Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 84 Soul Power Twenty

Another month and a half later.

Ling Yi opened his eyes in his tent, feeling that after a night of practice, his body had reached a bottleneck with unincreasing soul power, and joy appeared in his bright eyes.

It’s level 20.

When he was fifteen years old, he finally raised his soul power to level 20!

In the summer of 2597 in the Douluo calendar, Ling Yi was six years and four months old when he awakened his martial soul. His innate soul power was half-level. At the time of the month, his soul power was cultivated to the tenth level, which lasted four years and four months, and his soul power increased to nine and a half levels.

The average increase in soul power is just over two levels per year. This growth rate is completely unlike the training speed that a loser with half a level of innate soul power and useless martial soul "Blue Silver Grass" should have.

And now, at the end of April 2606 in the Douluo Calendar, Ling Yi, who was fifteen years and two months old, spent four years and six months to absorb the soul power from the "Blue Silver Grass" for three hundred years. It is more than eleven levels, and it is promoted to twenty levels, and the soul power increases by more than eight levels!

From a purely numerical point of view, Ling Yi's soul power increase rate as a first-level soul master after the tenth level is actually almost the same as when he was a soul master before the tenth level! ?

How can it be!

Not to mention that the quality of the soul power of an ordinary first-level soul master is more than 10% stronger than the soul power when he was a soul warrior. The amount of soul power represented by each level has also increased.

Although after obtaining the soul ring, the soul master's body, physique, and even the width and toughness of the meridians will be strengthened to a certain extent. In subsequent training, the soul power that can be obtained per unit time will increase than before obtaining the soul ring. It's a bit more, but because the amount of soul power required for each level-up of a first-ring soul master also increases, the speed of level-up is generally a little slower than before.

Well, geniuses who have access to all kinds of resources do not count.

After all, as the strength increases, the age increases, and the body naturally grows, the soul master's own digestion and absorption ability also increases, and the amount of nutrients that can be taken in is naturally more. Between this increase and decrease, The speed of cultivation can be accelerated again!

This is the foundation of the great power!

Ling Yi was not from a powerful family, and the Ling family, which had been working hard for many years, was just a country rich man.

Even if he is granted the title of Baron of the [Shuimu Principality], there will not be anything good for a soul master in Beikouhe Town and the twenty-five villages under its jurisdiction.

The [Blacksmiths Association Shuimu Principality Branch], which has just been established for about a year, has been realized through Ling Yi’s planning, Mr. Jin’s appointment, and the careful overall management of the four vice-presidents Li Qiang, Fu Shan, Long Ang, and Qingqiu Li. This is a feat of almost doubling the income of the entire principality’s blacksmiths!

This is not surprising. Various orders for ironware within the principality no longer flow out of the country. As for the procurement of raw materials, the [Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] is responsible for unified purchase, transportation, and distribution. Naturally, the cost is greatly reduced.

Over and over again, within one year, every blacksmith's income has naturally increased significantly!

However, the income of the blacksmiths has increased, and although Ling Yi, as the vice-president, has also received a large amount of commission income, in this remote and backward [Shuimu Principality], money cannot buy it. What secret medicines and treasures can increase the efficiency of cultivation?

This is a bit melancholy.

Of course, this is true for other soul masters in the principality.

For them, being able to ensure that they can eat a meal made of soul beast meat every few days is already an excellent supplement.

On weekdays, there is no shortage of various kinds of meat, such as chickens, ducks, fish, pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. Compared with the ordinary people below who are hungry and full of meals, they are not on the same level.

Ling Yi was different. As early as three years old, he began to consciously collect ginseng seeds and started a plan to artificially plant ginseng in the old forest north of Shanhai Village.

According to the previous life, ginseng like this is also called "forest ginseng". In terms of nutrients, it is definitely not weaker than the "wild ginseng" that Ling Yi found in the old forest earlier.

Come to think of it, those "wild ginseng" grew naturally by chance after birds swallowed ginseng seeds and then inadvertently excreted them with their feces in the old forest.

As for the ginseng seeds planted by Ling Yi, apart from cultivating them for germination, they did not interfere with their growth after planting. Their growth environment was the same as that of "wild ginseng", so their effectiveness would naturally be the same.

After going to school in "Muzhi City" at the age of seven, even though Ling Yi no longer lived in Shanhai Village for a long time, he would take time to go back every year and take Zhang Lei, Ling Shan and others to expand his "forest ginseng" planting base in the old forest north of the village. .

And with Ah Huang and Miaomiao patrolling, there were not many eyesless birds and beasts who dared to destroy these treasures planted by Ling Yi himself.

Later, after entering the cold wind camp, Ling Yi, who was inconvenient to go home, also told Zhang Lei in advance not to forget to plant the 'crops' and 'chicken soup with vegetables', and then harvest them later. At home, he and Ling Zhang's family Three generations of old, middle-aged and young people can enjoy it together...

As for Ling Yi, he naturally brought prepared 'dried vegetables' and the seeds of these 'dried vegetables' when he came.

In rural areas, it is normal to have some local specialties that grow in the fields. Ren Lingyi is a young boy in his teens. Occasionally, he feels homesick. What's wrong with eating some hometown food?

But let alone eating these hometown dishes, they are not the most effective in increasing soul power. When Ling Yi was practicing "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame", these "Forest Ginseng", which greatly replenished vitality, was , is the real effect!

After eating a jar of chicken soup, including the bones and meat, and one or two side dishes, Ling Yi's body was filled with heat. When he opened his fists, he could clearly feel the strengthening of his muscles, bones, skin and flesh.

Under the training effect of "Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Fist Frame", the strengthening of meridians and the remaining vitality in the body will further stimulate the efficiency of soul power training.

The environment where there are "Blue Silver Grass" for dozens of miles around, the meticulous control of strong mental power, the tonic soup stewed with "Forest Ginseng", the increasingly powerful body and meridians, as time goes by, the origin also changes The slowly strengthening martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass"...

With the support of these external and internal buffs, Ling Yi's soul power cultivation will naturally increase at an incredible speed compared to his half-level innate soul power qualification.

In one and a half months, according to the letters he received, Qingqiu Xin had obtained a second soul ring that was nearly five hundred years old with the help of his father, and was on his way back to the Cold Wind Camp.

Zhang Mufeng followed Ling Yi to practice "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame", and his physical strength was not as strong as Ling Yi's, but he also gained nearly 200 kilograms of strength compared to more than a year ago.

In addition, Ling Yi's basic stick skills, which were beaten one by one with a stick, were slightly at an adult level. Although his soul power was still spinning at level 18, his combat power should not be underestimated~

Thinking of this, Ling Yi stood up, went to the weapon rack in the corner of the camp, took down a polished steel rod with a dull color and a simple texture coiled from beginning to end, and stepped out of the camp.

My mood was a little agitated, so I had a fight with Zhang Mufeng. After calming my mind, I also encouraged this kid. In the small team of four, he was the only one lagging behind.

But if Zhang Mufeng has mastered the basic stick skills to a mastery level, Qingqiu Xin, who has just become a great soul master, may not be able to beat him.

After thinking about it, I decided to cut off the process of teaching the three friends and the development process of the Blacksmiths Association branch. The progress of strength is already slow enough, so it’s time to mention the progress~

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