Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 9 Laying a Solid Foundation

Douluo calendar year 2594, early autumn.

North of Shanhai Village, outside the old forest.

"call out--!"

An undetectable wind howl suddenly appeared, hidden in the rustling of the surrounding leaves, hidden and fast!

The next second.

"Ah Huang, get on-!"

Following a soft drink, a yellow figure instantly jumped out from among a pile of withered yellow leaves, chasing the direction of the previous whistling wind.

After a few breaths.

A large dog about seventy centimeters tall at the shoulders, with goose-yellow hair on its head and white underbelly, and strong muscles all over its body, trotted back from the forest in the distance with a flapping gray hare in its mouth.

"Ah Huang, well done!"

Zhang Lei took the hare handed over by Ah Huang, rubbed the dog's head with his other hand, and praised it without hesitation.

Nearly two and a half years have passed, and Zhang Lei, who has just celebrated his sixth birthday, has become somewhat mellow due to his family's improved conditions and adequate nutrition in recent years. But it is not bloated, and it gives people a surprisingly strong feeling for such a young age.

Weighing the weight of the hare in his hand, Zhang Lei glanced at another brown hare behind him that was covered with dead leaves and whose limbs were bound and couldn't move. Zhang Lei nodded with satisfaction and said to Ah Huang: "Okay, let's go find Ah Yi." ——”

"I don't know how the harvest of the lasso over there is -"

With that said, Zhang Lei followed Ah Huang and walked toward the west outside the old forest.

More than five hundred meters away, under a large brown-black tree with a slight metallic sheen.

Ling Yi leaned against the tree trunk and sat casually on the ground, eyes slightly closed, taking a long breath and taking a nap.

As the breathing of Ling Yi's mouth, nose, chest and abdomen rose and fell, the light blue leaves of the "Blue Silver Grass" plants within a radius of more than ten meters around him moved slightly, as if in response.


As if being stimulated by something, all the "Blue Silver Grass" blades suddenly stood up straight, exposing a long figure with green and withered yellow flowers in the grass.

This is a native snake. Although it is not a soul beast, it is quite poisonous. For ordinary people, even soul warriors below level ten, once bitten by it, it is a somewhat fatal threat.

At this time, seeing its signs exposed, the native snake no longer lurked, but swam directly towards Ling Yi under the big tree.

But at this time, Ling Yi was as if he didn't notice anything, and still kept his eyes closed and resting.

When the native snake comes three meters away from Ling Yi, it only needs a few breaths of forward movement and one ejection. The snake's teeth, which contain enough venom, will pierce Ling Yi's skin and inject the venom into Ling Yi. inside the body.

In the old forest to the north of Shanhai Village, not just one or two villagers were bitten and poisoned by native snakes.

Ling Yi's uncle, Ling Changshan, whom he had never met, went deep into this old forest more than ten years ago. In addition to encountering soul beasts and other beasts, he might also have been killed by various poisons.


Like a withered yellow phantom, the snake's swoop arrived as expected, and the snake's kiss spread to its limit. The fishy smell it carried seemed to be mixed with the venom under the snake's teeth at any time...

However, very suddenly, a black iron-like branch appeared in the direction of the Tugouzi Snake. One end of the branch was inserted straight into the Tugouzi Snake's mouth, and followed the Snake Xinzi perfectly into it. , came a standard deep throat style.

The other end of the branch was held firmly by a small white hand.

At some point, Ling Yi, who seemed to be sleeping before, opened his eyes, and picked up the branch next to him, lifted it, and pointed it.

Instead of giving the struggling native snake a chance to roll up its tail and swing it instinctively, Ling Yi, with a calm expression, followed the swinging force and threw the branch he was holding on to far away.

Before the snake, which had been deeply inserted into the branch, could fall to the ground and continue to flutter, a gray-colored tabby cat fell from the sky. With a push and a stroke of its two forelimbs, its sharp claws easily cut through the tough snake skin and hooked it. The snake gallbladder, snake heart and other internal organs inside were taken out.

He lowered his head and swallowed the organ in several mouthfuls, stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth a few times, then rubbed his pointed paws on the "Blue Silver Grass" blades on the ground, and then took standard cat steps, light and elegant. He came to Ling Yi's side, skillfully placed the cat's head on Ling Yi's legs, and lay down on the spot.

He raised his head and glanced at the big branch that Meow Meow had just jumped off. His eyes glanced at the three pheasants with broken necks on it. Ling Yi lowered his head, and while stroking the cat's head with his hand, he thought to himself:

'Since the beginning of last year, after entering deep sleep through self-hypnosis, my mental power has initially awakened. Now I can release my mental power and perceive the outside world——'

'But...' Ling Yi's eyes were bright, and there seemed to be light shining inside: 'It's not enough-! ’

He continued to stroke the cat with his left hand. Amidst Meow Meow's comfortable hum, he raised his right hand and made a fist slightly. Feeling the power contained in it, he was not very satisfied.

In "Galaxy Emperor", the path to spiritual cultivation begins with deep sleep.

In the first stage, it takes a long time to meditate, breathe, and guide before you can enter deep sleep.

It took Ling Yi more than a year to successfully subdue his lively and restless mind with the help of the spiritual talents brought by this new life and the physical state that was easy to sleep in as a child, and allowed him to successfully enter. Deep sleeping.

After that, it took nearly a year to fumble and create "Crystal Meditation Method 1.0", which initially reached the second stage. You can enter deep sleep anytime and anywhere, and it lasts longer!

Since successfully mastering deep sleep, Ling Yi often only needs one hour of deep sleep to obtain the rest effect that once lasted for eight hours of normal sleep, and her body develops better!

Now Ling Yi, who is still half a year shy of four years old, is already as tall as six or seven-year-old children in the village, only a little shorter than his cousin Zhang Lei. In addition, his skin is white and delicate, which makes him very popular with girls from all over the country. .

Although he is still young, because the Ling family has become well-off in recent years and has become a high-class villager in Shanhai Village, the number of people who come to the door and want to have a baby is no less than that of his cousin Zhang Lei!

In the forest, under an "iron birch tree" hugged by one person.

Ling Yi, whose whole body exuded a peaceful and tranquil aura, passed this aura on his body to Miao Miao, who was lying in front of his knees, at close range through caressing.

And as Ling Yi's white and tender hands moved from beginning to end, Miao Miao squinted her eyes comfortably, feeling drowsy, and her nose moved slightly, making a sound similar to snoring.

Meow Meow's belly bulged one after another, and there was a rhythmic "gurgling" sound in his belly, just like an engine roaring gently, which was very unique and rhythmic.


A loud shout sounded from not far away.

The half-asleep Meow was suddenly woken up. The little guy seemed to be frightened. His limbs instinctively bounced up and his hair exploded!

At this time, it arched its back, its spine was like a big dragon, its muscles and bones stretched naturally, and it made bursts of chirping sounds!

All of this was clearly sensed by Ling Yi, whose palm was just covering its back, and then reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness!

The corner of Ling Yi's mouth raised slightly: "Hubao...Leiyin...what——"

Gently stroking the smooth hair on Miaomiao's back to comfort it, Ling Yi turned his attention to the direction of the sound just now, looked at the two figures approaching, and asked with a smile:

"Brother Lei, Ah Huang, how was the harvest?"

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