Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 89 The Second Soul Skill

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle——"

In the military medical camp, in his own tent, Ling Yi, who had already washed and cleaned himself up, looked at the little white rabbit for testing medicine that he had just borrowed from the old man Yao, with a 'kind' smile on his lips.

The next second, the scene suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Ling Yi, who looked like an evil villain, threw away the red-stained dagger in his hand, looked at the red and white rabbit in front of him whose limbs were tied and still fluttering vigorously, and summoned the martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass" without any delay. .

Infused with soul power and inspired by thoughts, the azure vine-like martial soul immediately emitted a vibrant light.

"The second soul skill - regeneration of severed limbs!"

As Ling Yi chanted softly, a ray of yellowish and tender green light shot from the "Blue Silver Grass" in Ling Yi's palm to the rabbit on the ground.

I saw that the horrific bloody mouths and holes on the rabbit that had just been stabbed were healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Just over three breaths away, there were three penetrating wounds, respectively distributed on the chest, abdomen, and right forelimb. The wounds were bleeding profusely. Except for the white fur stained red by the blood, it seemed as if they had never been injured!

Ling Yi, who was highly concentrated mentally, could sense that in the three wounds that had just been penetrated by the sharp dagger, the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and even internal organs and bones that had been cut off were all reconnected and healed.

Time seemed to flow backwards, and the dagger blade with a cold glow had never entered and exited the rabbit.

If you don't look at the blood on the rabbit and the ground.

However, unlike the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality' and the healing soul skills of other healing soul masters, under the effect of Ling Yi's second soul skill, the blood shed by Rabbit just now was not in vain, but he still looked a little weak. , unlike those who have received energy supplements from water, wood, light, etc. which are more organic.

No, there should be a small amount of wood-type life energy nourishing the injured parts of the rabbit, but it was very sparse, and it was obscured by the light that still enveloped the rabbit, exuding a light yellowish green color and carrying a strange aura.

Ling Yi, who fully mobilized his mental perception, made the above judgment.

After cutting off the supply of soul power, the light dispersed, and the strange aura still existed in the three places where the wounds originally existed on the rabbit's body, lingering for a long time.

Seeing the rabbit's body, which was exhausted due to blood loss and violent struggle, and whose movements were much smaller, Ling Yi looked thoughtful.

If the injury like that just now was treated with the 'First Soul Skill: Vitality', not only would the rabbit's wound be healed, but with the nourishment of active energy, the little thing would be able to continue to lively and struggling, instead of now. In this way, it will wilt like an eggplant beaten by frost.

So, in terms of effectiveness, this soul skill from the 800-year-old "Nvluo Blue Silver Grass" is not as good as the previous 300-year-old "Blue Silver Grass" soul skill?

The experiment on directional induction of mutation "Lansilver Grass" failed?

Looking intently at the three wounds that were still shrouded in the mysterious aura, Ling Yi looked sharply and grabbed the blood-stained dagger he had just thrown away. He picked up the knife and dropped it, and a piece of flesh about the size of his little finger was cut off to the ground.

That's a small piece of bunny ears.

Immediately afterwards, before the rabbit could continue to struggle, Ling Yi had a thought in his mind and used his second soul skill again, and the familiar yellowish green light enveloped him again.

This time, a magical scene appeared.

If it is the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality' and other healing soul skills, the missing rabbit ear wound will stop bleeding, scab, and heal in the shortest possible time.

But at this moment, what fell into Ling Yi's eyes was a layer of fleshy, pink flesh and blood tissue, surging and piling up at the wound.

In just a few breaths, an intact rabbit ear, except for the white fur at the top that was shaved off as small as a little finger, appeared in front of Ling Yi.

After stopping the soul skill, Ling Yi looked at the intact rabbit ears with a small piece of hair missing, and then looked at the small section of white-haired rabbit ears with blood stains on the ground next to them, and fell into deep thought again.

Of course, as he was deep in thought, Ling Yi also gave the little rabbit that the old man used to test the medicine a shot of the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality', replenishing the opponent's vitality due to blood loss.

Unharmonious time passed, and Ling Yi sent the drug-testing rabbits and mice, which were "intact" but a little depressed mentally, back to the old man who administered the drug, and divided the chickens, ducks, geese, cows, pigs and sheep as food. , and after handing it over to the chef Li Zhishu, he returned to his tent alone with two roasted lamb legs.

Taking out a brand new dagger, Ling Yi sliced ​​the roasted lamb leg, which was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and glowing with oil, while reviewing the experience of the previous half day's experiment.

The good news is that my second soul skill is a ‘magic skill’ as I originally imagined!

When the injured person is missing a certain part of his body, the magical energy transformed through soul skills can regenerate the missing part.

Including but not limited to skin, muscles, blood vessels, fascia, and even bones and internal organs! !

Think about it, during the battle, the heart was pierced, and as soon as this soul skill was used, the heart immediately grew back. What kind of concept is this?

This means that from now on, as long as Ling Yi's soul power is not exhausted, he will be pseudo-immortal!

And as a healing soul master, he can even create a true title of 'human flesh and bones between life and death'!

After seeing the above information, Ling Yi had the illusion that he was a protagonist in some way. He really felt like a child of destiny who had his wishes come true and a small probability event turned into a certain success.

But, I am afraid of the word "but" in everything.

There is good news, and of course there is bad news.

The bad news is that the 800-year-old "Nvluo Blue Silver Grass" cannot achieve the 100,000-year-old "Blue Silver Emperor Right Leg Bone" soul bone skill like 'wild fire cannot burn it out, but the spring breeze blows it again' Overbearing effect.

In the original work, Tang Hao cut off his right arm and left leg, but in Tang San's use of the 'Poseidon's Light' combined with the 100,000-year-old "Blue Silver Emperor's Right Leg Bone" soul bone skill, 'Wildfire cannot be burned, but spring breeze blows and regenerates' , reconnect the inherited soul bones of [Haotian Sect] that were originally dug out, so that severed limbs can be reborn!

Similarly, before that, when Tang San was on the verge of death in the "Star Dou Forest", he was sacrificed by the two hundred thousand year old soul beast emperors, the "Azure Bull Python" and the "Titan Giant Ape". Under the energy, the broken right arm was regenerated again with the 100,000-year-old "Azure Bull Python Right Arm Bone" and restored to its original state!

However, Ling Yi's second soul skill of eight hundred years can regenerate body tissue only the size of an ordinary person's finger.

Rather than calling this soul skill ‘rebirth of severed limbs’, it might as well be called ‘rebirth of severed fingers’.

So, is this soul skill useless?

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