Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 95 Frog in the Well

Innate soul power is a qualification, which represents the upper limit of a soul master's future.

But whether this qualification can be turned into real strength depends on too many external factors.

He is as talented as Ah Xing in the "Kung Fu World". He is a unique martial arts prodigy. However, if he was not blasted by Fire Cloud Evil God and his potential was fatefully inspired, he would not be able to transform into a butterfly in the end. .

If I had given him a small business and lived a stable life at the beginning, I am afraid that he would be a bedbug with amazing resilience until the end of his life, and he would not be able to become the 'Bruce Lee' who built a building with just one slap.

A real dragon cannot be raised in shallow water, and a thousand-mile horse raised in captivity will lose all its good muscles and bones.

With the background of [Shuimu Principality], it is extremely difficult to cultivate truly strong people.

Just like there are no officially titled Douluo in the [Tian Dou Empire], there are no Contra-level existences in the entire [Shuimu Principality].

The few veteran soul saints are either the elders of Grand Duke Mufeng, or the elders of several marquises in the principality. On the other hand, the dean of the [Botanical College] was originally an opposition Soul Saint of the Control Department. He was sincerely invited by Grand Duke Mufeng's father to semi-join the officialdom of the principality to cultivate and retain high-quality talents for the [Shuimu Principality].

In the entire [Shuimu Principality], almost all genius soul masters have this idea: to go to the territory of [Tian Dou Empire] and [Xing Luo Empire], or join the [Martial Spirit Hall], and jump out of the small pond of [Shuimu Principality] , heading to the wider lake and sea.

For those with innate soul power level six or above, the deacons of [Martial Soul Palace] will basically extend an olive branch as soon as possible. Unless they are from a soul master family with some background, most people, whether they are civilians or some small families, No one would refuse such an opportunity to join the number one force in Douluo Continent.

[Martial Soul Hall] also uses this to recruit a large number of civilians with good qualifications and soul masters from small families every year.

Of course, as long as you have innate soul power and can become a soul master, if you want to join [Martial Soul Hall], [Martial Soul Hall] will not turn you away. After all, it is a heritage, and future children may not be able to do so. Highly qualified talents are born.

But even if you have qualifications and a good training environment, it still doesn't mean you will have the best growth trajectory.

Many people only focus on the various cool soul rings and soul skills of the protagonist group. Little do they know that the best soul ring age configuration in the Dou Yi period alone is already what 90% of the soul masters in Douluo Continent desire but cannot achieve. exist.

In the original work, Tang San revealed the yellow hundred-year-old number one soul ring, and instantly restrained Xiao Chenyu, the over-brained son of the city lord and his sidekick.

Of course, in a sense, Xiao Chenyu really didn't make up for his mistake. Tang San's background was really one of the strongest and toughest forces in Douluo Continent.

Later, when the supporting actor Ye Zhiqiu, as the director of the Foreign Affairs Department of [Canghui College], showed his strength as a Soul King, it caused a burst of exclamation from the people who were eating melons at the time. The description of the soul king's strength is that he is a rare existence on the Douluo Continent. He is quite powerful and can already hold the title of viscount or even earl in some kingdoms.

Where were you?

The market town more than a hundred miles away from the "Star Forest" can be said to be a place where soul masters gather together.

Therefore, the Soul King definitely has a pivotal position in the [Shuimu Principality].

But even Ye Zhiqiu, who was profiled in this way, only had one white, two yellow, and two purple soul rings.

After being slapped on the spot by the protagonist who said, "You are mediocre if you don't dare to cause trouble," they probably knew that the undeveloped protagonist was no match for them. Vice President Zao Wou-ki, the "Fudo Ming King", appeared at the right time. , with the soul saint level strength, he imitated Tang Hao to beat him, slapped the opponent away without using his martial soul, and pretended to be an extremely round thirteen.

In addition to the supporting actor Ye Zhiqiu, Qin Ming, the second youngest soul emperor in the history of Douluo Continent, is known as the minor supporting character in [Martial Soul Palace] records. This genius who graduated from the first class of [Shrek Academy] has a soul ring configuration, the fifth soul. Tamaki is still the purple Millennium.

