Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 7 Keep going

Three months later.

Spring plowing has long ended, the hot summer is about to leave, and the autumn harvest is not far away.

In the past three months, Ling Yi's father, Ling Xiaoshan, would take Zhang Xiaoyu's slender rope twisted out of the stems and leaves of "grey rock grass" to the outskirts of the forest in the north of the village, setting up traps in his spare time. lasso.

In three months, a total of one strangled hare and two live pheasants were harvested.

It was mainly the harvest in the first month. In the next two months, I don’t know whether it was due to bad luck or because the wild animals that moved around the periphery of the forest had become shrewder, but there was no substantial harvest.

Thankfully, these two pheasants, a male and a female!

Not to mention the strangled hare that got into the stomachs of the six members of the Ling and Zhang families, the two pheasants laid a total of two nests of eggs from spring to summer. The two little guys were given a dozen pheasant eggs to supplement their nutrition. In the chicken coop built in the corner of the Ling family's yard, there were two large and eighteen small ones, a total of twenty pheasants!

In a few days, when these chicks mature, the Ling family can proudly announce: Eggs are free!

The scorching sun in the sky shed golden brilliance and fell into an ordinary courtyard in the southwest corner of Shanhai Village.

What distinguishes this ordinary courtyard from other homes in the village is the blue scene in the courtyard.

At this time, Ling Yi was wearing only a pair of sparse shorts, lying on her back on the grass in the center of the small courtyard, ignoring the "Blue Silver Grass" grass blades on the ground that were scratching the delicate skin of her back, and sniffing the grass and trees in the garden. The fragrance and the fragrance of the earth beneath him, feeling the endless power of the sun baptizing him, his small body became whiter and whiter in the sunlight, and his body temperature also slowly increased.

Breathe slowly, keep your mind calm, try to integrate yourself with the surrounding environment, and let your spirit transcend the limitations of the body, in order to achieve the legendary state of unity between man and nature.

As for the effect...

Almost equal to nothing!

There is no way, such a profound thing as the state of mind, not to mention that this practice concept is in the wild Douluo world view. Even in the era of information explosion in the previous life, Ling Yi only knew some terms, and some things that seemed true and false, and looked quite good. The so-called 'theory' of something like that.

As for the effect of these 'theories' on actual practice, it is obviously not as easy to achieve as Ling Yi expected.

Fortunately, there is indeed a way to practice cultivation in this world, and what Ling Yique has is just a stepping stone, an opportunity to get started.

Needless to say, although I am currently surrounded by "Blue Silver Grass" and basking in the sun, there is no gain in soul power (energy) and state of mind (soul), but at least more sunshine will be beneficial to Ling Yi, a young child. There are still some benefits to the development and growth of the body.

As for the initial expectations - to understand the state of mind, touch the soul, awaken spiritual power, etc.

Just let it happen!

When he was young in his previous life, Ling Yi watched a film and television drama about a secret skill called "Yi Jin Jing". The prerequisite for practicing this skill is to break through the "self-image and human image", and there is no desire to practice martial arts in his heart. read.

At that time, a big question mark appeared in Ling Yi's little head.

I really don’t want to practice martial arts anymore, why should I practice Dior’s "Yi Jin Jing"? !

Later, when Ling Yi watched more and more movies, TV series, animations, and novels, when he looked back at this problem, he realized that he was superficial.

Whether it is the state of inability to think without human immortal martial arts in "Yang Shen" or the use of hypnosis to enter concentration in "Galaxy Emperor", the above problems can be easily solved.

Ling Yi: ‘Thanks to the divine machine, there are thousands of articles on the Internet. Just based on the theory of fantasy practice system, I, Ling Yi, am willing to call you half the king! ’

As for Hong Maodong, if his grandma can keep it updated, the other half will naturally be...

Stop it!

Ling Yi took back his divergent thoughts, and if he continued, he might vaguely see the word 'Danger' in capital letters!

Getting back to the topic, in general, Ling Yi knew too many 'theories' after watching so many movies, TV series, animations, and novels in his previous life.

