Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 82 Return to the cold wind

It was the beginning of March in the year 2605 of the Douluo Calendar.

After half a month, the [Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] has been initially established.

There is a president and five vice-presidents in the branch, who oversee all the blacksmiths’ ironware business, purchase of raw materials, blacksmith apprenticeship studies, blacksmith level improvement tests and certifications, and a series of other things related to the blacksmith profession in the entire [Shuimu Principality]. matters.

The position of president is held by Mr. Jingang Jin, who is the oldest and oldest among the three former master craftsmen of the Shuimu Principality. He is also from the same sect of Tiefutu, the only master craftsman in Douluo Continent.

Although Mr. Jin is the president, he is already old after all, so he is usually not responsible for the specific matters within the association. He only does some overall planning and coordination work, and formulates some programs for the development direction and policies of the association.

Within the entire [Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch], there are four vice-presidents who are specifically responsible for various work matters.

These four vice-presidents are Li Qiang, the palace blacksmith who is in charge of the major blacksmith shops in "Muzhi City", master blacksmith Shan who is in charge of the military industrial camps and all township blacksmith shops in the five major military headquarters of the principality, and "Hanfeng City". With all the blacksmiths in the two big cities of "Azure City", Long'ang, a senior blacksmith from the strong-attack fighting soul sect, and Qingqiu Li, a senior blacksmith from the quick-attack fighting soul sect!

The last vice president is Ling Yi, a close disciple of Mr. Jin and the youngest blacksmith in history, who is only fourteen years old.

Due to his young age, Vice President Ling Yi's job is to assist the elderly President Mr. Jin in handling various affairs, acting as a secretary and think tank.

However, before waiting, every thoughtful person in [Shuimu Principality] thought that Ling Yi would stay in "Muzhi City" forever. When he gets older and his strength increases in the future, he will take over from Mr. Jin as the president and help his master Mr. Jin. , to build the framework of the [Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] headquarters of "Mu Zhi City", Ling Yi, as the vice president, put aside all the mundane things in the meeting, looked like he didn't care about power, and stepped on On the way back to the Cold Wind Camp.

The difference is that when he left before, Ling Yi was alone, following the military debriefing guards from Hanfeng Camp to "Muzhi City". This time when he returned, although Ling Yi still hitched a ride with the military, there were many people around him. But there are a few more followers.

Cold wind camp, military industry camp.

In the tent area belonging to the blacksmiths, Ling Yi took three teenagers about the same age as himself, each selected an empty tent and helped the three of them settle down.

"Okay, let's go have a meal. We'll go to the soul master's small canteen later. I'll treat you to a nice meal. It'll be a blessing for the three of you -"

Ling Yi watched the last strong young man clean up the tent and said to him and the other two young men who happened to be walking in tandem.


The three of them nodded slightly cautiously and followed Ling Yi obediently into the cold wind camp.

It was meal time at this time, and the soldiers in the camp were also heading to their respective kitchen camps. On the way, they saw Ling Yi and his party. While greeting Ling Yi, they couldn't help but look at the people following behind. three teenagers.

I saw that Ling Yi, who was just over 1.7 meters tall, was leading the way, half a step behind. The three of them were a few meters apart and were walking step by step.

The one closest to Ling Yi is a sturdy young man who is two finger widths taller than Ling Yi. He is wearing brown clothes. His arms are swinging strongly when walking, and his steps are steady. His face cannot be said to be handsome, but his facial features are very attractive, and his eyebrows give people a kind of look. A down-to-earth, honest feeling.

The muscular young man in front of him was a tall and sturdy young man of nearly 1.8 meters tall. He was wearing a fur coat and his eyes were very bright. His whole person gave people a sense of aggressive restlessness. If it weren't for the fluff on his lips and his face, He is so childish that anyone looking from behind would think he is a young man.

The last one is a handsome young man, about the same height as Ling Yi, with the same smile on his face, but his skin seems to be a light wheat color due to constant exposure to sunlight, and his appearance is not as fair and handsome as Ling Yi's face.

"Brother Xiong! Long time no see-"

"Ayi, are you back from visiting relatives? Let's go! Let's eat with brother..."

"No, no, I've brought a few friends with me. Let's get them familiar with each other first. Then we'll have a meal with Brother Xiong in two days. Okay-"

"Hey - A Yi, I will invite you first when the time comes, Brother Zhengou, and this Xiong Laoer will ask him to wait first -"

"Hey! Li Ergou, your fucking skin is itchy again, right? Do you want me to help you loosen it -?"...

