Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 484 Qianxun’s breakthrough

[Tian Dou Royal Academy], in the light attribute mimicry training ground.

Xue Qianxun crossed her legs and closed her eyes, silently adjusting her condition. Ling Yi, Chen Xin, Xue Ye, Disiya, Marcus and others stood seven or eight meters away, quietly waiting for something.

Marcus, the martial spirit "Glorious Bird of Paradise", is a level 69 attack spirit emperor. He is Desiya's grandfather and the strongest person in the [Glorious Bird of Paradise Family] today.

Outside the light attribute mimicry training ground, there is a team of palace guards guarding it, and any outsiders are strictly prohibited from intruding.

After nearly a month of practice and polishing, Xue Qianxun finally fully controlled her tenth level soul power, and taught her the third form of the "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame" - Light as a Swallow and Advancement by Ling Yi. The third version of the exercise: Hongfei cultivates to the state of integration and mastery.

Coupled with the secret medicine bath prepared by Ling Yi, Xue Qianxun's physical fitness directly reached the level equivalent to that of a 20th-level first-ring soul master!

"Master Ling, could you be more cautious?"

Looking at Xue Qianxun who was adjusting her breathing with her eyes closed, Xue Ye couldn't hold back in the end and whispered to Ling Yi:

"Although after testing, Qianxun's physical fitness has reached the standard, but...really absorbed eight hundred years of soul ring in the first one?"

As he said that, Xue Ye also glanced at the blue and white plant over a foot tall in front of Xue Qianxun.

"Bright Blue Silver Grass", age: eight hundred years!

In Xue Ye's knowledge, no one has ever been able to absorb such a long-term soul ring as the first soul ring, even if he has asked the clan to test Xue Qianxun's current physical fitness, and even if Ling Yi has repeatedly assured that this strain The soul power of "Bright Blue Silver Grass" is gentle and will definitely not be as violent as the soul rings of those wild soul beasts, which impact the soul power channels and internal organs in the soul master's body, but he is still a little worried about such an old soul ring. , will it bring too much burden to Xue Qianxun's body, resulting in failure of absorption, or even serious injury and damage to the spirit.

The most important thing is, if she fails, will Xue Qianxun's qualifications be damaged, causing her to miss the opportunity to become a titled Douluo in the future?

Hearing Xue Ye's words, Disiya and Marcus turned their attention to Ling Yi at the same time.

Desiya's eyes were half worried and half trusting, but looking at the calmness and calmness on Ling Yi's face, they all turned into trust and firmness in the end.

Marcus wanted to say something, but after noticing Chen Xin beside Ling Yi, his eyes swept over the half-serious and half-false look of worry on Xue Ye's face, and his mouth moved, but he still didn't say anything.

Ling Yi turned his head to look at Xue Ye, his eyes were clear, which seemed a bit dazzling in Xue Ye's eyes. When he subconsciously avoided his eyes and was about to look back with some annoyance, he heard Ling Yi's faint voice:

"Your Majesty is overthinking. If it weren't for the sake of safety, Ling Yi would actually want Xueer to absorb a thousand-year-old "Bright Blue Silver Grass" as the first soul ring. "

"Thousand-year...first ring?"

Xue Ye was shocked by Ling Yi's bold words, her eyes widened unconsciously, and even Disia and Marcus beside him couldn't help but look sideways again.

Only Chen Xin remains calm.

If it had been ten years ago, if someone had said something about the 'First Ring of a Thousand Years' in front of Chen Xin, he would have just thought that the other person was ignorant or was bragging.

Even when he first joined [Lingyun City], after reading many martial arts-related books in Lingyun City's library, he might have thought: "Twin martial souls, right? The first soul ring of the second martial soul is A thousand years, isn’t it too much of a waste?”

But now, after seeing Erlang's heaven-defying "five black and one red" soul ring ratio, he felt that it was just like that for the "merely the first ring in a thousand years"~

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be surprised. If Xue'er's promotion time is delayed by one year, or even just half a year, Ling Yi is confident that Xue'er can successfully absorb the thousand-year-old "Bright Blue Silver Grass" as the first soul ring! "

Ling Yi's voice continued to sound, still so calm and gentle.

Xue Ye: "..."

Marcus: "..."

Unlike Xue Ye and Marcus who were speechless, Disiya's eyes lit up and she seemed a little moved. However, when she saw Ling Yi's calm and handsome face, a trace of restlessness just emerged in her heart. He calmed down instantly.

'With his love for Xue'er, since he didn't choose to do this, he must have his own ideas! ’ Desiya thought.

While several people around him were still thinking about it, Ling Yi turned his attention to Xue Qianxun: "But in that case, in my opinion, the gain is not worth the loss."

