Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 76 Misleading people

On the last day of Douluo Calendar 2604, Ling Yi stood outside the Hanfeng Camp, watching the squat but tall figure of Lou Gao gradually go away.

Until pieces of heavy snow fell, blocking the view, making Lou Gao's figure completely disappear from Ling Yi's eyes, and a sonorous and powerful voice sounded in his ears:

"I think it won't be long before the second divine craftsman will appear in Douluo Continent——"

Ling Yi turned his head and saw Colonel Jiang Yuanjiang wearing "Thousand Scales Armor".

"Probably so~"

Ling Yi responded softly, feeling the inner armor worn outside the inner clothes, but with strong affirmation in her heart.

Lou Gao is not about to become a master craftsman, but has already become a master craftsman!

Because a few months ago, when Lou Gao taught Ling Yi how to smelt various metal alloys, he said that "Glait Wujin" was one of the proud works of his master, the master craftsman Tie Futu.

When you can perfectly smelt "Glazed Black Gold" and temper it to its best state, the finished product has already reached the level of affecting soul king-level battles!

The Soul King is the first level to obtain a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Although there are many soul kings on Douluo Continent, their fifth soul rings are still only purple thousand-year-old, but this does not hinder the gold content of soul kings.

And a weapon, or armor, can play a big factor in winning or losing in a soul king-level battle, and it can definitely be called a magic weapon!

You must know that ordinary Thousand-forged level weapons and armor will break and shatter in the face of a full Soul King level attack.

The ten-thousand-year soul ring gathers the energy accumulated by a soul beast for tens of thousands of years. What is the power of the soul skills that use it as the source of power?

Not to mention, in addition to quantitative changes, there are also qualitative changes. Just like a thousand-year soul skill crushes a century-old soul skill, a ten thousand-year soul skill also crushes existences below the same level.

Lou Gao told Ling Yi that the "Golden Black Gold Inner Armor" could withstand the attack of the fourth soul skill of the offensive soul master, and it was to protect Ling Yi's safety.

When you are weak, it is also a sin to have something that is too good.

As for the "Thousand Scales Armor" that can be forged to withstand the third soul skill of an offensive soul master, the blacksmith master Ling Yi is wearing a master blacksmith's work, which is nothing to be amazed or coveted.

You must know that the level of work of a master blacksmith and a master blacksmith is actually the same. It is just that the master-level blacksmith masters more and more extensive skills than the master-level blacksmith.

In Douluo Continent in the current era, blacksmiths are not as magical as they will be ten thousand years in the future, otherwise their status would not be so embarrassing and they would not be taken seriously.

Compared to ordinary people, blacksmithing is a glorious profession, but in front of soul masters, blacksmithing is a lowly existence.

The problem is that powerful blacksmiths are often soul masters. The relationship between them is really weird and contradictory.

Walking with Jiang Yuan in the cold wind camp, the two rows of footprints were quickly covered by the flying snow, and the "Blue Silver Grass" that had just been trampled disappeared again.

Returning to the forging area of ​​the military industrial camp, Ling Yi came to a furnace, picked up a larger tungsten steel hammer, and started forging again.

In addition to Jiang Yuan's suit, five captains in the Hanfeng Camp alone have already placed orders with Ling Yi, wanting to customize a set of "Thousand Scale Armor".

The armor materials were provided by each captain themselves, and then the corresponding gold soul coins and precious materials were given to Ling Yi as rewards.

As the young president of the Douluo Continent [Blacksmith Association General Association] and a personally certified blacksmith master by a direct disciple of the divine craftsman Tie Futu, Ling Yi's status in the Cold Wind Camp has been visibly improved.

You know, as the fourth blacksmith in the [Shuimu Principality], this gold content is absolutely powerful!

Stepping on the lever device of the bellows under his feet, the red flame began to turn blue and green, reflecting on Ling Yi's face, flickering brightly and dimly.

At this moment, Ling Yi began to look back on the more than seven months of teaching career he had spent with Lou Gao.

Time turned into water, flowing in Ling Yi's eyes, flowing back upstream, with scenes of light and shadow flickering in it.

