Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 132 The beasts meeting here


A Barbarian jaw dragon with various old and new scars on its body stepped into the forest clearing. It roared ferociously, but its expression was extremely cautious.

The Flying Thunder Dragon saw the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, with its fur all over its body and thunder and lightning flashing on its body. It looked furious but a little scared.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon glanced at the Flying Thunder Dragon and let out a threatening roar. Then, it raised its nose and sniffed the scent, then turned to look at Su Yi, its eyes becoming sharp.

It's the Barbarian Jaw Dragon Meow from when we met! Lucao shouted.

That guy still remembers me. Su Yi wanted to laugh for some reason.

From the way the Barbarian jaw dragon looked at him immediately after smelling the scent, Su Yi knew that it was the Barbarian jaw dragon that warmly welcomed him when he first came to this world.


Thunderjaw was very unhappy with Barbaron's ignoring its behavior and roared angrily.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon immediately ignored Su Yi and the Flying Thunder Dragon, and responded with an angry roar.

These two guys must have fought more than once. Su Yi immediately integrated some information in his mind.

A long time ago, Su Yi met the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Thunder Jaw Dragon fighting for the ownership of this forest.

From the scars on the body of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, it is not difficult to guess that it is the losing party.

The Barbarosaurus, which failed to compete for territory, probably went to the territory of the Flying Thunder Dragon and had a conflict with it.

After being squeezed out of its territory by the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Thunder Jaw Dragon, the Flying Thunder Dragon had no choice but to move to the outskirts of the forest.

Coupled with the series of interlocking effects of the recent arrival of the Lava Dragon, the Flying Thunder Dragon may have had conflicts with members of the investigation team.

The pressure and anxiety of survival, coupled with the injury, made Fei Leilong change his usual caution and take the initiative to attack Su Yi and his party.

But now, all those who had conflicts gathered in this clearing in the forest.

Fate, wonderful beyond words.

How about retreating first? Aiden suggested. The battle in this situation was very chaotic and too dangerous.

Su Yi sighed: That's all it can do.

The resentment of having its territory taken away made the Barbarian Jaw Dragon completely ignore the Flying Thunder Dragon and Su Yi, who had had conflicts, and rushed straight towards the Thunder Jaw Dragon.

Not to be outdone, the Thunderjaw Dragon also charged forward.


The two giant beasts collided fiercely, and the huge force caused the two to take a few steps back.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared, its throat lit up with fire, and the flames spread out from between its sharp teeth.

Thunder and lightning began to wrap around the Thunderjaw Dragon's body, lightning patterns lit up on its wing membranes, and the light of thunder and lightning bloomed from its mouth.

In this state, if there is a competition of brute strength, Thunderjaw Dragon undoubtedly has a certain advantage, because when it is entangled with lightning, its body will be strengthened by lightning, and its strength will be significantly improved.

It can only be said that the Thunderjaw Dragon is indeed a monster that can survive anywhere in the New World and in the eternal frost and frozen soil. Its adaptability and strength are very excellent.

Now is not the time to watch a show, Su Yi directed the Misty Claw Dragon to retreat quietly.

Also quietly retreating was the Flying Thunder Dragon who was seriously injured.

In the clearing in the forest, flames and thunder and lightning complemented each other, and roars and collisions were heard endlessly. The two monsters fought with all their strength for the resources to survive.

You guys fight slowly. Su Yi retreated into the forest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Are you still tracking the Thunder Dragon? Aiden asked.

Actually, it can be tracked. The guide insect remembers its breath. Su Yi said, because the Mistyclaw had bitten the hair that the Flying Thunder Dragon had torn off, so tracking the Flying Thunder Dragon would not be a problem.

If possible, I suggest that it be subdued. After all, the flying thunder dragon has obviously included humans on the attack list.

This is the outskirts of the forest and close to the stronghold. If the investigation team investigates here, it will be easy to encounter it. Sooner or later it will be a hidden danger. aibo analyzed.

Then continue tracking, while the two guys, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Thunder Jaw Dragon, are fighting fiercely. Su Yi said, this is an opportunity.

Immediately, Su Yi used the hair of the Flying Thunder Dragon to let the guide insect remember its master's aura, and followed it on the Misty Claw Dragon.

Following the guidance of the guide bug, traces of the flying thunder dragon began to be found on the road, such as footprints and hair.


The Hunting Guide on Su Yi's waist shook slightly, and Su Yi knew that this had triggered a long-lost investigation mission.

But it is not convenient to view at this moment.

Soon, Su Yi and his party followed the traces and came to the roots of an ancient giant tree.

Although it is a tree root, it is also extremely huge. It stretches across the earth like a wooden city wall, coexisting with many plants.

If you don't look carefully, you might think it is a small hill with vegetation growing on it.

If nothing else, the Flying Thunder Dragon's lair should be nearby.

Wait a moment. Su Yi stopped and observed the surrounding environment.

If the Flying Thunder Dragon were to escape into the densely wooded forest again, it would take a lot of effort to track it down.

Su Yi confirmed several places where he could escape around the roots of the tree, and began to take out things from his backpack.

What is this? aibo saw Su Yi taking out many iron boxes.

Su Yi grinned and said: This is a wonderful tool that I will use later.

With that said, Su Yi distributed the paralysis traps to Lucao and Aiden, and then directed them to place them on possible escape routes.

Since the trap tools for making paralysis traps can be purchased in the stronghold, and they are not expensive, there is no need to be stingy.

For a time, a dragnet was set up in almost every location where one could escape. It was called a hell map.

Su Yi withdrew the Misty Claw Dragon and quietly followed the guide insect towards the target.

In a depression at the top of the tree root, a simple nest was made of vines and branches. The flying thunder dragon curled up and rested with its eyes closed.

Su Yi threw three balls. When Su Yi threw the ball, Fei Leilong, who was still in a light sleep, woke up immediately and alerted his surroundings.

Then, the Misty Claw Dragon, the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon and the Tickling Bird all appeared near the nest. The Flying Thunder Dragon was frightened and let out a panicked cry.

But then, the Flying Thunder Dragon became furious and immediately entered a state of discharge.

The hair and electrode needles on its body stood up, and the electric current shone and danced in it, like thunder snakes swimming behind the flying thunder dragon.

At the same time, the three accompanying beasts that shot the ball immediately used their moves without any command.

The Dragon Claw is the fastest, taking the lead in waving its claws.


The sharp claws cut the fur and scales, bringing out blood and flesh, adding hideous scars to the body of the flying thunder dragon.

Fei Leilong took a few steps back in pain. The big and fierce jackal dragon on the side raised its front body and used its belly to press against Fei Leilong.


Flying Thunder Dragon angrily stabbed the violently discharged electrode needle on its head.


The big ferocious jackal dragon took a step back and was stopped from attacking. Behind the flying thunder dragon, the scratching bird picked up rocks and threw them at it.

The flying thunder dragon, which was attacked from both sides, jumped up on the spot and hit the bird hard with its electrified tail.

Cruel Claw Dragon, suppress it! Su Yi shouted.

The Misty Claw Dragon waved its claws alternately, driving the Flying Thunder Dragon back step by step.

The injuries on the Flying Thunder Dragon became more serious. It exited the discharge state, retreated suddenly, then unfolded its gliding membrane and glided under the tree roots.

One Su Yi immediately ran to the edge of the tree root.

Two Su Yi looked down and saw the flying thunder dragon running towards a tree platform.

Three! Su Yi quickly climbed down the vine.

At the same time, the scream of the flying thunder dragon sounded, and at the same time there was the roar of thunder and lightning.

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