"The first ring of a thousand years is certainly good, but for Xue'er, who is innately full of soul power, the golden cultivation time of half a year to a year is even more precious!"

"To be honest, I feel that even half a month is a bit too long, but for her who is only six years old, step by step is the most important thing in terms of physical training!"

"In more than twenty days, in exchange for the physical fitness of a twenty-level one-ring beast soul master, plus an eight-hundred-year-old first soul ring, among the various plans I have calculated, it is the most cost-effective one. ……coming!"

At this moment, Xue Qianxun, who was still adjusting her breathing with her eyes closed, opened her eyes. Now that her state had reached its peak, she thought, and the shadow of a swan with milky white feathers and a faint golden color appeared in her eyes. behind.

His crystal eyes lowered, looking at the plant two feet away in front of him.

The appearance is still similar to the ordinary "Blue Silver Grass", except that the overall model is much larger, and the main color is still light blue, but there is a jade-white texture on each blade of grass, extending from the root. to the tip of the grass blade.

Eight hundred years of "Bright Blue Silver Grass"!

If the age exceeds a thousand years, the jade-white texture representing the light attribute will expand again, and as the age increases, it will completely replace the light blue originally belonging to the "Blue Silver Grass".

The shadow of the swan behind the soul power was poured into it. The long neck of the swan moved, and it brushed past Xue Qianxun's cheek like a living thing. The golden mouth was like a delicate dagger, and it spoke elegantly and delicately. That "Bright Blue Silver Grass".

As soon as he opened his mouth and swallowed, the "Bright Blue Silver Grass" was held in Xue Qianxun's "Swan" martial spirit, and it sank into the little girl's body.


Seeing this scene, Xue Ye and Marcus once again looked confused.

They have seen absorbing soul rings many times, but they have never seen this kind of operation that does not 'kill' the soul beast, wait for the soul beast's corpse to condense the soul ring, but directly swallow the soul beast whole into the body.

No one cared about the mood of the two of them on Xue Ye. After Xue Qianxun entered the body with the "Swan" martial spirit and the eight-hundred-year-old "Bright Blue Silver Grass", she immediately clasped her little hands with her index fingers stretched out. Then, she opened her pink lips and whispered softly: "Lin——!"

"Nine-Character Mantra" - Linzi Seal!

With the blessing of the 'Lin Zi Seal', Xue Qianxun's originally somewhat panicked and nervous mind instantly became calmer. Faced with the sudden and huge soul power in his body, he seemed to be very comfortable in guiding his mental power.

At the same time, the effect of the 'Lin Zi Seal' is not only on the soul, but also the blood and meridians in Xue Qianxun's body have become much more stable, allowing the little girl to face the seemingly endless huge soul power with more strength. Lots of room for trial and error and room for slow transitions.

As time passed by, the aura on Xue Qianxun's body suddenly rose and then calmed down, affecting the minds of Disiya and Marcus who were waiting aside.

Xue Ye, on the other hand, looked worried before Xue Qianxun began to absorb the soul ring, but since the official start, his expression has become calmer.

He also wanted to understand that with Ling Yi's current reputation and status, as well as his special regard for Xue Qianxun, there was no way Xue Qianxun would be harmed.

Therefore, among the onlookers present at this time, Xue Ye turned out to be the most confident in Xue Qianxun's success in absorbing the first soul ring in eight hundred years, except for Ling Yi and Chen Xin.

Although Disiya also believed in Ling Yi, her concern for her daughter still prevailed in the end, and the anxiety and uneasiness in her heart was still difficult to suppress.

The sun was high in the sky, and when the scorching sun reached everyone's heads, Xue Qianxun's aura suddenly rose until it reached the highest peak and then stopped. It stayed there for more than ten breaths before slowly calming down. Correspondingly, the little face that had always been solemn also showed a hint of relaxation.

In the eyes of Ling Yi and others, they saw a golden ring floating out of the little girl's petite body, quietly rotating around her. The bright and holy aura on the ring is particularly prominent even in this light attribute mimicry training ground.

After a while, Xue Qianxun's long eyelashes trembled and she opened her eyes. A faint white light flashed from her eyes.

That was the phenomenon of the sudden surge in soul power being unable to be controlled freely.

The little girl didn't think too much, she just stretched out her hand to support herself on the ground and climbed up. She had white wings on her back and a golden soul ring around her body. She stood there very cutely, like a small angel.

Seeing this scene, Xue Ye looked a little dazed, and almost thought that the Xue Qianxun in front of her was the descendant of [Martial Soul Hall] Pope Qian Xunji.

Like, so similar!

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes the shadow of the "Swan" martial spirit behind Xue Qianxun just now, just looking at Xue Qianxun who was possessed by the martial spirit at the moment, he really couldn't tell whether the daughter's martial spirit in front of him was the "Swan". ” or “angel”.

