Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 91 Great Doctor Ling Yi

After an hour of deep sleep, Ling Yi woke up on time.

As soon as he felt it, Ling Yi had a good idea of ​​his current state. The soul power in the body has been restored to some extent, and the physical and mental fatigue has been completely recovered.

As the soul power in the body increases day by day, the effect of allowing the body to spontaneously adjust its breath and recover through deep sleep becomes no longer so ideal.

This is not that the quality of deep sleep has declined. On the contrary, as mental strength improves and physical functions become stronger, the 'self state' during deep sleep has also been strengthened.

But the soul power transfer speed per unit time, even if it reaches the upper limit of what Ling Yi's current body can do, cannot allow his body to repair all aspects of his body in one hour. , and also restored the soul power to perfection.

Ling Yi secretly shook his head and sighed in his heart: 'I still haven't been able to create techniques such as "Basic Internal Power" or "Basic Breathing", otherwise I wouldn't have to rely on the body's instinctive soul power to operate...'

He is still too busy!

It has been almost sixteen years since time travel, and his time has been fully planned.

The typical one who has too little and needs too much.

Of course, with his hard work, he has achieved it. The more he puts in, the more he gains.

Lying on the bed, Ling Yi did not get up. Instead, he closed his eyes and focused on two things. He began to meditate and practice, controlling the active transfer of soul power in his body to speed up the recovery of soul power.

The other part of my mind is imitating the system panel in my heart, sorting out my current status and listing the data.

Name: Ling Yi

Age: Fifteen years and ten months

Title: Great Doctor

Identity: Vice President of [Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch], Baron of [Shuimu Principality] (territory - Beikouhe Town)

Martial spirit: "Blue Silver Grass", vine appearance, 1,200-year-old baron level

Qualification: Level 3 innate soul power

Soul power: 7% at level 24

The first soul ring: Three hundred years of "Blue Silver Grass", soul skills full of vitality

Second soul ring: 800-year-old "Nvluo·Bluesilver Grass", soul skill·Rebirth of severed finger

Physique/Essence: Strength of 1,080 kilograms

Mind/God: Deep Sleep Level 2, Silence, Mental Reception, Blue Silver Mimicry

Methods: "Crystal Meditation Method 4.0", "Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Fist Frame" Nine Postures, "Basic Gymnastics" Twelve Postures, "Farmer's Three Postures", "Advanced Meditation Method·1.0", "Nine-Character Mantra Mudra" ——Linziyin 1.0》

Skills: Basic Sword Technique (Proficient), Basic Spear Technique (Proficient), Basic Stick Technique (Proficient), Basic Ax Technique (Proficient), "The Art of Drawing the Sword·Start-up" (a first look at the door), "The Thirteen Spears of Breaking Formation·Start-up" 》(First glimpse of the door), "Qianjun Stick Technique·Creation" (First glimpse of the door), "Flying on the grass" (entering the room), slingshot (a hundred meters through the lice), hypnosis (preliminary grasp of the rhythm of life), casting-Qian forging ·Blacksmith, proficient in medicine and surgery, dispensing medicine, knowledge of herbs, proficient in cooking...

Equipment: "Glaited Black Gold Inner Armor" (Soul King Level), "Thousand Scale Armor" (Soul Lord Level), "Thousand Forged·Flowing Cloud Sword", "Thousand Forged·Eight-Ling Armor-Breaking Spear", "Thousand Forged· Panlong stick

Compared with the data panels nine years ago and five years ago, Ling Yi today can be regarded as going from a blank slate to an elite, and then to the commander-level mini-boss today.

Looking at the entire Douluo Continent, such a being can barely be called one of a hundred talents.

In a previous life, while reading in the library with a girl from the Chinese department, Ling Yi flipped through a miscellaneous book called: "The Introduction to the Famous Names of Saint Baihutong".

There is a description on it: Five people are called Mao, ten people are called Xuan, hundreds of people are called Jun, thousands of people are called Ying, twice the Ying is called Xian, ten thousand people are called Jie, and ten thousand people are called Sage.

Talented, selected, talented... until a saint is the ultimate human being.

Although Ling Yi's current martial soul qualification is only equivalent to the third level of innate soul power, he can only be ranked in some small cities, any big city, or a soul master family with a longer heritage. It's a bit hard to take.

