Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 93 Old Soul Guidance Device

"Mr. Ling~"*2

The young man and the middle-aged man called out to Ling Yi at the same time.

When Ling Yi heard the sound and looked over, the two of them looked at each other and stepped forward together with a tacit understanding.

Then, the middle-aged man slowed down his pace as he approached, allowing the young man to take the lead in meeting Ling Yi's gaze.

Although most of the visitors were unfamiliar faces, when they saw the first two people, whether it was Long Yin, Zhang Mufeng, or Qingqiu Xin, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were acquaintances. He had left with his cured companion just two hours ago.

Is pay for the medical treatment?

The three teenagers looked at each other and had the same thought in their minds.

Ling Yi looked at the visitor, stood up, picked up the teapot, filled two empty cups with seventy percent full tea, and said with a smile: "You two, what a coincidence——

Coming to dine?

The food in this hotel is good, and today we also have a variety of delicacies made with two kinds of spirit beast ingredients, which are both delicious and nutritious——"

Hearing what Ling Yi said and even stood up to pour himself tea, the young man was a little at a loss and stammered:

"Uh - no... that... Mr. Ling, I, I'm here to give you the medical fee. Thank you for saving my brother -"

As he said that, he looked at the teacup near him on the table in front of him, feeling a little confused whether to put it away or not.

In terms of strength, he and his brother are both second-ring great soul masters. The same configuration of one white and one yellow soul ring is not as good as the two soul rings under their feet, one bright yellow and one dark yellow. Ling Yi.

Regarding identity, both brothers also inquired about various public information about Ling Yi before and after seeking medical treatment.

Ling Yi never thought of hiding anything, and even inadvertently fueled the spread.

[Blacksmith Association·Mizuki Principality Branch] Vice President, [Mizuki Principality] Baron, Master Blacksmith, Great Doctor with Thousands of Lives...

In the land of [Shuimu Principality], no matter which one of the above identities is taken individually, they are decent existences. If added together, they are at the upper level of the principality, and they are also the guests of a small group of top people.

As for the two brothers, they were just lucky. After awakening their martial souls, they had pretty good qualifications. They worked hard for more than twenty years before they could become second-level soul masters. The small team they formed barely managed to survive in this Sao Feng. He just has a bit of reputation among the soul masters in the market.


The middle-aged man on the side smiled without any stage fright. He took a step forward, reached out to pick up the teacup near him, and smiled at Ling Yi: "I want to try the food cooked with soul beast ingredients here later." delicious food~”

After a pause, he raised the tea cup in his hand, bowed slightly to Ling Yi, and said with a serious expression: "Thank you, Mr. Ling, for saving my Xiaoliu before. Kang Zhan is very grateful!"

As the sound fell, the middle-aged man named Kang Zhan raised his head and drank all the tea in the cup.

When the young man next to him saw it, he quickly picked up the tea cup in front of him, pointed it at Ling Yi in the same way, said thank you, and then drank it all.

Seeing the two of them like this, Ling Yi smiled, picked up his tea cup, and drank all the tea in it.

Putting down the tea cup, he smiled at the two of them and said, "You two don't need to be like this. Doctors are kind-hearted. Now that I've seen it, I have no reason to stand by and watch..."

This sentence, no matter the tone, facial expressions, or eyes, exuded a sincerity, which made the people around looking at Ling Yi couldn't help but be in awe.

Everyone is fighting soul beasts in the soul beast forest, fighting with soul masters, and licking blood from the edge of the knife. There is such a kind-hearted person with superb treatment methods. Can't you respect him~

Feeling the direct gazes from all around, Ling Yi remained calm and calm.

Because he really didn't get carried away because of these admiring looks. Only when his own strength is improved is the most real thing.

Most of these people can only make themselves better in good times, but that's enough.

As for what I just said, that I would not stand idly by when I encounter a patient, it also comes from Ling Yi's sincerity.