Shaking his head slightly, Xue Ye shook off the ridiculous thoughts in his mind. His face showed joy and kindness that he had never seen before, and his eyes were shining when he looked at Xue Qianxun:

"Okay, okay -! The first soul ring of eight hundred years, all over the Douluo Continent, no one can do it, but my daughter, Xue Ye, has done it!"

"Okay! Okay——! Qianxun, you are really the Phoenix girl of my Xue family——!"

Faced with Xue Ye's excited performance, Xue Qianxun's movement of running towards this side was slightly stagnant, and the joy on her face became lighter.

Although Xue Ye has been trying his best to repair the relationship between father and daughter in the past month, Xue Qianxun has always had an indelible sense of resistance in her heart towards this strange father.

Being precocious, it was difficult for her to forget how cold Xue Ye's expression was during the few times they met in the past six years, and how indifferent his eyes were when he looked at her, which was no different from looking at the flowers, plants and stones under his feet.

It can be said that no matter how enthusiastic Xue Ye is at this moment, Xue Qianxun feels like being shrouded in shadow when he thinks of those faces in Xue Ye's past.

Of course, in the days after Wuhun awakened, both Queen Mother Disiya and Uncle Lingyi had told her that her father would vigorously train her and make her a member of the [Tian Dou Empire] The backbone of the future.

Having experienced some darkness and coldness in the human world in the palace, Xue Qianxun, who was only six years old, was not as innocent and immature as she seemed.

In other words, her innocence and immaturity are only revealed when she faces her mother, Queen Disiya, and Uncle Ling Yi.

Therefore, in the face of Xue Ye's praise, Xue Qianxun's stagnation only lasted for a moment before she returned to normal. She walked in front of Xue Ye, Ling Yi and others in a few steps. She first glanced at Uncle Ling Yi who was smiling. And Queen Mother Disiya, with tears in her eyes but indescribable happiness and joy on her face, bowed and saluted Emperor Xueye: "Father."

Seeing this scene, the smile on Emperor Xue Ye's face became even brighter. He quickly bent down to straighten Xue Qianxun's body, and said with a smile: "No need to be polite, come, Qianxun, let's take a look at your soul power now." how many……"

As he said that, Emperor Xueye waved behind him impatiently.

Seeing Emperor Xue Ye's gesture, Xiao Tie quickly walked out from among the palace guards, came closer, and presented a white crystal ball with both hands.

Xue Ye took the "Soul Testing Crystal" and handed it to Xue Qianxun personally, looking at her expectantly.

Xue Qianxun was not afraid of the stage. She stretched out her white and tender hands and pressed them on the crystal ball as she had done half a month ago.

The next second, milky white light bloomed from the crystal ball, and soon occupied nearly half of the space.

You know, this white "soul measuring crystal" has a maximum soul power capacity of level 30, half of which is level 15!

Looking at the shining milky white light in the "Soul Testing Crystal", even though Xue Ye had been mentally prepared in advance, she was still in a daze at the moment, "Level fourteen, it turned out to be level fourteen -!"

His eyes moved from the "soul-measuring crystal" to Xue Qianxun. Looking at that delicate little face that looked like a porcelain doll, Xue Ye forgot to say anything for a moment.

At this moment, Ling Yi, who had been watching, stepped forward, raised his hand and pointed at the side of the "Soul-Measuring Crystal". The light green light of soul power flickered, and Xue Qianxun's little hand bounced away from the "Soul-Measuring Crystal". The gentle big hand just took it.

Ling Yi held her little hand, and Xue Qianxun's pretty face suddenly filled with a joyful smile from the bottom of her heart.

Ling Yi held the little girl's little hand and used his own soul and spiritual power to sense the situation inside the little girl's body. After a while, he let go of his little hand while the little girl was reluctant to leave.

"How is it?" Disiya finally stepped forward, reached out and took Xue Qianxun into her arms, and asked Ling Yi with a concerned look on her face.

"It's better than I expected~" Ling Yi first lowered his head and blinked his left eye at the little girl, then chuckled at Disiya and said: "A whole eight-hundred-year-old "Light Blue Silver Grass" After being 'eaten' by the little girl, the powerful soul power directly raised her soul power to the fourteenth level. At this point, there is still a considerable part of the soul power hidden in the little girl's body that has not been absorbed. In the following period, Her cultivation speed will be greatly increased until that part of the soul power is completely digested by her..."

"Xue'er," Ling Yi turned to Xue Qianxun and said seriously: "In the following training, you can continue to focus part of your energy on tempering your body, practice the other boxing styles I taught you, and try your best to Mastering these fists to a level similar to that of Hong Fei Ming Ming will be very beneficial to your physical fitness."

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