At this moment, a conversation suddenly jumped out and became extremely clear.

"Senior brother, some people say that using god-level materials to create artifacts is not considered a skill, but those who use mortal iron to create artifacts are considered master craftsmen. What do you think?"

Ling Yi stepped on the bellows, looking at the metal ingots licked by the fire while asking about the height of the building next to him.


Lou Gao shouted on the spot: "What a fucking bullshit, who said this? Is it the God of Craftsmanship?"


Ling Yi shook his head and said before Lou Gao cursed again: "It is said that it was said by a titled Douluo, I don't know..."

"Uh..." Lou Gao's open mouth froze, and he said angrily: "Tied... Titled Douluo... What about Titled Douluo? Titled Douluo can tell lies with his eyes open?

And... you are the real master craftsman who uses mortal iron to create artifacts. This is just misleading people! "

Lou Gao said this last sentence in a very low voice. If Ling Yi hadn't had amazing hearing, he might not have been able to detect it amidst the continuous sound of the bellows.

"How to say?"

Ling Yi became somewhat interested. In his previous life, this point of view was recognized by many people and highly respected.

Faced with Ling Yi's pleading look, Lou Gao pursed his lips and finally asked, "Let me ask you, what are the prerequisites for using mortal iron to create a divine weapon?"

"Uh..." Ling Yi thought for a moment before replying: "Prerequisite... the tempering of ordinary iron? The strength of the casting hammer and the caster themselves?"

"That's right!"

Lou Gao clapped his hands, raised his stubby neck, and said: "To be able to forge ordinary iron into a divine weapon, the premise is that the caster himself is a god-like existence, and the casting hammer must also be a divine weapon, otherwise how can it be transformed into a divine weapon?" God, forge a mere mortal iron into a divine material?

Therefore, it is the God of Craftsman who can forge ordinary iron into a divine weapon, not the one who can forge ordinary iron into a divine weapon! "

"The sequence of this is wrong, and it is purely misleading!"

Lou Gao's indignant low voice echoed in his ears. Ling Yi stared at the gradually softening metal ingot, his eyes shining with fire, but the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously:

Is this the story behind Douluo Dalu?

That's right, no matter how outrageous the description in words is, when it is transformed into reality, the world will take action to make everything reasonable——

One of the three great craftsmen in Douluo Continent?

It’s just a collection of fancy badges with nice names that are kept in the cupboard~

"Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique"?

This is worth spending time and energy to practice. After all, it is a pretty good fighting method for the Tang family whose martial spirit is a hammer.

In a sense, what they said is correct, but those words only apply to descendants of the Tang family.

Without the martial soul advantage brought by the Tang family's bloodline, how could it be possible to temper ordinary iron to the point where it could be used to forge divine weapons?

Everyone is born differently. Some people spend half their lives working hard and can only wander on the road, at a loss; while some people are born at a destination that others cannot reach in their lifetimes.

With such emotion, Ling Yi raised the tungsten steel hammer in his hand and used the 9981 style "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique", starting -!

Under the violent hammer blow, Ling Yi felt the soul power of more than sixteen levels in his body. He shook his head secretly and told himself that he could not rush yet and had to do things one by one.

Although he became a master blacksmith a year or two ahead of schedule, his strength is still a bit low, so it is not the best time to plan for the position of president of the [Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch].

Of course, even becoming a second-level soul master is not enough to secure this position, but at that time, he should be able to barely hold the position of vice president.

The blacksmith, the fourth existence in the [Shuimu Principality], is still a teenager, so he always gets some preferential treatment.

Now, after completing the orders in the Cold Wind Camp, it's time to take a leave and go back to "Muzhi City" to find the master, Mr. King Kong, to report the good news.

Thank you to book friends [Mangshan Dead House Comes to Report, Dreams of the Vast Sky, Thousand Silk Snow Songs] for your monthly votes, and book friends [Taiyi Only, The Fish Who Loves Cheese, Nonsense and Nonsense, Book Friends 20190117211825837, First Floor Festival Thank you for your recommendation votes and continued reading, thank you all! (*^▽^*)

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