Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 130 The beast ready to move in the forest

What kind of monster is that? Aibo walked out from behind the rock and said with lingering fear. The monster gave her an indescribable sense of oppression.

Yes, I held my breath unconsciously. This feeling is very similar to when I faced the ancient dragon. Aiden said solemnly.

Because that's the ancient dragon, the ancient dragon known as the Nergigant, the ancient dragon that preys on ancient dragons. Su Yi said.

Nergiganteosaurus was first observed during the second phase of the team's investigation of Yanwanglong's Ancient Dragon Crossing, and traces of it were occasionally discovered during the Ancient Dragon Crossing.

The Nergigante itself is not an ancient dragon native to the New World, but one that pursues the ancient dragons that are about to die and travels across the ocean to prey on them.

Its specific habitat is unknown, or it may be similar to the Tyrannosaurus, a nomadic hunter in order to hunt for food.

In the later game plot, it failed to prey on the Molten Dragon, but it discovered a place with rich energy and many ancient dragons, such as the Dragon Crystal Land.

The Nergigante then invaded the territory of the Strange Face Tribe there and used it as its lair. This caused a large part of the Strange Face Tribe to become displaced and gradually spread throughout the New World.

Therefore, the hunters were occasionally educated by Qimian Daddy (the honorific name for the Qimian tribe) during subsequent hunts, but in fact, they were mostly educated by Nergigante.

An ancient dragon that preys on ancient dragons?! aibo said in surprise.

In the perception of people in this world, ancient dragons are invincible natural disasters, powerful and mysterious, but now there are actually ancient dragons that specialize in preying on ancient dragons?

The ancient dragon is not a god, but a powerful creature whose abilities cannot be analyzed for the time being. If a creature is killed, it will die.

Although in the Monster Hunter game, ancient dragons will be defeated by players, in terms of settings, many ancient dragons are actually just repelled, not completely killed, and their powerful vitality will not be terminated so easily.

However, this does not mean that ancient dragons cannot completely disappear. Ancient dragon crossing is the final journey of these powerful creatures who cannot withstand the invasion of time and seek their own graves.

Everything is just part of the natural cycle.

Su Yi walked towards the place where the exterminator had just left traces, and the guide insects that turned into blue attached to the thorns and some footprints, making them conspicuous.

Su Yi took a few photos of the traces with his cell phone Rotom, and then tried to pull out the white thorns.

Hey! Su Yi used all his strength to pull out the thorns. Lucao on the side used sword dance to strengthen his strength, and then pulled out one while meowing, making Su Yi envious.

Maybe something can be learned from this thing. Su Yi solemnly put away the thorns.

The reason Nergigante preys on the ancient dragon is actually for the huge energy in the ancient dragon's body. Its own powerful regeneration ability requires it to absorb a lot of energy than other ancient dragons.

But the Nergigante doesn't have to prey on the ancient dragon. Any creature with powerful energy is its prey, but the energy quality of the ancient dragon is higher.

But whether it is the New World or the Old World, there are such powerful creatures everywhere. Why is the Nergigante so obsessed with the Molten Dragon?

Su Yi once read something like this: In order to maintain the ability to regenerate, the Nergigante dragon does not need to be obsessed with the Lava Mountain Dragon, but what if it is necessary to obtain the high-purity and huge energy of the Lava Mountain Dragon for some reason?

In some future research, the moment Nergigante's spines were injected with nutrients, they produced a biological reaction and began to differentiate into egg cells.

Is it possible to hypothesize that Nergigante was born from some special thorns that it grew specially?

In order for a special kind of thorn to be transformed into reproductive cells that can develop into a complete individual, highly pure and huge energy is required.

This is why Nergigante is so persistent in pursuing the Molten Dragon. This seemingly out-of-the-box hypothesis becomes somewhat convincing at once.

The research equipment in the Monster Hunter world may not be able to research anything now, but what about the research equipment in the Pokémon world?

Following the plan to resurrect the Ophiosaurus fossil, another extremely imaginative plan was silently kept in mind by Su Yi.

Let's go. Su Yi said, as long as they are still investigating Ancient Dragon Crossing, they will face the Nergigante sooner or later.

After walking out of the hot canyon, Su Yi and his party walked along the periphery of the ancient tree forest.

We've seen a lot of interesting things in this investigation.

In order to build his own weapons, Zhanlong looks for high-quality minerals dropped by the Laoshan Dragon.

A fierce battle between Booming Dragon and Zhanlong.

The Lava Mountain Dragon got up when the earth collapsed.

Mysterious, demonic ancient dragon killer.

aibo said everything one by one. Although it was extremely thrilling, it opened her eyes.

Nature is really full of vitality. aibo sighed.

It wouldn't be the New World without vitality. Su Yi said with a smile.

The dense forest of ancient trees, even the outer parts, is full of life.

The flying cobalt morpho butterflies, the archaeopteryx occasionally gliding among the treetops, and the warily circling rabbits

With animals everywhere and lush plants, this is the real primeval forest.


The breeze blows, and the branches and leaves play the melody of the forest.

Swish, swish, swish.

The sound of the leaves tickling makes your ears itch.

Meow? Lucao seemed to notice something and looked around.

But nothing was found except lush forest.

Lucao scratched his head in confusion.

Swish, swish, swish.

The wind stopped, but the sound of the branches and leaves did not stop.

There's something nearby! Su Yi immediately became vigilant. The ancient tree forest was full of dangers, and he couldn't take it lightly even on the periphery.

aibo, stay with me. Su Yi said, holding the capture ball in one hand.

What kind of monster could it be? Aiden clenched his sword and was always ready to fight.

Could it be a ferocious jackal dragon? Su Yi guessed that these small monsters living in groups would wander through the woods, looking for suitable prey.

Lucao said uncertainly, It doesn't seem like the noise came from the surrounding bushes, meow.

Su Yi wondered: Where is that movement?

Lucao pointed to the dense canopy of trees above the crowd.


Just when Su Yi and others looked up, a figure flew among the trees high up, its specific posture blocked by the dense branches and leaves.

Those light cyan scales and white hair. Su Yi murmured as he analyzed the glimpsed figure.

The flying thunder dragon with thunder and lightning! Su Yi said with certainty.

In the ancient tree forest, this monster is the only one that meets these characteristics.

But what makes Su Yi a little confused is that monsters like the Flying Thunder Dragon generally don't come to the outer reaches of the ancient tree forest.

They prefer to move in the middle layers of the ancient forest, and they will not take the initiative to approach hunters. They are cautious hunters.

Hoo ho ho!

There was a sound of wind in the woods, and the figure quickly moved among the dense branches and leaves.

Are we being targeted? Aiden quickly glanced around, trying to catch the monster.

Yes, be ready to fight. Su Yi grasped the ball tightly.

The next chapter may not be finished until this afternoon. Let’s rest first.

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