Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 137 Repair plan, new stronghold?

Chapter 137 Restoration Plan, New Stronghold

Although Se Se's equipment is very tempting, but Su Yi can't wear it, some men's equipment is also very handsome.

But as said before, there is not enough material.

There are only a few materials for the golden finger reward. It is definitely not enough to make a set of hunter equipment, but it is just right to make a set of equipment for Cat with hunter standards.

As for Feng Piaolong's materials, because he is not yet fully mature and has been severely injured by Sakura Fire Dragon, there are not many intact materials on his body.

As for the floating dragon, most of its fur is used by hot-air balloon developers to make hot-air balloons.

Although it can't be made into equipment, I can't make it into clothing? How can it be such an inconvenience? These designs are very good, they were stolen! Su Yi thought to himself.

The dimensions and materials have been confirmed. To be honest, this is my first time making hunter equipment for El Cat, so it may take a little longer, about four days. The uncle said.

Thank you for your trouble, Captain. Su Yi nodded.

But don't you really think about building yourself a set of equipment?

When the uncle saw Su Yi staring at the design drawings seriously, he thought he liked the equipment on it.

Su Yi picked up Lucao and said with a serious face, Mao Mao has saved my life more than once.

Meow~ Lucao rubbed Su Yi's chin with her head.

By the way, Captain, look at it for me and see if you can help me repair my partner.

Su Yi released the scabbard of his single sword.

The uncle was surprised: Isn't this the Pokémon whose body is a weapon?

Yes, the single scabbard is a strange life form where the soul residing in the sword merges with the ancient sword.

But now its body is damaged and its vitality is slowly leaking out, so I wonder if you can repair it like forging a weapon.

And repairing it requires materials with vitality. Su Yi explained.

Materials with vitality. As far as I know, only precious materials like Baoyu and Sky Scales can possess such fantastic power.

But even so, I have never seen a weapon with life, so I don't dare to repair it so rashly. The uncle shook his head.

This is a weapon that he has never seen before. Although he is confident in making a weapon, the weapon with life makes him unable to start.

Perhaps the alchemy master in the third group has some idea. The uncle thought.

Su Yi was startled. Forging technology and alchemy were combined to create a magic sword.

But thinking about it carefully, it was a bit too hasty to directly ask the leader of the second phase of the regiment to repair the scabbard.

Can the scabbard of a single sword withstand the high temperature of forging? Can the material be integrated with its original sword body? These need to be clarified carefully.

Blind forging will only harm the single scabbard and be counterproductive.

I understand, please wait until I figure this out, and then I'll ask you.

The uncle laughed loudly and said: As long as it is a forged weapon, then I have no problem. I am quite looking forward to repairing a living weapon.

After Su Yi paid the deposit, he left with Lu Cao who was full of expectations for the new equipment.

Since the third phase of the group is still on the edge of the Coral Platform, if you want to find someone who knows alchemy, you have to make a trip.

However, Su Yi thought about it carefully. The Solo Scabbard is a Pokémon. He can't just rely on the technology and knowledge from the Monster Hunter World. He also needs information from the Pokémon World.

It's time to go back. Su Yi walked back to the shed.

Back at the shed, Su Yi found that Aibo had already played with the Pokémon, and Rotom, the mobile phone, had also returned from the headquarters.

Su Yi told aibo that he would be away temporarily for a few days.

It will still be some time before the actual battle begins, so you should go about your business first. aibo told Su Yi about his recent plan.

Although the Commander-in-Chief has plans to hunt the Barbarus and Thunderjaw that pose a threat to the surrounding areas of the stronghold, there are still many things that need to be prepared.

For example, hunters are dispatched to eliminate unstable factors in the surroundings, such as the ferocious jackal dragons that have become active and their numbers are gradually increasing.

This is to avoid being disturbed by other monsters during the hunting process as much as possible.

After that, we need to investigate the activity range and activity patterns of the two, and use this to formulate a plan to deal with the two separately to avoid the pressure of hunting caused by the encounter between the two.

These are all things that a qualified commander needs to consider. It has to be said that the commander-in-chief is very thoughtful and can indeed improve efficiency and reduce casualties.

Back in the Pokémon world, Rotom’s phone prompted a new message.

Emperor Dan: When will you return to Kai Island? Master and I are waiting.

Nemo: When will you come to Padea? I really want to fight you again.

Su Yi: .

Su Yi typed in response.

Come right away.

Definitely next time.

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Gongmen City, the steel-armored crow gathered his tribe.

Gah. The steel-armored crow told the tribe members one by one about their future plans.

The chickadees and the blue jays were chattering, but they all agreed with the Steel Armored Crow's decision.

Nia gin. The cat leader came over and wished them a good life.

In fact, it's not that Pokémon wandering in the city have never thought about going outside the city.

But the real situation is that in the wilderness outside the city, it will actually be more difficult for these Pokémon, most of whom do not have rich combat experience, to survive.

In the city, it is not difficult to get food as long as you have experience, but it is not necessarily fresh, and humans are safer than Pokémon in the wild.

Furthermore, they can also join a group to keep warm like they are gathering in this abandoned factory building now. Although they may not have enough food and clothing, they can at least survive.

It's time to go, everyone. Su Yi took out the elf ball.



In the abandoned factory, this group of wandering Pokémon bid farewell to the group of Steel Armored Crows and gave them their blessings.

Su Yi put the chicks and blue jays into the elf ball, and then rode on the back of the steel armored crow.

Let's go.

Gah! The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and took off into the sky. It looked at the place under its feet where it had lived for a long time, and flew towards another tomorrow.

Su Yi looked at the Pokémon who were bidding farewell to them and drifting away in the sunset. He recalled in his mind what Rotom had told him about the Commander-in-Chief's intention to cooperate with Pokémon.

Now is not the time, just wait a little longer. Su Yi murmured in the wind.

Many things require repeated examination before making a decision. As a messenger crossing two realms, Su Yi has to take responsibility for both sides.

From the air, one can gradually see the outline of Kai Island.

Su Yi sighed again. It was really enviable to have an island of his own. He was so happy to have a camp and a shack.

When Su Yi entered the range of Kai Island, the Hunting Guide on his waist vibrated, and the blue star on the cover lit up.

Huh? Su Yi was surprised.

He was already used to seeing situations like this in the Hunting Guide. This was a reminder of the emergence of new information.

But what really surprised Su Yi was that the Hunting Guide currently only has content related to that world only in Monster Hunter World.

The content related to Goldfinger has always been about Monster Hunter World. How come it has been improved in Pokémon World this time?

Su Yi immediately opened the Hunting Guide to check it.

[The stronghold has been discovered. Do you want to enable it? 】

Su Yi:? !

I’ll stop at this chapter for the time being. I’ll finish it tonight. Everyone, go to sleep. I can’t stand it anymore.

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