Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 167 Everyone is growing (3K)

Seeing the Thunder Wolf Dragon hiding aside far away, lying down to rest, with a limp appearance, Su Yi was quite helpless, but fortunately, it seemed that the injury was just an ordinary injury, nothing serious.

There is no time to summarize the gains this time. Now, Su Yi still has important things to do.

In Chenghua City, the night was getting darker. Su Yi opened Rotom on his phone and looked for the nearest Pokémon Center.

What a fierce battle, Lotto, said Rotom on the mobile phone.

It can be regarded as teaching me a lesson. Su Yi said.

Although having a group party is exciting, it is a test of Su Yi's commanding ability. Whether he can accurately command multiple accompanying beasts at the same time, and whether he can control multiple battle situations at all times

These are all issues that need attention. A single oversight may cause the battle to get out of control.

Am I asking too much of myself? Su Yi laughed at himself. At that time, he had to go into battle in person, so he couldn't command him no matter what.

Also, although anesthetizing monsters can increase the capture rate, the monsters will still be awakened when put into the ball.

Therefore, we cannot take it lightly until the last moment of conquest.

Under the night, Su Yi walked along the quiet path towards the Pokémon Center, thinking about how to get Thunder Wolf to recognize him.

Oh, how can it be that easy? Xun Miao had to endure it for a long time. Su Yi sighed.

Perhaps it needs some time to meow, because compared to the time when it only thought about what to eat next, now it may have to think about how to go about the future, Lucao said.

Su Yi looked down at Lu Cao in surprise. Said: aibo, you can actually say such profound words?!

Meow? Lucao looked up, his bright cat eyes full of confusion.

Well, your characteristic should be simplicity. Su Yi said with a smile.

Meow meow meow?

At this time, a burst of shouting sounded.


Huh? Su Yi looked up and saw under the dim street lights, two people, a man and a woman, wearing uniforms similar to sailor suits, running towards this side holding a package.

Behind them, a woman with lavender hair chased them with a cold expression.

Ocean team? Su Yi frowned and recognized the two people in sailor uniforms.

Get out of here! Stay out of the way! The male marine team member holding the package shouted to Su Yi.

Su Yi's face turned cold, he rushed forward, picked up the small shield and shouted towards the man's face.


The members of Team Ocean, who were still arrogant just now, fell to the ground peacefully and fell asleep.

Another female member stopped, looked at Su Yi's eyes that had not recovered from the hunting intention, and swallowed.

You want to come too? Su Yi reached behind his other hand and held the sword.

Team Ocean was startled when he saw the faint light of the sword behind Su Yi. He immediately raised his hands and said in a panic: I'm not! I'm not!

Behind him, the woman chasing him slowed down and looked at Su Yi curiously. The dress and temperament of the person in front of him were incompatible with the city.

This is mine. The purple-haired woman pointed to the package on the ground and said concisely.

Su Yi turned to look at the Ocean Team member, who immediately said: It is indeed hers!

Su Yi nodded, handed the package to the purple-haired woman, and said, Want to call the police for you?

The purple-haired woman shook her head and said, I have already called the police. Leave the rest to me.

Su Yi, who was exhausted physically and mentally, didn't pay much attention. He had to rush to the Pokémon Center.

Meow? Lucao moved her ears and looked at the bushes on the green belt in the distance.

Let's go, aibo. Su Yi greeted Lu Cao.

Meow~ Lucao trotted to follow.

The purple-haired woman glanced at Lucao, then stared at Su Yi's back until he completely left, then she slowly said: Take them away.


At this time, three people in red uniforms walked out of the bushes in the distance.

They stepped forward and took away the Ocean Team members. The purple-haired woman threw the package and left together.


The automatic door to the Pokémon Center opened.

Hello, this is Pokémon. Uh! Ms. Joy, who was dozing off, was startled when she heard the movement. She looked towards the door with a smile, but was startled by the armored person in front of her.

My Pokémon needs treatment, and it's quite big. Su Yi said.

Okay, please follow me. Joey and his assistant Jilidan walked into the room inside, and a large treatment room appeared in front of them.

Lu Cao looked curiously at the unfamiliar equipment in the room, a pair of cat claws ready to move.

I hope you won't be afraid when you see my Pokémon later. Su Yi hesitated and reminded.

Miss Joy smiled and said: I have rescued many Pokémon. No matter what kind of Pokémon, I will not be afraid.

Lucky. Gilly Egg nodded.

Okay, come out, Mistyclaw.


When the red ferocious beast appeared, even Joey, who was mentally prepared, couldn't help but feel his breath stagnate.

The bright red muscle lines, as well as the exposed sharp teeth and ferocious claws, immediately made her shudder.

Huh! The Mistyclaw puffed out a mouthful of white steam, feeling uncomfortable in the narrow treatment room.