These days, the materials that come to your doorstep are all worth cherishing.

Not to mention the severity of the injuries suffered by the two previous ones, which were relatively rare among the injuries encountered in the previous six months.

Ling Yi can't treat injuries like disembowelling people's arms, legs, hands, feet, etc.

This kind of opportunity to go deep into other people's bodies and explore the unknown and mysterious places that no one has ever entered before, it is natural for Ling Yi to seize it well.

Not to mention the hefty medical fees, it was free or even rebate, and Ling Yi was happy with it.

Of course, Ling Yi, who is well aware of the complexity of human nature, understands that it is the best route for others to rush to deliver this to him and beg him.

Those who secretly rob living people for research, or spend money to buy people for research, will eventually become villains that everyone shouts about.

Ling Yi has always wanted to get things done standing up, and he also wanted to gain fame and fortune!

Now, everything is progressing well and in line with his original expectations.

The three exchanged polite words, and the young man also introduced himself: Yueqing, martial soul "Iron Sword", level 25, second-level attack soul master.

The one who was treated by Ling Yi before was his half-brother Ye Luo. He had the martial spirit "Fine Iron Dagger", level 27, and was a second-level combat spirit master in the agility and attack department.

Two brothers, Ye Luo and Yue Qing, formed a small team of about ten people in the Saofeng Market. They were the big soul masters, and the other members were all first-level soul masters, ranging from level 11 to level 17, All available at level eight.

Usually, they undertake some missions to hunt down the spirit rings of spirit beasts that are less than a hundred years old. Occasionally, when they encounter a hundred-year-old spirit beast that can be found without going deep into "Howling Wind Canyon", they can also go out with all the team to fight for it.

"Mr. Ling~"

Yueqing pursed his lips, hesitated a few times, took a package from a middle-aged man behind him, took out a brocade box, and placed it on the square table in front of Ling Yi.

Opening the brocade box revealed a blue crystal ball inside.

At this moment, both Ling Yi and the others, as well as the middle-aged Kang Zhan and his companions behind him, couldn't help but cast their eyes on the blue crystal ball that looked familiar to all of them.

Yueqing raised his hand reluctantly, caressed the crystal ball, then pushed it and the brocade box below to Ling Yi, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Ling, this can be worth your treatment for my brother this time." The consultation fee?”

Ling Yi looked at the blue crystal ball in front of him, raised his head to look at Yueqing, nodded noncommittally at first, and then asked curiously: "Isn't this the [Martial Soul Palace] deacon used to awaken the martial spirit for us?" Is it the kind of crystal ball that tests innate soul power? How—?"

Yueqing, who breathed a sigh of relief because Ling Yi nodded, listened to Ling Yi's question and answered: "Sometimes we will also take on some tasks issued by the [Martial Soul Hall] branch hall, and go down to the villages below to help Those children of appropriate age undergo martial arts awakening.

After going back and forth, everyone in our team will be able to host the martial soul awakening ceremony.

Then, some families in nearby towns wanted to awaken their martial souls on their children’s sixth birthday, so we bought the awakening tools including this test crystal, and occasionally took on some work in this area privately..."

After a pause, Yueqing continued with some confusion: "This time, our team's money has been distributed to the families of several teammates who died in the war. Your medical fee... can only be paid with this -"

When Ling Yi heard this, he stopped asking any more questions, so as not to tear open the scars and hurt the other person's self-esteem.

Reaching out and touching the crystal ball, Ling Yi took out a blue-gold metal card from the small satchel around his waist and handed it to Yueqing: "I received the consultation fee. I have a job here and I need to hire your services." Team~"

While Yueqing took the card, Ling Yi continued: "I'm going to leave here soon and go to "Muzhi City", but I received a lot of things here, including precious metals, soul beast materials, and some good crafting materials. Weapons and armor, it’s not very convenient for me to carry these things, so I would like to ask you to help me transport them to Muzhi City..."

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