These 'theories' are definitely an extremely rich and precious treasure in this world that can be practiced.

Just watch how Ling Yi digs them out.

Time passed slowly, and when the sunlight shining on the body became hot, and Ling Yi was about to end this time's practice, his "peaceful" expression with his eyes closed moved slightly.

Just listen, the blades of "Blue Silver Grass" were scraped, and the rustling sound came from far and near, coming towards Ling Yi's place. When they got closer, Ling Yi stopped moving on his left and right.

The next second, a moist heat with a bit of rough touch appeared on Ling Yi's cheek.

Ling Yi opened his eyes, and what he saw was a bright red long tongue close at hand, which seemed to have the tendency to lick it again. He quickly raised his arm, grabbed it with his hands, and then lifted it up to bring the nugget close to him. The yellow dog's head was pulled away a little distance.

He sat up, lowered his head and looked at his right side first, then raised his hand to rub the furry little head of black, white, yellow, brown and gray, and then looked back at the yellow dog head held in his left hand. He said angrily:

"Ah Huang, how many times have I told you not to disturb me when I'm sleeping here? Look at how well-behaved Miaomiao is..."

As he said that, he ignored Ah Huang, who thought he was playing and kept flopping around. He reached out and took the elegantly squatting Meow into his arms, and stroked him back and forth from head to tail.

Ah Huang, an ordinary little native dog.

Meow Meow, an equally ordinary little tabby cat.

The two are the same. They have neither the bloodline of ancient divine beasts nor the bloodline of soul beasts. They are just cat and dog cubs that Ling Yi's uncle Zhang Dahe exchanged for a river fish from two families in Shanhai Village.

These two little ones were the birthday gifts Ling Yi and his family asked for for his birthday last month, and they are now his little playmates.

At the same time, when Ling Yi's body develops to a certain stage in the future and she embarks on the path of physical training, it will be an inexplicable help.

There are countless ways to practice in all heavens and realms.

But if you sum it up, generally speaking, it is inseparable from the three paths of "jing", "qi" and "spirit".

In layman's terms, it is the body, energy, and soul.

Obviously, Ling Yi, who was only one year and one month old on Douluo Continent, did not meet the requirements for either physical training or soul power cultivation.

Only the soul, and only the soul!

Looking at Miao Miao, who was squinting her eyes in comfort, and Ah Huang, who was putting his two forelimbs on his legs, sticking out his tongue and showing a smile, Ling Yi felt inexplicably lighter, and he was relieved that he had gained nothing before.

Although I have always said to myself that I am still young, I am feeling the stones to cross the river. I have just taken the first step. I have just arrived at the shore and hit the water. I should take it step by step steadily and maintain a normal heart. Heart.


The sense of urgency is still inevitable.

After all, this is an extraordinary world where great power belongs to itself!

Not to mention the most instinctive desire in life - immortality.

At least, Ling Yi didn't want to wake up one day and find that he was in a dangerous situation, but he could do nothing.

In Douluo Dalu, the protagonist halo and beautification of the original protagonist group has been removed, and the so-called love and hatred between the positive and negative sides have been peeled away. Under the various gorgeous martial spirits, soul beasts, soul rings, and soul skills, it is a A picture of a naked and bloody wild world.

Here, there are families of soul masters who control a whole place and city, there are soulless civilians whose lives are as cheap as grass, there are wolf thieves and evil soul masters who burn, kill and loot...

Although Ling Yi couldn't remember whether the evil soul master came from Dou Yi or Dou Er.

However, those soul masters who burned, killed, and looted like the wolf bandits, couldn't they be called 'evil soul masters'?

Think about how the fallen people in Dou Yi’s original work [City of Killing] got in?

They can't be happy and go in voluntarily, right?

Just to taste the "Bloody Mary" there?

All of this made Ling Yi, who was only one year and one month old, nervous. Coupled with the complicated thoughts from the soul of an adult in his previous life, it made the only path that could be practiced at this moment even more difficult.

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