Miseryclaw, you need professional treatment this time, please be patient. Su Yi patted the Mistyclaw and said.

The Misty Claw nodded and became quiet.

Joey was relieved to see that Su Yi could calm the beast.

This is the first time I've seen this Pokémon. It's so big. Joey exclaimed.

This treatment room is already the largest in their Pokémon Center. It is usually reserved for big guys like Gyarados, but this Pokémon in front of them immediately made the treatment room crowded.

What's its injury? Joey's good professionalism allowed her to immediately enter a state of treatment.

Its right hind leg seems to be lame.

Let me check it out. Joey started the equipment in the treatment room and did a comprehensive scan on the Mistyclaw.

The bones are somewhat dislocated and broken and need to be corrected. We need to perform a minor operation. Miss Joy said looking at the scan results.

Is it serious? Su Yi asked worriedly.

Joey said with relief: It's not serious. After the surgical correction, just put on a plaster and rest for a while. Pokémon's vitality is very tenacious.

Sorry to trouble you. Su Yidian breathed a sigh of relief.

Please go outside and wait for a while. Uh, by the way, it should be pretty good, right?

Joey didn't know if good could be used to describe such a vicious Pokémon.

Don't worry, it will be very quiet. Su Yi said.

Relative to entering a combat state.

Miseryclaw, relax your mind and body and receive treatment with peace of mind.

Ugh. The miserable claw dragon nodded.

On the bench outside the treatment room, Su Yi released steel-armored crows, auspicious eggs, and burning insects.

Thank you all for this time, great job! Su Yi praised.

Gah! The bandaged steel-armored crow's eyes were still determined. After this battle, the dusty determination in his eyes seemed to burst out a lot.

Lucky Ji Lidan was a little worried about Su Yi's injury.

Su Yi smiled and said: They are all minor injuries.

Woo~ The burning insect jumped into Su Yi's arms.

Su Yi touched its furry body and said, Good boy.

Sorry, I didn't want you to get involved in such a battle, Su Yi said.

Lucky! lucky!. Geely Egg said something quickly.

It said that it also wanted to help meow, and it didn't want to see Su Yi in danger, meow. Lucao translated.

The burning insect arched in Su Yi's arms, as if echoing what the lucky egg said.

But that's too dangerous. Su Yi was a little worried, and the original intention of the auspicious eggs and burning insects following him was not to fight.


It said that we are also growing slowly.

Su Yi was startled, and his mind fell into memories.

In the beginning, Gilly Egg was a little cutie who was afraid of the Centipede King and would panic when seeing bigger monsters.

Later, in the Valley of Miasma, it could endure the oppressive and dim environment, and rescued the blood-drenched Mistyclaw with him.

Even now, when a large monster suddenly appears at the scene of a fight, he can react quickly and treat the accompanying beast without hesitation.

As for the Burning Bug, at first it was a timid character who was scared to death when it saw any unknown creature, but now it is able to face the Thunder Wolf Dragon and bravely spray out sparks with all its strength.

They are all growing, and their growth is not small. However, they are overshadowed by the powerful accompanying beasts.

But this time, they used their own power to really help Su Yi in the battle.

I'm sorry, and thank you all. Su Yi opened his arms and hugged the auspicious eggs, burning insects and steel-armored crows.

Perhaps I'm too impatient. Everyone, including me, is growing up slowly. Su Yi hugged the warm burning bug and sat on the bench, completely relaxing.

Why worry so much?

So what if Thunder Wolf Dragon doesn't recognize himself in the end?

I already have so many trustworthy partners, so why not relax and take my time step by step? I want to enjoy this journey, not to cause trouble.

What are we doing tomorrow? Lu Cao sat next to Su Yi.

Tomorrow? Let's talk about tomorrow. Su Yi stretched out, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, the door to the treatment room opened.

Hello, your Pokémon has been healed.

Miss Joy walked out and saw Su Yi holding a burning insect, leaning on dew grass and auspicious eggs on both sides, and the steel-armored crow standing beside him, all of them sleeping relaxedly.

Better, don't bother me.

At the same time, in Spike Town in the Galar region, a black-haired girl was lying on the bed, scrolling through her phone.


The girl sat up and clicked on a picture in the feed.

In the picture, Su Yi is holding a badge, surrounded by apprentice Xiong, Da Kong, and Fei Leilong. The title is: Chenghua Gym, Gym Challenge Rules, 3V3, 6′30″.

Gym challenge, yes, why should I wait for the Galar region? The girl murmured, her heart beating with the desire to challenge the strong and keep getting stronger.

Then, the girl thought for a while, then opened her phone and started booking tickets.

Mobai? Morubeke chewed snacks and looked at the impatient girl.

Do you want to tell me about it? Well, let's forget it.

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