Smiling at the familiar faces laughing and scolding on the road, Ling Yi introduced the three pink newcomers around him in a low voice while continuing to lead the way.

When they came to a place filled with the aroma of meat and rice noodles, Ling Yi asked loudly to a 'big' man with a waist similar to his height, wearing a white robe and a white chef's hat: "Old Li. , What good food do you have today? I want to treat some little brothers to some good food——"

Hearing the sound, the fat young man who was just standing aside and watching the busy work of a few people helping the kitchen turned his head and looked this way.

After seeing Ling Yi's face clearly, a heartfelt smile suddenly appeared on that big face: "Hahaha——

Ayi, you are finally back——!

Come on, come on, I got a lot of good stuff today—"

After saying that, he raised his big fleshy hand and greeted Ling Yi repeatedly.

When Ling Yi saw this, he said 'let's go' to the three people around him, then sped up a bit and rushed towards the fat young man.

As he approached, a white mist exuding an alluring aroma emerged from a huge clay pot in front of the fat young man.

Smelling the aroma, Ling Yi's eyes lit up: "Is this... soup made from the bones of a century-old soul beast?"

"Not bad!" The fat young man raised his chin that was almost integrated with his neck and said with a smile: "Ayi, you have the eyesight. You can guess it just by smelling it——

I spent a lot of money to buy this from the guys in the hunting team. It is made from the vertebrae and thigh bones of the "white-haired iron-backed pig" that lasted two hundred years..."

"Ouch——!" Ling Yi stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up, gestured to the fat young man, and joked, "It seems that I am going to bleed heavily today. This is not cheap——"

"Hi!" The fat young man raised his finger, nodded at Ling Yi a few times, shook his round head, and said: "If someone else comes, I won't necessarily sell to him. If you Ayi comes, just give me the cost price - —!"

"That's okay!" Ling Yi heard this and shook his head repeatedly, waving his hands and saying: "It's whatever price it is. How can I let you suffer a loss? It's the cost price. Your Lao Li's craftsmanship is worth more than the bones of two hundred years of soul beasts." It’s—”

As he said that, he did not give the young fat man a chance to refuse. He pulled the strong young man beside him and said to the young fat man: "Okay, Lao Li, I will take my friends and go in first. You let Snow and the others go up quickly." Dishes, serve all the dishes served today. You know my appetite, don’t worry about not being able to finish it——"

"Okay!" The young fat man looked at the three teenagers next to Ling Yi, nodded, and said: "Then, you go and sit down first, and we will arrange it for you right away... You kid can eat without saying anything, and you can also talk to him The dishes are explained in detail, and watching you explain them while eating, the taste of my dishes will become even better——"

After a while, at a square table, Ling Yi looked around at the three people sitting across from him, picked up the pottery bowl in front of him, glanced at the milky white soup in the bowl, and said: "A Yin, A Xin, A Feng. , since Uncle Ang, Uncle Li, and senior brother have entrusted you to me, I will definitely teach you well next, and strive to teach you the "Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique" in the shortest possible time, and help you become Senior blacksmith——!”

Long Yin, a tall and muscular young man, is the third son of Long Ang, a high-ranking blacksmith of the "Cold Wind City" strong-attack fighting spirit sect, and has the martial spirit "Snow Soul Bear". He is thirteen years old and is a level 19, first-level spirit master of the strong-attack department.

Qingqiu Xin, a handsome young man, is the fifth son of Qingqiu Rei, a senior blacksmith of the agility attack system fighting spirit sect in "Azure City". His martial spirit is "Chasing the Wind Seagull". He is eleven years old and is a level 17 agility attack system first-level soul master.

The sturdy young man Zhang Mufeng, the eldest disciple of Mr. Jin from "Muzhi City", the son of Senior Brother Ling Yi and senior blacksmith Zhang Tie, has a martial spirit of "Mixed Iron Rod", twelve years old, and a level 15, first-level soul master of the attack system.

Thank you to the book friends [Holy in the World, Universe Galaxy_AC, Heart of the Sky, Jianzhu, and Dreams of Baichuan] for your monthly votes, and to book friends [Juanbai, Book Friends 20211001185359560, Biting Ghosts, Death of Time, Innate Five Virtues and Taoist Masters, Landscape Encounter Jianghu Fengyun, I Always Love Little Sheep, Amon the Blasphemer], thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all! (*^▽^*)

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