blade, and the other released the soaring flames.


The attacker howled in pain and fell into the mire.

The sneak attack failed, but was hit head-on.

Where is the monster?! Su Yi shouted.

In the quagmire, the Mud Ichthyosaur revealed its unique pair of dead white fish eyes and roared at him angrily.

This is not a cub over two meters tall, but an adult of fifteen or six meters tall.

Su Yi snorted softly and said: Okay! I have the guts! Next is the Pokémon battle! Come on, Barbarian Jaw Dragon!

Su Yi opened the capture ball. As soon as the Manjasaurus appeared, it habitually opened its mouth and roared, and ended up eating a mouthful of yellow sand.

Su Yi:......

The Mud Fish Dragon launched an attack without fear. It dived directly into the mire, hoping to launch a surprise attack.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon said that it was familiar with it. Not long ago, it used that trick to trick the experienced Blackhorn Dragon who also liked to burrow into the ground.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon raised its leg and stepped hard, causing an earthquake.

With a rumble, the mud ichthyosaur sprang out of the mud like a stranded fish, opening its mouth and wailing.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon chased after it ferociously, opened its mouth to bite the Mud Fish Dragon, and then smashed it.

After the female fire dragon stood up, she did not attack or run away, but let out waves of high-pitched roars.

The roar seemed threatening, or provocative...

What are you doing? Su Yi was a little confused.

On the shallow swamp, the wind became more and more fierce, and the sweeping yellow sand made it difficult to recognize the scene more than thirty meters away, and the sky became completely overcast.

The female fire dragon's howl paused slightly, then she shook her head and looked around cautiously.

Su Yi was a little wary by the female fire dragon's actions. At the same time, he reached into his pocket and prepared to release the accompanying beast for a quick fight.

On the other side, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon threw the Mud Fish Dragon away hard, and then spit out the mud in its mouth in disgust.


The mud fish dragon lay on its side in the mud, struggling to stand up.

The next moment, a huge blade cut through the dim curtain of sand and slashed hard at the head of the mud fish dragon, splashing muddy water all over the sky with a bang.

Like a fish that had been beaten to death by the fishmonger on the cutting board with the back of his knife, the body of the fish trembled suddenly, its tail was raised high, then stiffened, and then it collapsed weakly.

Su Yi, who recognized the fish-killing knife, said slowly: This one is even more important...

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The thick claws trample the purple flowers on the swamp, and the flame-shaped shell on its back is curved like a flame like a flame swaying in the yellow sand.


Zhanlong let out a roar with the sound of metal friction, and looked fiercely at the female fire dragon who roared provocatively.

The female fire dragon also roared in response, but her momentum was lowered. At the same time, her left wing trembled slightly, and her sharp claws paved the ground anxiously.

The culprit who injured the wife (female fire dragon), Zhanlong, you still love to bully the wife so much... Su Yi said with a helpless smile.

Maybe it’s because of the design concept of Dragon Slayer, which is a male fire dragon on land.

Su Yi guessed the attacker when he saw the scars at the base of the female fire dragon's wings.

Unexpectedly, the female fire dragon actually let out a provocative roar on purpose, trying to attract Dragon Zhan, in an attempt to divert trouble to the east, and Dragon Zhan happened to be nearby.

Madam, you don't have martial ethics! Come on, lie! Come on, sneak attack! I am a young foreigner.

The female fire dragon took the lead, spitting fireballs at Zhanlong, and then immediately spread its wings and took off, but its injuries made it staggering.

Zhanlong roared in the explosion of the fireball, and then with a bang, he pressed the tail of his heavy sword against the protruding rock on the side and slashed hard.


Sparks flew everywhere, flames swayed, the pyrophoric substance attached to the tail instantly ignited, and the roasted blue tail blade instantly turned red-hot.

This is the origin of the title of Dragon Slayer - Searing Blade!

While the female fire dragon was stumbling, Zhanlong jumped up high, swung its tail blade and struck hard.

At the critical moment, the female fire dragon flapped her wings vigorously and narrowly avoided the fatal blow.

The female fire dragon quickly rose into the air, and Zhan Long could only helplessly let out a roar of expulsion.

Don't run! Su Yi withdrew the nervous Barbarian Jaw Dragon, turned over and mounted the Steel Armored Crow.

Zhan Long immediately turned his gaze over, jumped up again, and swung his heavy sword to chop it down with its tail.

The steel-armored crow moved quickly, dodged the blade, and chased the female fire dragon that was gradually hiding in the flying sand.

All the intruders flew away, Zhanlong could only be helpless and furious, who said it couldn't fly?


Finally, it rained heavily, and the rain mixed with yellow sand dripped on the hot tail blade, making a sizzling sound and bursts of white smoke rising at the same time.

Zhanlong shook his tail uncomfortably, letting the tail blade slowly cool down, and at the same time left in one direction.

The heavy rain washed away the sand and dust in the air, and the vision became better. The steel-armored crow chased the female fire dragon despite the wind and rain.

Soon, the female fire dragon flew into the large cave in the huge rock beside the swamp.

Inside the cave, the environment became a little dark, but some glowing moss gave off a little light, allowing Su Yi to see the surrounding environment a little more clearly.

The water vapor in the cave becomes heavier, an underground river flows through, there are numerous stalactites above the head, and clusters of stalagmites stand on the ground.

An underground river cave environment that was completely different from the wasteland appeared in front of Su Yi.

Going deeper into the cave, the sound of rain outside was cut off, and only the sound of water flow could be heard. Some roars began to come from the depths of the cave.

Su Yi took back the steel armored crow and Da Kong, and explored the depths of the cave bit by bit.

As the terrain rises, the sound of rain comes again, and the surrounding environment becomes dry again.

Some tar formed by plant decay began to appear on the ground, as well as some bones...

Gradually, the surrounding space began to become wider, and a cave with one side open on the cliff appeared in front of Su Yi.

In the center of the cave, on a nest made of dead branches, the female fire dragon lay exhausted and weak in the nest, and a faint chirping sound came from the nest.

That's... the fire dragon cub?

Su Yi looked carefully and saw two little guys under the wings of the female fire dragon, opening their mouths and chirping weakly, obviously hungry for food.

No wonder the female fire dragon was so cautious before and so persistent and fierce when chasing her. It turns out she has cubs that need to be raised.

The rocky hills have become scarce in prey due to the prowling black horned dragons, and the shallow swamps are the territory of the dragon-killing dragons, and the female fire dragon has also suffered a loss.

Coupled with the current weather and the female fire dragon's injury, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain food. The baby fire dragon is likely to starve to death...

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