Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 78 Lingyun’s ambition

Three years later, Ling Yi, a name that had been silent for a long time and was almost forgotten, once again appeared in the eyes of all the forces in "Muzhi City".

This time, Ling Yi is no longer a dispensable lucky boy, but the fourth blacksmith in the Shuimu Principality!

Based on this, Grand Duke Mufeng personally received the young man who was about to turn fourteen, granted him the title of baron, and designated his hometown, Beikouhe Town and more than 20 subordinate villages as his territory.

Reach the sky in one step!

From a simple commoner to a baron with a fiefdom spanning dozens of miles, he can be called an inspirational model in the eyes of all the common people in the entire [Shuimu Principality]!

Although there are also important figures such as viscounts and earls, as well as Grand Duke Mufeng and several marquises who control the entire principality, it is also a class leap and can be called an achievement of honoring the ancestors.

To give an inappropriate example, if Ling Yi's lineage builds an ancestral hall in the future, Ling Yi's tablet will be placed in the middle of the first row at the top!

At this time, people suddenly discovered that not only soul masters can obtain titles after becoming soul masters, but blacksmiths who upgrade to master blacksmith can also receive titles from the principality!

For a time, in the entire [Shuimu Principality], the profession of blacksmith was favored by common people and small soul master families because of Ling Yi's deeds.

Those soul masters with low innate soul power, poor martial soul quality, and limited achievements in the future as soul masters, and even first-level soul masters, were a little excited at this moment, wondering whether they should change careers to learn forging. craft.

There are many ways to increase your income.

Make money, don’t be shabby!

Douluo calendar year 2605, February 15th.

Shanhai Village, Ling Family.

Ling Yi stood in front of the desk in his room, holding a homemade brush in his hand, writing and drawing on the snow-white paper one by one.

The golden sunlight fell on him through the window, dispelling the chill in February. He relaxed physically and mentally, looking comfortable and leisurely.

It stands to reason that at this time, he should either participate in the banquets of small and medium-sized nobles. Whether it is an old family that existed more than a hundred years ago or a new soul master family that only appeared in recent decades, they all have an interest in him, a young blacksmith. The teacher is very interested, and he should also use this to expand his blank network among the nobles.

If you don't socialize with the nobles of the soul master system, you should also exchange your forging experiences with Mr. Jin's brothers, as well as Blacksmith Fu Shan and Blacksmith Li Qiang, to further close the relationship with each other.

But at this moment, Ling Yi turned down all the entertainment a few days ago and asked his master, Mr. Jin, to act as a representative to deal with the new and old soul masters and nobles. He left everything behind and returned to the territory he had just acquired, his hometown of Shanhai Village. , quietly carrying out daily routine and practice.

At most, it’s an extra hour of calligraphy practice every day.

This is not because Ling Yi was made a baron and became arty after crossing the aristocratic class, but because he wanted to adjust his mentality.

Ling Yi, who once learned calligraphy from a Chinese girl in her previous life, has some experience with the calming effect of writing.

No matter how Ling Yi told himself deep down in his heart, what he had in front of him now was insignificant in the entire Douluo Continent, and how weak his strength was, but deep in his heart he still couldn't help but feel... Some different emotions.

Some of the names of these emotions are called complacency, some are called pride, some are called laziness, some are called fear...

With his strong mental power and the tenacity he has honed over the past ten years as a human being, Ling Yi clearly knows that he is beginning to be complacent with his immediate achievements, and is proud of his own efforts to go from nothing to a class-crossing success. Do you want to just calm down and stay in a quiet corner of [Shuimu Principality], marry ten or eight beauties with acceptable soul master qualifications, and create a big [Lanyincao Ling Family]?

When people are just starting out and have nothing, they often have lofty ambitions for the future and are always full of passion and motivation.

But when through one's own efforts and opportunities, one achieves certain achievements and has the wealth and status that he once desired, he begins to worry about gains and losses, fearing to lose it all, and his original drive and aggressiveness begin to fade.

If this was an ordinary journey to another world, Ling Yi would definitely choose to settle down, develop the economy and people's livelihood in the territory honestly, maintain dignity and friendship with the nobles of all parties, and love the people like sons, let the leaders Citizens work hard to create value and contribute to the good life of Lord Baron.

After more than ten years of hard work, can't Lord Baron still enjoy it?


This is the Douluo Continent where ordinary people and the weak live in dire straits!

At any time, an evil soul master or soul beast would appear and wreak havoc on the territory with a radius of dozens of miles.

At that time, what could Baron Ling Yi do?

Kneel down and beg for mercy? Or offer gold, silver, treasures and beautiful women in exchange for a way out? Or is it possible to kill someone at the slightest sign of their neck?

After finally traveling through time, do you still want to live a life where you can’t help yourself?

The whole person, from the body to the mind, is not under his control. If he makes you laugh, he has to laugh; if he makes you sad, he has to cry!

Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea are like whips, driving the body to run around, and the all-pervasive information flow controls the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the soul...

I want to hide, but I don’t know where to hide.

Now that we are well, we have come to this alien plane with extraordinary power, why don’t we give it a try?

Ling Yi doesn't want to care about what others think. Ling Yi only knows that he has to fight and fight!

We must walk step by step towards the state where the mind can be as free as the body.

So, what about the mere baron in front of me? So what about a territory that is dozens of miles in radius? What about the teenage blacksmith master?

In the final analysis, on the Douluo Continent, if you peel off all the outer coverings, Ling Yi at this time is just a first-level soul master who has just reached the seventeenth level.

With such a small amount of achievement, we can't just stand still and indulge in the temporary glory.

Fourteen years old, a seventeenth-level first-level soul master.

Although he has just celebrated his fourteenth birthday, it is not a big problem to practice to the eighteenth level before the age of fifteen, but think about the original protagonist group, due to the type of martial arts, the cultivation will be slow, and three days of fishing and two days of sunbathing Oscar of the Internet still cultivated to level 30 at the age of fourteen and became a soul master. Ling Yi immediately lost any complacency and pride.

At this age, with this strength, with this level of achievement, how can you rest? You have to sleep less, you won’t be able to sleep at all!

Stay with your family and get to know the specific situation of the town and the twenty-five villages under its jurisdiction. After making plans and arrangements, it's time to return to the 'battlefield' of "Muzhi City". I believe that the master should take care of all the people in the principality. The blacksmith’s information is almost done~

Ling Yi thought so and put the last stroke on the snow-white paper.

His eyes were clear and he looked at the black and white words on the table:

It should be noted that when I was young, I once promised to be the best in the world——! ! !

Thanks to the book friends [Reading Tourist, Book Friends 20210411130054829, Pseudo House Knight, Yang Family Third Young Master~] for their monthly votes, and thanks to the book friends [Book Friends 20220404001952624, Yu Zhao Yu Tian, ​​Qing Feng Xue, Dark Night Blooms at Dawn, Nor, Phantom Fog Stars , Just like the snow falling between the brows, Yu shines in the sky】Thank you for your recommendation votes and continued reading, thank you all! (*^▽^*)

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