However, in addition to his martial spirit, Ling Yi also has a body that has been polished and tempered to be comparable to the beast martial spirit and soul master, with a huge strength, how can it be taken lightly?

In addition, there are many non-martial arts system skills available.

The nine styles of "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame" are not only a method for tempering the body, but also can be used in battle, nine combat skills similar to self-created soul skills.

Li Ergou's number one soul skill in Hanfeng Camp, Light as a Swallow, was transformed bit by bit into the light skill "Flying on the Grass" by Ling Yi.

Zhang Mufeng's first soul skill, Hui Feng Stick Dance, was combined with his proficient basic stick skills by Ling Yi to initially create a "Qianjun Stick Technique"...

What he learned from watching various short videos in his previous life was the vague "Nine-Character Mantra Mudra". Ling Yi explored on his own and came up with some hints of the "Linzi Seal".

And just this little sign allowed him to directly enter the state of 'quietness and concentration' with just one mudra, which originally required meditation and breath control to maintain a peaceful and peaceful mind.

With these, among the group under thirty years old and below the soul master, excluding those top martial soul bloodline inheritors, Ling Yi can arrogantly shout: I am not targeting anyone...

Even if we don't mention sneak attacks, just talking about life and death fighting in the arena, if all the means are used, the soul master with the first soul ring white and the third soul ring yellow, even if he does not rely on the "Golden Black Gold Inner Armor" to injure him. In exchange for lives, Ling Yi could kill the opponent.

As for the injury, it is not a problem for Dr. Ling, who is a healing soul master~

You must know that Ling Yi is now respected as ‘Great Doctor’ Ling Yi by most of the soul masters in the Shuimu Principality!

This title of 'Great Doctor' is similar to that of 'Fudo Ming King' Zhao Wuji, 'Hercules' Titan, and 'Hercules King' Taino. It is a title that has the personal characteristics of a soul master and is recognized by the outside world.

At the beginning of May this year, Ling Yi obtained the second soul ring's 'Soul Skill: Finger Rebirth'. After testing it with various animals for more than ten days, and confirming that there would be no life-threatening adverse consequences, he decisively used it in the cold wind. In the camp, the lucky ones were selected from among the soldiers.

There were new injuries that had not healed, and there were also old injuries that were left behind. They were moved by Lingyi's good reputation for many years and started surgical treatment that they had hardly seen before.

In addition to the soldiers in the Cold Wind Camp, as well as the soul masters who hunted soul beasts from the "Frost Forest", anyone who is injured can get effective treatment at Ling Yi.

The consultation fee varies based on the severity of the injury and the amount of soul and energy spent on Ling Yi's treatment.

Payments are accepted in the form of gold soul coins, soul beast materials, exotic flowers and herbs, temporary workers, training partners or research materials, etc.

At the end of June, the Cold Wind Camp and the "Frost Forest" could no longer satisfy Ling Yi, so he embarked on a journey around the "Shuimu Principality".

Ling Yi is familiar with the road. Long before, Ling Yi followed the people from the military headquarters and the [Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] and walked through the three major cities and the other four of the five military headquarters, as well as the guarded Soul Hunting Forest. Thousands of "Blue Silver Grass" cultivated by his own hands were left in various places.

Traveling nearly five thousand miles along the way, including the Cold Wind Camp and the "Frost Forest", the number of ordinary people and soul masters treated by Ling Yi's hands was no less than three thousand!

In the past two hundred days, at most, Ling Yi spent more than ten hours, twenty-four hours a day, treating more than eighty sick and wounded people in a small town.

The more injuries and illnesses he dealt with, the more profound Ling Yi became in mastering his two major soul skills.

Now, he can control, with the least amount of soul power, to convert active energy that can heal an injury; he can also control the magical energy converted from the second soul skill to only simulate a part of the body, breaking the original The two parts are connected.

What this involves is not just the use of soul skills, but also requires sufficient knowledge and understanding of various parts of the human body, organs, and bodies in order to achieve meticulous body reconstruction.

In addition, there is a series of intensive research on silver needle sealing of pulses, blending of herbal medicines, etc.

Ling Yi deserves the name of a great doctor!

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