Decades after the original timeline, in the "Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition" held by the protagonist group, so many talented people of the younger generation emerged. It was purely to set off the strength of the protagonists, and it seemed that their luck had exploded. In the same way, let talented people appear together.

And the most outstanding young soul masters gathered in the entire [Shuimu Principality] and the main team members of the [Botanical Academy] were still defeated by Ma Hongjun.

The vast majority of contestants are not in the teenage years of the original protagonist group, they are basically stuck on the edge of being under the age of twenty-five.

As for the seven main team members of the [Botanical Academy], only three are soul masters, and the other four are soul masters.

One of them is a control-type fighting spirit sect whose martial spirit is "Red Flame Thorn". This little dragon set who doesn't even have a name has three yellow and one purple spirit rings.

There are also two powerful supporting characters, 'Snake Spear Douluo' She Long and 'Gorpoise Douluo' who stab the blood. They are powerful Titled Douluo-level warriors, and their soul ring configurations are only two yellow, three purple, and four black!

Those who can cultivate to the level of titled Douluo, in the entire Douluo Continent, who can say that their qualifications are not good?

The longer he stayed in this small place [Shuimu Principality], in addition to the growing sense of security, the ever-present sense of shackles also often lingered in Ling Yi's heart.

If he were a native citizen of the principality, Ling Yi would have been like those guys who traveled thousands of miles to study at the senior soul master academy in the [Tian Dou Empire]. Two years ago, he could not wait to follow Lou Gao to "Gengxin". City", through the [Blacksmith Association General Assembly], I found a soul master who was starting at the soul saint level to become my apprentice.

But Ling Yi didn’t,

It's not that he doesn't covet the support of Soul Saint-level masters, but he knows that what he wants to learn, not to mention Soul Saint-level masters can't teach him, even Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen in Titled Douluo can't teach him!

He, Ling Yi, is not a fake useless martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass" like the original protagonist Tang San, but a real genius with the bloodline of the "Blue Silver Emperor" and the top martial spirit "Haotian Hammer".

Oh, and in the martial arts world of his previous life, there are all the mysterious skills in the "Xuan Tian Bao Lu", the highest inheritance of the [Tang Sect].

Ling Yi is the real owner of the useless martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass"!

Half a level of innate soul power is enough to explain everything!

Yu Xiaogang also had half-level innate soul power. His father was the patriarch of the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family]. A Titled Douluo of level ninety-five or above could not solve the cultivation problems caused by Yu Xiaogang's innate aptitude.

As a Saint of [Martial Soul Hall], Bibi Dong was able to fall in love so much that she gave up her status as a saint and the [Martial Spirit Hall] that taught her and raised her for many years, but she never thought of helping Yu Xiaogang solve her low innate qualifications. The problem?

Even if the price is high enough, [Martial Soul Palace] is not willing to pay, but if there is a chance, after Bibi Dong finds out, will he not tell Yu Xiaogang?

With Yu Xiaogang's identity, he might not be able to go home and seek help from his father.

The most likely possibility is that in Douluo Continent for so many years, there have been few cases where the innate qualifications of soul masters have been solved.

Those who are lucky by chance will basically keep such news in their stomachs, treating it as a secret that can be passed down to their families.

Or, it cannot be copied?

Just like Dugu Bo, the first famous "Jade Phosphorus Snake" soul master in history. Did he evolve his martial soul into the "Jade Phosphorus Snake King" because he became a titled Douluo, or was it because his martial soul evolved into the "Jade Phosphorus Snake King"? Phosphorus Snake Emperor", who became a titled Douluo?

It was not mentioned in the original book, and Dugu Bo is not known where he is now, so all Ling Yi's guesses are just guesses.

Anyway, Dugu Bo's son died from the backlash of his martial spirit. His granddaughter Dugu Yan's martial spirit was "Jade Phosphorus Snake" and she did not inherit the qualities of "Jade Phosphorus Snake King", but her body was still corroded by the poison of the martial spirit.

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